Free Download Facts and Explanations in International Studies... and Beyond by Patrick Thaddeus Jackson English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032597046 | 171 Pages | True PDF | 9 MB
Free Download Fachdidaktische Variationen in einer selbstorganisationsoffenen Lernumgebung: Eine empirische Untersuchung im Rechnungswesenunterricht By Dr. Jürgen Seifried (auth.) 2004 | 340 Pages | ISBN: 3824407531 | PDF | 23 MB Der herkömmliche, an der Bilanzmethode orientierte Rechnungswesenunterricht ist vielfältiger Kritik - vor allem curricularer und methodischer Natur - ausgesetzt. Durch die Gestaltung einer selbstorganisationsoffenen Lernumgebung kann sowohl der lehrerzentrierten Ausrichtung als auch dem Methodenmonismus entgegengewirkt werden. Zudem ist die fachdidaktische Modellierung wichtig, denn ohne die Kompatibilität der allgemeinen und der fachdidaktischen Modellierung erzielt man mit komplexen Lehr-Lern-Arrangements lediglich suboptimale Resultate. Jürgen Seifried untersucht im Rahmen einer quasi-experimentellen Feldstudie, wie sich fachdidaktisch-curriculare Variationen auf den Unterricht in einer selbstorganisationsoffenen Lernumgebung auswirken. Mit Hilfe aufwändiger Prozessanalysen zeigt er, dass insbesondere die Kombination des selbstorganisierten Lernens mit der Didaktik des wirtschaftsinstrumentellen Rechnungswesens den Lernerfolg verbessert. Auf der Basis seiner Ergebnisse leitet der Autor konkrete Empfehlungen zur Gestaltung des Rechnungswesenunterrichts ab. Free Download Joshua Alexander Kidd, "Face and Enactment of Identities in the L2 Classroom " English | ISBN: 1783094990 | 2016 | 352 pages | PDF | 2 MB This book examines student identities as revealed through the pragmatics of face as observed in the context of English L2 classroom interaction between Japanese students and a native speaker teacher. Classroom recordings together with retrospective interviews reveal specific points during learning activities when the students' and their teacher's interpretations of classroom communication deviate from what was intended. This research study is a potent reminder that what students and teachers may consider as standard and conventionally acceptable language use and behaviour within the classroom context can differ dramatically according to social, cultural and individual frames of reference. The book outlines an innovative teacher professional development programme which encourages teachers to reflect on and, where desired, modify or discontinue existing pedagogic practices. Free Download Exzellenz in Markenmanagement und Vertrieb: Grundlagen und Erfahrungen By Alexander Gedat, André Salfeld (auth.), Prof. Dr. Dieter Ahlert, Dr. Heiner Evanschitzky, Josef Hesse, Dr. André Salfeld (eds.) 2004 | 235 Pages | ISBN: 3409125418 | PDF | 5 MB Mehr denn je muss jedes Unternehmen versuchen, sich von den Wettbewerbern zu differenzieren. In "Exzellenz in Markenmanagement und Vertrieb" präsentieren renommierte Autoren zwei Ansätze, mittels derer Unternehmen einzigartig werden können: durch die physische Präsenz der Produkte des Unternehmens im Absatzkanal sowie durch die mentale Präsenz der Unternehmens- bzw. Produktmarke in den Köpfen der Konsumenten. Die Schaffung physischer Präsenz im Absatzkanal ist die wesentliche Aufgabe des Vertriebsmanagement, während das Markenmanagement die "Präsenz" in den Köpfen der Konsumenten sicherstellen kann. Anhand zahlreicher praktischer Beispiele und Best Practices werden die wesentlichen Problemfelder der Herausforderungen an das Marken- sowie das Vertriebsmanagement aufgezeigt und Lösungen für diese geboten. "Exzellenz in Markenmanagement und Vertrieb" wendet sich an Dozenten und Studierende der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit den Schwerpunkten Marketing und Handel. Führungskräfte im Vertrieb und in der Beratung erhalten interessante Hinweise. Prof. Dr. Dieter Ahlert ist Direktor des Lehrstuhls für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Distribution und Handel, der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Dr. Heiner Evanschitzky ist Habilitand am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Distribution und Handel, der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Josef Hesse ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Distribution und Handel, der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Dr. André Salfeld ist Geschäftsführer des Marketinginstituts für Textilwirtschaft (FATM). 