Free Download Ecological Systems: Selected Entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology By Rik Leemans (auth.), Rik Leemans (eds.) 2013 | 310 Pages | ISBN: 1461457548 | PDF | 4 MB Earth is home to an estimated 8 million animal species, 600,000 fungi, 300,000 plants, and an undetermined number of microbial species. Of these animal, fungal, and plant species, an estimated 75% have yet to be identified. Moreover, the interactions between these species and their physical environment are known to an even lesser degree. At the same time, the earth's biota faces the prospect of climate change, which may manifest slowly or extremely rapidly, as well as a human population set to grow by two billion by 2045 from the current seven billion. Given these major ecological changes, we cannot wait for a complete biota data set before assessing, planning, and acting to preserve the ecological balance of the earth. This book provides comprehensive coverage of the scientific and engineering basis of the systems ecology of the earth in 15 detailed, peer-reviewed entries written for a broad audience of undergraduate and graduate students as well as practicing professionals in government, academia, and industry. The methodology presented aims at identifying key interactions and environmental effects, and enabling a systems-level understanding even with our present state of factual knowledge.
Free Download Ecological Succession on Fallowed Shifting Cultivation Fields: A Review of the Literature By Claudio O. Delang, Wing Man Li (auth.) 2013 | 127 Pages | ISBN: 9400758200 | PDF | 2 MB The book reviews the literature on the ecological succession of plants on fallowed swiddens in tropical forests. Patterns of ecological succession in tropical forests are insufficiently understood, partly because results are scattered through a large number of case studies reported in academic articles. So far, no publication has attempted to bring these different case studies together to identify common patters and trends. The goal of the book is to review the different case studies, and identify common patterns of ecological succession in fallowed swiddens, as well as to pinpoint the factors that cause ecological succession in some areas to differ from those in other areas. The book is organised in four different sections: forest structure, forest diversity, species composition, and the factors that contribute to differences in forest recovery rates (the number of times the field was burned, the length of fallow period, the type of soil, and the type of forest). This book is an important contribution to tropical forestry and shifting cultivation. Deforestation and forest degradation are the largest sources of CO2, and shifting cultivation is one of the main culprits. For this (and other economic and political) reason governments attempt to curtail shifting cultivation by shortening the years the fields can be left fallow, or outright outlawing the farming practice. Yet, there is insufficient understanding of the processes of ecological succession in fallows, which raises the questions as to whether the policy fulfils its objectives. Free Download Echtzeitsysteme: Grundlagen, Funktionsweisen, Anwendungen By Heinz Wörn, Uwe Brinkschulte (auth.) 2005 | 556 Pages | ISBN: 3540205888 | PDF | 7 MB Das vorliegende Buch vermittelt einen Einblick in die Welt der Echtzeit- und Automatisierungssysteme. Es werden elementare Grundlagen und der aktuelle Stand der Technik bis hin zu Zukunftstechnologien und Entwicklungstrends dargestellt. Methoden, Konzepte, Funktionsprinzipien und Architekturen von Echtzeitsystemen werden allgemein erläutert und anhand von Beispielen aus der Automatisierung näher ausgeführt. Themenbereiche wie Steuerung und Regelung, Rechnerarchitekturen für Echtzeitsysteme, Echtzeitkommunikation, Echtzeitprogrammierung und -betriebssysteme, verteilte Echtzeitsysteme sowie Echtzeitsysteme zur Steuerung und Regelung von Anlagen, Werkzeugmaschinen und Robotern werden ausführlich beschrieben. Dieses Buch ist besonders geeignet für Studierende der Informatik, der Elektrotechnik, des Maschinenbaus, der Physik und des Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens im fortgeschrittenen Grundstudium oder zu Beginn des Hauptstudiums sowie für in der Praxis stehende Fachleute, die sich mit der Entwicklung, der Planung und dem Einsatz von Echtzeit- bzw. Automatisierungssystemen befassen.
