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![]() Free Download Venture-Capital-Geber und ihre Portfoliounternehmen: Erfolgsfaktoren der Kooperation By Isabell Welpe (auth.) 2004 | 267 Pages | ISBN: 3824480794 | PDF | 15 MB Junge Wachstumsunternehmen geben wichtige Impulse für die technologische und volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung eines Landes. Da sie einen großen Bedarf an Eigenkapital haben, den sie selber nicht decken können, werden sie typischerweise von Venture-Capital-Gesellschaften finanziert. Dass nicht nur das investierte Venture Capital (VC), sondern auch die Güte der Kooperation zwischen Geldgebern und Geldnehmern eine bedeutende Rolle für Erfolg und Wachstum der Unternehmen spielt, wurde in der deutschen Literatur bisher kaum berücksichtigt. Isabell Welpe untersucht, welche Faktoren sich positiv auf die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Venture-Capital-Gebern und Wachstumsunternehmen auswirken und wie sich die Kooperation im Unternehmenserfolg niederschlägt. Auf der Basis einer groß angelegten empirischen Studie entwickelt sie ein konzeptionelles Modell von Kooperation und Erfolg und liefert einen Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis des Zusammenhangs zwischen Wertsteigerung und Entwicklung eines Unternehmens und den nicht-finanziellen Unterstützungsleistungen durch die Venture-Capital-Geber. Die Autorin zeigt, wie sich Zeit und Ressourcen optimal für die Kooperationsstrategie einsetzen lassen, und präsentiert konkrete Vorschläge zur Gestaltung von Postinvestment-Kooperationen. ![]() Free Download Venture Finance: Zur Finanzierung innovativer Unternehmungen By Prof. Dr. Matija Denise Mayer (auth.) 2004 | 310 Pages | ISBN: 3824491249 | PDF | 5 MB Die Beschaffung, Verwendung und Umschichtung finanzieller Mittel zur Finanzierung innovativer Unternehmen stellt für das Management eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Dem hohen Einsatz an Sach-, Finanz- und Humankapital stehen nur Annahmen über den Unternehmenserfolg und damit den Rückflüssen gegenüber. Matija Denise Mayer bietet einen umfassenden, ganzheitlichen Problemlösungsansatz für die Finanzierung innovativer Unternehmungen. Sie leitet Finanzierungsempfehlungen ab und bekräftigt in einer verhaltenspsychologischen Untersuchung die Annahme des rationalen Verhaltens der Entscheidungsträger in innovativen Unternehmungen. Die Autorin untersucht die Verfügbarkeit von Finanzinstrumenten sowie deren Eignung zur Finanzierung innovativer Unternehmungen. Dabei finden nicht nur Venture Capital, sondern auch innovative Finanzinstrumente wie die Verbriefung von Krediten und die Möglichkeit des Venture Leasing Berücksichtigung. ![]() Free Download Martin Biddle, "Venta Belgarum: Prehistoric, Roman, and Post-roman Winchester " English | ISBN: 1803276800 | 2023 | 1410 pages | PDF | 68 MB This is a detailed study of the archaeology of Roman Winchester-Venta Belgarum, a major town in the south of the province of Britannia- and its development from the regional (civitas) capital of the Iron Age people, the Belgae, who inhabited much of what is now central and southern Hampshire. The archaeology of the Winchester area in prehistory is considered, and so too is the later evidence from the town, between the end of organized Roman life shortly after 400 and the foundation, c.650, of the church later known as Old Minster. At the heart of this account is the publication of the relevant phases of the sites excavated in 1961-71 by the Winchester Excavations Committee, and of the finds recovered from these excavations. Volume 1 (Excavations) outlines previous work of relevance, and describes the WEC excavations and the post-excavation analysis of the discoveries, including full reports on the prehistoric, Roman, and post-Roman (to c.650) phases of the 14 sites excavated in 1961-71, with gazetteers for Roman Winchester, listing and describing all significant observations of the defences, and the streets and buildings within the walls. Volume 2 (Finds) presents about 4000 of the finds from the excavations of 1961-71, with additional significant objects from earlier excavations in Winchester or other Winchester collections. Finds are described and discussed by era and type, with coins and selected pottery followed by objects grouped by industry or purpose. Concordances list these finds by site and phase or by material.
