Free Download Treat Them Where They Lie: Pioneering a Revolution in Modern Emergency Medicine by Ronald Stewart and Jim Meek English | 2024 | ISBN: 1774713101 | 312 Pages | True ePUB | 9.8 MB
Free Download Benjamin Jennings, "Travelling Objects: Changing Values: The role of northern Alpine lake-dwelling communities in exchange and communication" English | ISBN: 1905739931 | 2014 | 229 pages | PDF | 133 MB Since their initial discovery in the nineteenth century, the enigmatic prehistoric lake-dwellings of the Circum-Alpine region have captured the imagination of the public and archaeologists alike. Over 150 years of research have identified hundreds of lacustrine settlements spanning from the Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age, when apparently, they ceased to be built. Studies of Bronze Age material across Europe have often superficially identified bronze objects as being of 'Alpine lake-dwelling origin' or 'lake-dwelling style'. Through a combination of material culture studies, multiple correspondence analysis, and the principle of object biographies, the role of the Late Bronze Age lake-dwelling communities in Central European exchange networks is addressed. Were the lake-dwellers production specialists? Did they control material flow across the Alps? Did their participation in exchange routes result in cultural assimilation and the ultimate decline of their settlement tradition? Travelling Objects: Changing Values offers insights and answers to such questions. Free Download Trapped: Life under Security Capitalism and How to Escape It by Mark Maguire, Setha Low English | March 19, 2024 | ISBN: 1503632962 | True EPUB | 182 pages | 3.5 MB Exploring the pernicious influence of security capitalism on neighborhoods, airports, cities, and states. Free Download Transporter Bridges: An Illustrated History by John Hannavy English | April 26, 2020 | ISBN: 152676038X | True EPUB | 264 pages | 40.3 MB Transporter Bridges are a legacy of the closing years of the 19th century and the early years of the 20th, and served a brief but important need. The huge increase in road transport, however, quickly rendered them obsolete, and although many were planned, little more than twenty-one were ever completed across the world - five of which were in Britain. Just nine still stand in their original form and currently only five are currently still in use - one each in Spain and Germany, two in the UK, one in Argentina - unused since the 1960s, and only recently returned to service in 2018 after restoration - and the last surviving 'pont transbordeur' in France returned to service in 2019 after major works. The second of Germany's surviving transporters is currently awaiting repair after a ship collided with it.
Free Download Transport- und Lagerlogistik: Planung, Struktur, Steuerung und Kosten von Systemen der Intralogistik By Heinrich Martin (auth.) 2011 | 534 Pages | ISBN: 3834813508 | PDF | 32 MB Der Schwerpunkt des Buches liegt auf der planerischen Transport- und Lagertechnik mit notwendiger Vordimensionierung und späterer Umsetzung. Die bearbeiteten Themen der Transport- und Lagerbereiche sind nach funktionellem Aufbau, Vor- und Nachteilen, Einsatzgebieten und planerisch interessierenden Fakten dargestellt. Besondere Berücksichtigung finden flexible Transportmittel, neue Lagersysteme und Automatisierungsmöglichkeiten bei der Kommissioniertechnik. Über 200 Beispiele mit Lösungen und annähernd 250 Fragen ermöglichen eine selbstständige Lernkontrolle und vertiefen den Stoff. In der 8. Auflage wurden die meisten Kapitel aktualisiert und die Anzahl der Beispiele wurde erhöht, u.a. zum Projektmanagement. Der Inhalt - Unternehmenslogistik - Materialflusstechnik und Einheitenbildung - Transport- und Umschlagsysteme - Lager- und Kommissionierungssysteme - Planungssystematik und Projektmanagement - Informationslogistik Die Zielgruppen Studierende des Maschinenbaus im Fach Fördertechnik sowie technischer Fachrichtungen und Studierende des Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens im Fach Logistik an Fachhochschulen und Universitäten Produktions-, Planungs- und Wirtschaftsingenieure der Industrie und der Beratungsbranche, die sich mit der planerischen Seite dieses Fachgebiets beschäftigen Der Autor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Martin gehört der HAW Hamburg an für die Fachgebiete Transport- und Lagersysteme, Innerbetriebliche Logistik sowie Materialfluss- und Fabrikplanung. Free Download Transport Pricing of Electricity Networks By François Lévêque (auth.) 2003 | 233 Pages | ISBN: 1441953558 | PDF | 5 MB Transport Pricing of Electricity Networks aims at providing a methodological and practical transmission tariff guide, to those who are involved in the electricity business as managers, engineers, lawyers, economists, regulators or policy-makers, but are not specialists in electricity transport, nor in tariff-setting for public utilities. It offers a synthesis of the recent economic research on the subject. The volume is divided into three major parts, each presenting a general aspect of transmission pricing: its legal and accounting background, its basic theory, and its implementation, successively. How much does it cost to transmit electricity from a nuclear plant close to Lyon in France, to a car manufacturer located in Stuttgart in Germany? What price should a system operator in Canada charge a pulp and paper mill that uses the high-voltage grid for only a few weeks per year? Where in California is it more profitable to reinforce or build a new transmission line? What is the best place to locate a power gas station in England, in order to pay the lowest transmission cost? Such questions are novel and crucial for American and European liberalised electricity markets. Transport Pricing of Electricity Networks shows how the economics toolbox can be used to answer them.