6.11.03 JH JoHe 14.11. Free Download Extracellular Matrix in Development By Adam B. Cadwallader, H. Joseph Yost (auth.), Douglas W. DeSimone, Robert P. Mecham (eds.) 2013 | 253 Pages | ISBN: 3642359345 | PDF | 5 MB Cells in the developing embryo depend on signals from the extracellular environment to help guide their differentiation. An important mediator in this process is the extracellular matrix - secreted macromolecules that interact to form large protein networks outside the cell. During development, the extracellular matrix serves to separate adjacent cell groups, participates in establishing morphogenic gradients, and, through its ability to interact directly will cell-surface receptors, provides developmental clocks and positional information. This volume discusses how the extracellular matrix influences fundamental developmental processes and how model systems can be used to elucidate ECM function. The topics addressed range from how ECM influences early development as well as repair processes in the adult that recapitulate developmental pathways. Free Download Extinction Equilibrium: Economics for Generational Survival by Jefferson Frank English | 2024 | ISBN: 1529226368 | 236 Pages | True ePUB | 1.83 MB
Free Download Dianna Murphy, "Exploring the US Language Flagship Program: Professional Competence in a Second Language by Graduation (New Perspectives" English | ISBN: 1783096098 | 2016 | 280 pages | PDF | 3 MB A number of reports in the US have highlighted the country's need for improved second language skills for both national security and economic competitiveness. The Language Flagship program, launched in 2002, aims to raise expectations regarding language proficiency levels at the post-secondary level and to address structural gaps in the curricula of many L2 programs. This federally funded program provides opportunities for US undergraduate students in any specialization to reach a professional level of competence in a targeted second language by graduation. This volume highlights innovative practices that enable students to achieve this goal - even those with no exposure to the second language prior to university. This book explores the rationale and history of the federal program and showcases models and strategies of existing Flagship programs.
Free Download Eleni Marantou, "Exploring the Sacred Landscape of the Ancient Peloponnese: Cults and Sacred Places" English | ISBN: 1803277718 | 2024 | 288 pages | PDF | 6 MB Exploring the Sacred Landscape of the Ancient Peloponnese traces the origins of the religious system of the Peloponnese to identify the factors behind its subsequent development from the Geometric to the Classical period. Which deities found favour in the Peloponnese? What factors lay behind local religious manifestations? What were their special attributes? How were the Olympian gods adapted within the context of previous religious systems and deities? Through a presentation of cult places, the deities worshipped, and the epithets used, the book explores preferences for particular deities and the reasons for this. The chthonian attributes of the deities are an important factor, and such attributes are further elucidated by the myths that accompany them. Reconstructing the ancient religious landscape and the political, economic and social context sheds light on how the cult places played their role and demonstrates how the primitive chthonian character of some deities survived over the years. Religious and political needs were combined, and a network of sacred places with significant prestige, authority and power was the result. Free Download Exploring Religious Dimensions in AI and Humanity by Aristarchos-Vasileios Gkrekas and Nicholas Kokkinos English | 2024 | ISBN: 1666964131 | 201 Pages | PDF | 1.8 MB
Free Download Robert Aleksander Maryks, "Exploring Jesuit Distinctiveness: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ways of Proceeding Within the Society of Jesus " English | ISBN: 9004313346 | 2016 | 340 pages | PDF | 8 MB The volume theme is the distinctiveness of Jesuits and their ministries that was discussed at the first International Symposium on Jesuit Studies held at Boston College's Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies in June 2015. It explores the quidditas Jesuitica, or the specifically Jesuit way(s) of proceeding in which Jesuits and their colleagues operated from historical, geographical, social, and cultural perspectives. The collection poses a question whether there was an essential core of distinctive elements that characterized the way in which Jesuits lived their religious vocation and conducted their various works and how these ways of proceeding were lived out in the various epochs and cultures in which Jesuits worked over four and a half centuries; what changed and adapted itself to different times and situations, and what remained constant, transcending time and place, infusing the apostolic works and lives of Jesuits with the charism at the source of the Society of Jesus's foundation and development. |