![]() Free Download Richard MacKenny, "Venice as the Polity of Mercy: Guilds, Confraternities, and the Social Order, c. 1250-c. 1650 " English | ISBN: 1442649682 | 2019 | 496 pages | EPUB | 10 MB This study re-examines Venice's political economy from the viewpoint of its ordinary people or popolani who, despite the commonly held view that they were excluded from political life by the nobility or nobili, actually organized and ran for themselves hundreds of corporations within the city-state. Mercy was central to this popolani's Christian values and those who offered mercy to their fellow men and women in temporary hardship were investing in the expectation of reciprocity in their own time of need. Beginning by tracing a formative linking of religion, economy, and polity from the thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries, Venice as the Polity of Mercy then chronicles the collapse of this triad during the struggles between church and state in the mid-sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, followed by a revitalizing reconnection of economy and polity within a different religious climate after the plague of 1630. As such, Richard Mackenney's book offers up a revitalized image of Renaissance Venetian society as dynamic rather than static, as well as a new understanding of the city's significance through a reconfiguration of its history and artwork. ![]() Free Download Vegetation Ecology of Socotra By Gary Brown, Bruno A. Mies (auth.) 2012 | 382 Pages | ISBN: 9400741405 | PDF | 19 MB Although the unique flora of the Socotra Archipelago with its high degree of endemism has received much attention recently, little information is available on the vegetation and related ecological aspects. Based on their extensive field experience of the region, the authors have assimilated a vast amount of knowledge to produce this book, which gives a detailed insight into the plant ecology of Socotra, designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2008. The book is divided into seven chapters. After a brief introduction and overviews of important abiotic features, various aspects of the vascular flora are presented in Chapter 4, together with accounts of the bryophyte and lichen flora. Ecology and adaptive strategies of the plants are dealt with in Chapter 5, and Chapter 6 gives a concise description of the main vegetation units. Finally, important management issues of the vegetation are discussed, an essential topic to ensure preservation of the natural heritage of the archipelago. ![]() Free Download Vegetation Dynamics on the Mountains and Plateaus of the American Southwest By John L. Vankat (auth.) 2013 | 461 Pages | ISBN: 9400761481 | PDF | 25 MB The book provides information essential for anyone interested in the ecology of the American Southwest, including land managers, environmental planners, conservationists, ecologists and students. It is unique in its coverage of the hows and whys of dynamics (changes) in the major types of vegetation occurring on southwestern mountains and plateaus. It explains the drivers and processes of change, describes historical changes and provides conceptual models that diagrammatically illustrate past, present, and potential future changes. All major types of vegetation are covered: spruce-fir, mixed conifer, and ponderosa pine forests, pinyon-juniper vegetation, subalpine-montane grassland, and Gambel oak and interior chaparral shrublands. The focus is on vegetation that is relatively undisturbed, i.e., in natural and near-natural condition, and how it responds to natural disturbances such as fire and drought, as well as to anthropogenic disturbances such as fire exclusion and invasive species
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![]() Free Download Values First: How Knowing Your Core Beliefs Can Get You the Life and Career You Want by Laura Eigel English | April 12, 2022 | ISBN: 1544528825, 1544528833 | True EPUB | 190 pages | 2.9 MB Between the constant pressures of job performance and demands on your time, it's easy to lose sight of your values, letting them shift out of alignment. Those simple misalignments are keeping you from feeling joyful and fulfilled. ![]() Free Download Value Creation in European Equity Carve-Outs By Nikolas Pojezny (auth.) 2006 | 313 Pages | ISBN: 383500526X | PDF | 6 MB The total volume of equity carve-outs (i.e. IPOs of subsidiary firms) in Europe over the last 20 years amounts to approx. € 90 billion. Carve-outs thus account for almost 20% of the total IPO volume. Companies use them for a variety of reasons aimed at increasing shareholder value. Nevertheless, not all carve-outs actually do create value. Employing the most comprehensive sample of European carve-outs to date, Nikolas Pojezny analyzes the performance of carve-outs along various dimensions: Both the reaction of parent firms to the announcement of a carve-out as well as share price and operating performance in a multi-year window around the event are examined in detail. While the announcement of carve-outs on average causes positive share price reactions for parent firms, long-term performance is mixed: Evidence for both earnings management and market timing is found, with negative implications for long-term performance. The potential for value creation increases in the relative discrepancy level between internal and external capital markets. The second event decision seems mainly driven by the valuation level of the subsidiary, industry association, initial stake sold, and development state of external capital markets. |