Free Download Industrieentwicklung und Marketing-Mixe: Erfassung und empirische Untersuchung für die Musik- und Filmindustrie By Professor Dr. Thomas Hutzschenreuter, Philipp Espel, Arne Schneemann (auth.) 2004 | 194 Pages | ISBN: 3824482649 | PDF | 8 MB Die Medienindustrie sieht sich mit gravierenden Umwälzungen in ihren technologischen, politisch-rechtlichen und sozio-kulturellen Umfeldern konfrontiert. Anbieter müssen auf diese veränderten Bedingungen reagieren, um sich langfristig erfolgreich entwickeln zu können. Die Neukonfiguration der Marketing-Mixe bietet vielversprechende Möglichkeiten zur Anpassung an die neuen Gegebenheiten. Im Rahmen einer großzahligen empirischen Studie untersuchen Thomas Hutzschenreuter, Philipp Espel und Arne Schneemann die Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und die tatsächliche Gestaltung der Marketing-Mixe in der Musik- und Filmindustrie. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass viele Unternehmen notwendige Veränderungen nicht umfassend genug durchsetzen und Erfolgspotentiale ungenutzt lassen. Free Download Industrial Applications By Klaus Gori, Mette Dines Cantor, Mogens Jakobsen, Lene Jespersen (auth.), Martin Hofrichter (eds.) 2011 | 485 Pages | ISBN: 3642114571 | PDF | 8 MB This volume gives a survey of the state of the art in the traditional fields of industrial mycology as well as of selected novel applications of fungi. The first section deals with the use of fungi in the production and processing of bread, cheese, beer and wine, traditional Asian fermentation products and edible mushrooms. The second section is devoted to the production of fungal metabolites and enzymes representing value-added products. In addition to antibiotics, alkaloids organic acids, vitamins and industrial enzymes, which have successfully been in use for decades, it is also dedicated to fungal metabolites, such as insecticidal and nematicidal compounds, immunosurppressants and flavors with promising biotechnological potential. In the next section, the recent developments in fungal biotransformation of small molecules, the bioconversion of lignocelluloses as well as the use of fungi in metal recovery are presented. The final part introduces some innovative new trends in the field of applied mycology: the preparation of fungal bioherbicides, recent genomic approaches for the identification of biopolymer degrading enzymes, current developments in using oxidative enzymes from fungi as well as new attempts to transfer fungal remediation technologies into practice. Free Download Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells By Sibel Yildirim (auth.) 2012 | 73 Pages | ISBN: 1461422051 | PDF | 3 MB Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) cells are mature cells that have been genetically reprogrammed so that they return to their embryonic state. It is not yet known if iPS stem cells and embryonic stem cells differ significantly. Today many fundamental belief systems in biology are shifting towards accepting that mature body cells can be reverted to an embryonic state without the help of eggs or embryos. With their changed identities, iPS cells are then ready to serve as new tools for research in the fields of disease pathogenesis, drug discovery, oncology, and cell transplantation. One example of this would be using iPS from a patient's mature cells to repair damaged tissue; it is thought that there would be very low incidence of rejection of the 'new' tissue in these cases. For the last four years, this therapeutic promise has been studied by hundreds of researchers worldwide in an effort to understand the ability of these cells to reverse their biological clocks. Free Download Tara Steimer-Herbet, "Indonesian Megaliths: A Forgotten Cultural Heritage " English | ISBN: 1784918431 | 2018 | 118 pages | PDF | 23 MB Indonesian Megaliths: A forgotten cultural heritage' highlights aspects of Indonesian culture which are currently misunderstood and sometimes threatened by destruction. Although they are relatively recent in origin, the Indonesian megaliths offer similarities to their counterparts in the Middle East and Arabia: they reflect the rise to prominence of local chiefs in a context of acculturation which prompted the need to build megalithic monuments to bury the dead, and to honour, commemorate and communicate with ancestors. In societies of oral tradition, these stones punctuate the landscape to transmit the memory of men and social structure from one generation to the next. Based on scientific documents (articles, archaeological reports) and field visits, this new exploration clarifies various elements of the Indonesian megaliths, including their function in the daily life of the tribes and the use of certain stones for musical purposes (lithophony). In Nias, Sumba and Toraya, the megalith tradition is still alive and ethno-anthropological studies of these three regions provide a unique chance to complement the archaeological perspectives on megalithic monuments abandoned for several centuries in the rest of the Archipelago. The book includes numerous photographs documenting the monuments which were taken during the author's stay in Indonesia (2010-2013). Free Download Indian Pandanaceae - an overview By Altafhusain Nadaf, Rahul Zanan (auth.) 2012 | 163 Pages | ISBN: 8132207521 | PDF | 14 MB Indian screw pine family Pandanaceae represents three genera, in which genus Pandanus and Benstonea are distributed in two hotspots in India - the Western Ghats and the Northeast Himalayan region. For the first time, Indian Pandanaceae has been assessed for its taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationship. The extensive survey by the authors led to the discovery of three new Pandanus species (two from the Western Ghats and one from the Northeast Himalaya). The present taxonomic revision confirmed total number of Pandanus species to 14 that are distributed in the Southern India (9 species) and Northeast Himalayan region (5 species). Genus Benstonea is represented by two species, one from Southern India and another species common to both regions. A detailed species identification key is given along with conservation status of each species following IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (2001). The study revealed that, out of 16 Pandanus and Benstonea species, six species are under threatened categories.In recent years, a chloroplast DNA-based molecular phylogenetic approach has been followed to understand the evolutionary relationship among the plant species. The interrelationship among the 14 Pandanus species at infrageneric level has been worked out using this approach, which has led to the rearrangement of some species to the subgenera proposed by Stone (1974). Moreover, the close relationship between Pandanus and Benstonea has been confirmed and the interrelationship of Indian Pandanus genus in global context is given. This book also describes the economic importance of each Pandanus species.