Free Download Transnationale Strategien: Anwendungsorientierte Realisierung mit Balanced Scorecards By Thomas Wunder (auth.) 2004 | 329 Pages | ISBN: 3824407752 | PDF | 16 MB Mit transnationalen Strategien streben international tätige Unternehmen heute zunehmend die gleichzeitige Realisierung unterschiedlicher Wettbewerbsvorteile an. Für das Management stellt dabei die geeignete Balance zwischen globaler Integration und lokalen Anforderungen eine große Herausforderung dar. Die meist idealtypischen Strategieansätze stoßen in der Praxis schnell an die Grenzen der Machbarkeit. Thomas Wunder greift mit der Balanced Scorecard (BSC) eines der derzeit prominentesten Managementkonzepte auf. Auf der Basis einer umfassenden und kritischen Analyse der BSC-Konzeptmerkmale überprüft er die Leistungsfähigkeit des Ansatzes für die Realisierung der vielfältigen strategischen, strukturellen und kulturellen Anforderungen an eine transnationale Strategie. Er präsentiert eine Vielzahl von innovativen und praxisorientierten Lösungsansätzen und Handlungsempfehlungen zum Einsatz von Balanced Scorecards in international tätigen Unternehmen. Diese werden durch zwei leicht nachvollziehbare Praxisbeispiele illustriert und bewertet.
Free Download Rashi Jain, "Transnational Identities and Practices in English Language Teaching: Critical Inquiries from Diverse Practitioners (New " English | ISBN: 1788927524 | 2021 | 280 pages | PDF | 11 MB The self-inquiries in this edited volume exemplify the dynamism that permeates global ELT, wherein English language educators and teacher educators are increasingly operating across blurred national boundaries, creating new 'liminal' spaces, charting new trajectories, crafting new practices and pedagogies, constructing new identities, and reconceptualizing ELT contexts. This book captures the diverse voices of emerging and established ELT practitioners and scholars, originally from and/or operating in non-Western contexts, spanning not only the so-called non-Western 'peripheries', but also peripheries created within the 'center' when certain members are minoritized on the basis of their race, language, and/or place of origin. The chapters address a range of related issues occurring at the intersections of personal and professional identities, pedagogy and classroom interactions, as well as research and professional practices in liminal transnational spaces.
Free Download Anna Lanfranchi, "Translations and Copyright in the Italian Book Trade: ✅Publishers, Agents, and the State (1900-1947) " English | ISBN: 3031649117 | 2024 | 295 pages | EPUB, PDF | 631 KB + 7 MB The 19th-century copyright revolution gave authors and translators powerful tools over the use of their works. It encouraged ✅Publishers to form networks that connected them to writers, translators, authors' societies, and literary agents worldwide. This book argues that the development of international frameworks for the protection of literary property represented a watershed in the transnational circulation of texts in translation. Through the lens of the post-Unification Italian translation market of British and US authors (1900-1947), it combines a copyright historical approach to book history with a systematic survey of British and Italian archives. It positions the Italian publishing industry within the broader European and transatlantic copyright market to explore the cultural, social, and political value of translation rights, offering a new interpretative key to the transnational nature of the modern book trade.
Free Download Translational Stem Cell Research: Issues Beyond the Debate on the Moral Status of the Human Embryo By Olle Lindvall, Zaal Kokaia (auth.), Kristina Hug, Göran Hermerén (eds.) 2011 | 462 Pages | ISBN: 160761958X | PDF | 5 MB For many years, the ethical discussion surrounding human embryonic stem cell research has focused on the moral status of the embryo. This text takes a wider moral berth and focuses on numerous ethical, legal and social aspects involved in translating the results of stem cell research into diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Translational Stem Cell Research is broken into ten sections. It opens with an overview of the latest in stem cell research, focusing on specific diseases and the treatment of burn victims. Part II discusses the issues involved in the many steps from bench to bedside, ranging from first research in vitro to clinical trials. Part III covers scientific, regulatory and ethical challenges to basic research, and Part IV details issues regarding stem cell banks. Part V explores ethical, economic and strategic issues involved in collaboration between universities and industry, and Part VI addresses legal problems raised by patents on human stem-cell based inventions plus the extent to which there can be technological solutions to a moral dilemma. Part VII presents imaginative ways of communicating research to the general public and how to create conditions for a constructive dialogue. Part VIII probes psychosocial and cultural factors affecting judgment and decisions about translational stem cell research, and Part IX explores problems and procedures raised by an examination of the evaluation of stem cell research projects in research ethics committees. The book closes with a look into the future of translational stem cell research and stem cell-based therapeutic applications. |