Free Download María del Carmen Caña Jiménez, "Crisis TV: Hispanic Television Narratives After 2008 " English | ISBN: 143849985X | 2024 | 244 pages | PDF | 5 MB Crisis TV addresses the motif of crisis that has come to dominate contemporary Hispanic televisual production since 2008 and the onset of the global financial crisis. In almost unprecedented fashion, the global economy came to a standstill, reshaping both geopolitical organizations and, more importantly, the lives of billions across the globe. The Great Recession, sociopolitical instabilities, the rise of extremist political parties and governments, and a worldwide pandemic have resulted in a mode of crisis that pervades contemporary television fiction. 2008 also marks a revolution in television, as local and global streaming services began to gain market share and even overtake traditional over-the-air transmission. The essays in Crisis TV identify and analyze the narrative tropes and aesthetic qualities of Hispanic television post-2008 to understand how different regions and genres have negotiated these intersecting crises and changing dynamics in production, dissemination, and consumption. Free Download Alan A. Cavaiola, "Crisis Intervention: A Practical Guide" English | ISBN: 1506322387 | 2017 | 456 pages | PDF | 5 MB Crisis Intervention takes into account various environments and populations across the lifespan to provide students with practical guidelines for managing crises. Drawing on over 25 years of relevant experience, authors Alan A. Cavaiola and Joseph E. Colford cover several different types of crises frequently encountered by professionals in medical, school, work, and community settings. Models for effectively managing these crises are presented along with the authors' own step-by-step approach, the Listen-Assess-Plan-Commit (LAPC) model, giving students the freedom to select a model that best fits their personal style or a given crisis. Future mental health professionals will gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to help their clients manage the crises they will encounter in their day-to-day lives. Free Download Crip Negativity (Forerunners: Ideas First) by J. Logan Smilges English | 2023 | ISBN: 1517915589 | 104 Pages | True ePUB | 0.2 MB Free Download Tatiana Shvedchikova, "Crimes in the Past: Archaeological and Anthropological Evidence" English | ISBN: 1789697786 | 2021 | 243 pages | PDF | 11 MB Crimes in the Past: Archaeological and Anthropological Evidence aims to discuss the possible examples of crimes in the archaeological past, their detection and interpretation with the help of modern scientific methods, and how interdisciplinary approaches can be conducted in further research concerning 'crimes of the past.' The idea to create this publication was born after organizing Session #169 Past Crimes during the 25th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA 2019) in Bern. In this book, readers will find cases of historic and prehistoric 'crimes scenes' known from various contexts, including the findings of (pre)historic (mass) graves and lethal violent acts related to warfare, ritual killings, or possible murder cases. In order to get to the bottom of the possible archaeological crime scenes, contemporary interdisciplinary approaches will be used, which allow us to extend the frames of classical archaeological study. Free Download Matilde Civitillo, "Cretan Hieroglyphic " English | ISBN: 1009490109 | 2024 | 376 pages | PDF | 11 MB Nearly 4000 years ago a hieroglyphic script was used on Crete which predates Linear A and Linear B, indeed any other writing in Europe, but remains undeciphered since its discovery at the beginning of the twentieth century. This is the first comprehensive account of this script, which is analysed by the leading experts through an array of lenses, including archaeology, philology, palaeography, cognitive studies and decipherment theory, in order to showcase its importance in the history of writing. The book takes a broad approach to writing, understanding it not solely or even mainly as a visual tool to convey language, but primarily as a social and cultural phenomenon rooted in agency, materiality, and semiotics. The volume will provide an invaluable tool for scholars and will facilitate further research. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core. Free Download Credit Relations: Erfolgreiche Kommunikation mit Anleiheinvestoren By Hans-Werner G. Grunow, Dr. Georg F. Oehm (auth.) 2004 | 322 Pages | ISBN: 364262054X | PDF | 3 MB Obwohl die marktorientierte Fremdkapitalfinanzierung stark an Bedeutung gewonnen hat, werden Credit Relations, also die Beziehungen zu Kreditgebern und Anleiheinvestoren, von den (kontinental-)europäischen Unternehmen noch recht stiefmütterlich behandelt. Dabei ließen sich bei optimaler Verzahnung von Investorenansprache, Kapitalmarktkommunikation und Transaktionsgestaltung die Zins- und Kapitaldienste in signifikantem Maße senken.Das Buch beschreibt die Ziele und Aufgaben im Bereich Credit Relations sowie den effizienten Einsatz der geeigneten Instrumente. Zudem skizziert es die notwendigen personellen Ressourcen. Fallbeispiele und Analysen runden die umfassende Darstellung ab. Damit gibt das Werk fundiert und praxisnah Hilfestellung bei der Optimierung der Unternehmensfinanzen.
Free Download Credit Rating und Risikomanagement: Vergleich und Weiterentwicklung der Analysekonzepte By Hans-Jürgen Wieben (auth.) 2004 | 303 Pages | ISBN: 3824481847 | PDF | 11 MB Durch Aufsehen erregende Unternehmenszusammenbrüche und damit zusammenhängende regulatorische Initiativen von Gesetzgebern und Standardsettern rückten das interne Risikomanagement und das externe Credit Rating von Unternehmen ins Zentrum des Interesses von Wissenschaft und Praxis. Obwohl die Identifikation und Bewertung von wesentlichen unternehmensspezifischen Risiken das Ziel beider Konzepte ist, stellen wenige der zahlreichen Publikationen einen inhaltlichen Zusammenhang zwischen ihnen her. Hans-Jürgen Wieben nimmt eine vergleichende Betrachtung von Credit Rating und Risikomanagement vor. Nach einer umfassenden Diskussion der Analysekonzepte beider Richtungen stellt er Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede heraus und untersucht, inwieweit die Konzepte voneinander profitieren können. Free Download John F. Eller, "Creative Strategies to Transform School Culture" English | ISBN: 1412961181 | 2009 | 176 pages | EPUB | 2 MB The authors present practical, proven strategies to improve school culture, including activities for developing collaborative work relationships, dealing appropriately with conflict, and fostering rapport. Free Download Joel Bloch, "Creating Digital Literacy Spaces for Multilingual Writers " English | ISBN: 1800410794 | 2021 | 296 pages | PDF | 1358 KB This book argues for the value of digital literacy in the multilingual writing classroom. Against the background of huge changes in literacy practices prompted by online communication, and a growing acceptance of a broader definition of academic literacy that encompasses multimodality, the book examines the relationship between digital and print literacies and addresses the design of literacy spaces for multilingual classrooms. The author critically evaluates the latest developments in the use of technology in multilingual writing spaces, and focuses on the role of teachers in their design; it also addresses areas that are not often discussed in relation to multilingual students, from blogging to publishing and intellectual property. The book will help teachers meet the challenges created by rapidly shifting technology, as well as making an innovative contribution to research on multilingual writing classrooms. Free Download Lisa M. Najavits, "Creating Change: A Past-Focused Treatment for Trauma and Addiction" English | ISBN: 1462554628 | 2024 | 377 pages | PDF | 4 MB |