Free Download Echtzeitfähige Steuerung von Speditionsnetzwerken: Nutzung moderner Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien zur effizienten Durchführung von Transporten By Stefan Bock (auth.) 2004 | 314 Pages | ISBN: 3824482142 | PDF | 21 MB Der zunehmende Wettbewerb durch die EU-Liberalisierung und die hohe Auslastung der Transportnetzwerke machen es für deutsche Speditionsunternehmen immer schwieriger, den vom Markt an sie gestellten Anforderungen zu entsprechen. So müssen sie zukünftig ihre Transportnetzwerke deutlich effizienter nutzen, um ihre Kostenposition - vor allem gegenüber osteuropäischen Konkurrenten - zu verbessern. Da innerhalb dieser Netzwerke jederzeit unerwartete Störungsereignisse wie Fahrzeugausfälle oder Staus auftreten können, wird hierzu eine leistungsfähige Steuerung benötigt. Stefan Bock präsentiert ein Konzept, das durch den Einsatz moderner Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Lage ist, in Echtzeit auf Veränderungen im Netzwerk zu reagieren und den in der Ausführung befindlichen Plan zieladäquat anzupassen. Grundlage hierfür ist ein neuer Ansatz, der eine kontinuierliche Optimierung der vorliegenden Transportpläne parallel zu deren Ausführung vorsieht, um bei Einhaltung der vorgegebenen engen Zeitrestriktionen einer Echtzeitsteuerung die auszuführenden Pläne möglichst umfassend korrigieren zu können. Free Download Echinoderm Research and Diversity in Latin America By Juan José Alvarado (auth.), Juan José Alvarado, Francisco Alonso Solis-Marin (eds.) 2013 | 658 Pages | ISBN: 3642200508 | PDF | 16 MB This book compiles for the first time the development of echinoderm research in Latin America. The book contains 17 chapters, one introductory, 15 country chapters, and a final biogeographic analysis. It compiles all the investigations published in international and local journals, reports, theses and other gray literature. Each chapter is composed of 7 sections: introduction describes the marine environments, and main oceanographic characteristics, followed by a history of research account divided by specific subjects. The next section addresses patterns of distribution and diversity. A specific section would explain fishery or aquaculture activities. The next sections deal with environmental and anthropogenic threats that are affecting echinoderm, and any conservation or management action. Finally, a section with conclusions, needs and new lines of research. The book will include two appendixes with species lists of all echinoderms with bathimetric data, habitat and distribution. Free Download Weber, "Eberhard Weber: A German Jazz Story " English | ISBN: 1800500823 | 2021 | 200 pages | EPUB | 5 MB Eberhard Weber is a virtuoso who revolutionized jazz bass playing. He brought his instrument from the far corner of the stage into the spotlight - and turned it into a solo force. He began his career as a jazz bassist in the 1960s, and his band Colours with the saxophonist Charlie Mariano became one of the most successful jazz groups in Europe. His record Colours of Chloë (made for ECM) was a cult album in its time. Weber went on to perform with many the big stars of the international jazz scene, including Wolfgang Dauner, Gary Burton, Pat Metheney and Jan Garbarek. He was also a key member of the United Jazz and Rock Ensemble. Playing the five-string instrument, both in acoustic and electric form, he also became a master of the solo recital, using electronics to accompany his own dexterous improvisations. Free Download Ebb and Flow: A Guide to Seasonal Living by Tiffany Francis-Baker English | September 12, 2024 | ISBN: 1399405748 | True PDF | 256 pages | 298 MB An inspirational illustrated guide to embracing each season and finding peace, mindfulness and joy throughout the year. Free Download David Arredondo Garrido, "Eating, Building, Dwelling: About Food, Architecture and Cities " English | ISBN: 1032798289 | 2024 | 210 pages | EPUB, PDF | 17 MB + 30 MB The intricate relationship between food, city and architecture, spanning from ancient civilizations to the present, serves as a focal point for interdisciplinary discourse. This book delves into a diverse set of cases throughout history in which processes related to food significantly influenced architectural or urban designs. Free Download Eating Is an English Word by Annemarie Mol English | 2024 | ISBN: 1478026626 | 198 Pages | True PDF | 3 MB
Free Download Annick Daneels, "Earthen Construction Technology: Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 11 " English | ISBN: 1789697239 | 2021 | 168 pages | PDF | 13 MB Earthen Construction Technology presents the papers from Session IV-5 of the 18th UISPP World Congress (Paris, June 2018). The archaeological study of earthen construction has until now focused on typology and conservation, rather than on its anthropological importance. Earth is the permanent building material of humankind, and was used by the world's earliest civilizations for their first urban programmes. The architectural and engineering know-how required to carry out these monumental achievements can only be obtained through archaeological research: extensive excavations with attention to architectural and structural features, and their collapse, coupled with typological, mineralogical, micromorphological, botanical, chemical, and mechanical studies of building materials. This line of research is recent, starting in the 1980s in Europe, but is rapidly growing and illustrated in this volume. |