Free Download India's Bilateral Investment Treaties 2.0: Perceptions, Emerging Trends, and Possible Architecture by James J. Nedumpara English | 2024 | ISBN: 9819734002 | 284 Pages | True ePUB | 1.3 MB Free Download Vinay Lal, "India and the Unthinkable: Backwaters Collective on Metaphysics and Politics" English | ISBN: 0199466866 | 2016 | 276 pages | PDF | 13 MB A remarkable but little commented on feature of the various discourses on India circulating today is the near total absence of its metaphysical heritage as a source of illumination into our contemporary condition. On the few occasions that this heritage is explicitly invoked, it is either as a subsidiary aspect of some purportedly larger concept such as religion, civilization, history, tradition etc., or as a set of quaint speculations fit for study as a tertiary branch of history of philosophy or religion but with little claim to political relevance.
Free Download Murphy Halliburton, "India and the Patent Wars: Pharmaceuticals in the New Intellectual Property Regime " English | ISBN: 1501713469 | 2017 | 202 pages | PDF | 2 MB India and the Patent Wars contributes to an international debate over the costs of medicine and restrictions on access under stringent patent laws showing how activists and drug companies in low-income countries seize agency and exert influence over these processes. Murphy Halliburton contributes to analyses of globalization within the fields of anthropology, sociology, law, and public health by drawing on interviews and ethnographic work with pharmaceutical producers in India and the United States. Free Download Indexveränderungen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Kapitalmärkte und Unternehmen By Patrick R. Bettscheider (auth.) 2003 | 409 Pages | ISBN: 3824407159 | PDF | 19 MB Indexveränderungen sind für Anleger und Unternehmen gleichermaßen interessant, denn die Aufnahme einer Aktie in einen führenden Index bzw. ihr Ausscheiden aus demselben ist mit besonderen Umsatz- und Kursbewegungen verbunden. Diskussionen um die Bedeutung der Indexzugehörigkeit werden in der breiten Öffentlichkeit geführt, doch wurden in der Forschung bislang meist nur die kurzfristigen Auswirkungen mit dem Schwerpunkt auf der Rendite untersucht. Mittels einer umfangreichen und empirisch unterlegten Ereignisstudie analysiert Patrick R. Bettscheider die langfristigen Auswirkungen von Indexveränderungen im Bereich des FTSE-100 und erläutert die Determinanten der Indexeffekte. Untersuchungsgegenstand sind 500 Aktien bei einer Zeitdauer von 18 Jahren und einem Betrachtungszeitraum von ca. 500 Tagen. Es zeigt sich, dass die teilweise überzogenen Erwartungen von Unternehmen und Anlegern korrigiert werden müssen.
Free Download In-Supplier versus Out-Supplier: Determinanten des Wechselverhaltens industrieller Nachfrager By Sandra Luthardt (auth.) 2003 | 255 Pages | ISBN: 3824479559 | PDF | 11 MB Die Frage nach den Entstehungsursachen für Kaufentscheidungen ist für die Marketing-Theorie und -Praxis von zentralem Stellenwert. Eine besondere Brisanz erhält diese Fragestellung, wenn es um Kaufentscheidungen von Nachfragern in Geschäftsbeziehungen geht, da hier die Kaufentscheidung zugleich die Entscheidung über einen möglichen Wechsel des Geschäftsbeziehungspartners darstellt. Sandra Luthardt untersucht am Beispiel industrieller Märkte, welche Faktoren den Verbleib beim bisherigen Anbieter (In-Supplier) bzw. den Wechsel zu einem neuen Anbieter (Out-Supplier) beeinflussen. Der Fokus wird dabei auf den Prozess der Anbietersuche gerichtet, welcher für die Entscheidung über einen Anbieterwechsel vorentscheidend ist. Hierzu entwickelt die Autorin ein theoretisch fundiertes sowie empirisch gestütztes Modell der Determinanten des Wechselverhaltens in der Suchphase des industriellen Kaufprozesses. |