Free Download Adam J. Kolber, "Punishment for the Greater Good " English | ISBN: 0197672779 | 2024 | 264 pages | PDF | 12 MB Over ten million people are incarcerated throughout the world, even though punishment theorists have struggled for centuries to morally justify the practice. Theorists usually address criminal justice under abstract, idealized conditions that assume away real-world uncertainty. We don't have time, however, to wait for a perfect moral theory, and the history of philosophy suggests we will never find it. Punishment for the Greater Good examines the justification of punishment in the here and now, recognizing that we lack certainty about matters of both fact and value. Free Download Michael Burawoy, "Public Sociology" English | ISBN: 1509519157 | 2021 | 232 pages | PDF | 3 MB Michael Burawoy has helped to reshape the theory and practice of sociology across the Western world. Public Sociology is his most thoroughgoing attempt to explore what a truly committed, engaged sociology should look like in the twenty-first century.
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Free Download Public Private Partnership for Urban Rail Transit: Forms, regulatory conditions, participants By Joachim Schneider (auth.) 2004 | 485 Pages | ISBN: 3824480506 | PDF | 13 MB As a result of longlasting budgetary problems, public investments are gradually diminishing. This lack of public investments on the local, national and supranational level endangers economic development, especially in the transport field. Public Private Partnerships (PPP) have been advocated as a means to overcome this dead end, but the results were not always satisfactory. Based on a broad definition of PPP, Joachim Schneider investigates the development of urban and regional rail transport infrastructure in the US and the UK and asks the following questions: Which forms of public private co-operation exist? Which are of particular interest from a German and European perspective? Which legal and organisational conditions as well as budgetary, subsidy- and procurement-rules have contributed to positive or negative results? The author shows that the most relevant examples in the USA involve private real estate developers handling urban development projects around urban and regional rail stops. The most promising examples in the UK are privately built and operated Light Rail systems. In order to successfully transfer and implement this experience, it is crucial to create an adequate institutional frame and to foster a culture of co-operation between the public and the private sector.
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Free Download Prüfungsbericht von Kredit- und Finanzdienstleistungsinstituten: Eine betriebswirtschaftliche Analyse deutscher und internationaler Prüfungskonventionen By Heidi Winkler (auth.) 2004 | 504 Pages | ISBN: 3824481154 | PDF | 21 MB In den letzten Jahren kam es durch die weltweiten Bilanzskandale und den Liberalisierungsprozess des grenzüberschreitenden Kapitalverkehrs zu einem fundamentalen Umbruch nationaler und internationaler Wirtschaftsprüfungskonventionen. In Deutschland wurde die Ära des problemorientierten Prüfungsberichts begründet, zahlreiche Gesetzesreformen wurden angestoßen und die international ins Leben gerufenen Koordinierungs- und Internationalisierungsmaßnahmen bestärkt. Heidi Winkler untersucht Sinnhaftigkeit und Ausgestaltung von Jahres- und Konzernabschlussprüfungsberichten von Kredit- und Finanzdienstleistungsinstituten. Im Zentrum stehen neben den Inhalten des Prüfungsberichts vor allem die Veränderungen der Berichterstattung, die sich aufgrund der jüngsten und derzeit absehbaren Normen- sowie Prüfungskonventionsreformen ergeben. Darüber hinaus entwickelt die Autorin Prüfungsrichtlinien für wesentliche institutspezifische Besonderheiten für den Einzel- und Konzernabschlussprüfungsbericht. |