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Free Download Architektur der Bauschäden: Schadensursache - Gutachterliche Einstufung - Beseitigung - Vorbeugung - Lösungsdetails By Joachim Schulz (auth.) 2012 | 650 Pages | ISBN: 3834814709 | PDF | 1 MB BuchhandelstextAnhand von ca. 110 Beispielen, untergliedert nach Bauteilen, werden Planungs- und Ausführungsfehler vorgestellt und wie folgt analysiert: - Schadensursache - gutachterliche Einstufung - Beseitigung - Vorbeugung Nach dem Motto "Bauen ist ein Kampf mit dem Wasser" wird als Schwerpunktthema der Bereich Feuchteschäden an Balkonen, Terrassen, WU-Beton-Kellern, Lichtschächten, Kelleraußentreppen, Rampen usw. behandelt. Da durch mangelhafte Ausführung aus guten Baustoffen oft schlechte Bauteile entstehen, soll der Planer vorbeugend auf mögliche Ausführungsfehler aufmerksam gemacht werden. Die 2. Auflage wurde überarbeitet und um neue aktuelle Beispiele ergänzt.InhaltEinführung - Terrassen, Balkone, Loggien - Treppen, Türen - Fenster - Fassade - Bäder, WC- und Nassräume - Innenausbau - Dach - Keller - Steigendes Grundwasser - Tiefgaragen, Garagen, Rampen - Plattenbau - Industriefußboden - Außenanlagen - Schädlingsbefall - Schwimmbäder, Pool - Sonstiges - Lösungen - Schlusswort - Literaturverzeichnis - StichwortverzeichnisZielgruppePlanende Architekten und Bauingenieure - Ausführende Firmen - Bauherren - StudentenÜber den Autor/HrsgDipl.-Ing. Joachim Schulz, geschäftsführener Gesellschafter der IGS Ingenieur-Gesellschaft Schulz ist Architekt, beratender Ingenieur und öffentlich bestellter und vereidigter Sachverständiger der IHK Berlin. Als Lehrbeauftragter unterrichtete er an der Beuth Hochschule Berlin in den Bereichen Baustoffe/Bauchemie und Sichtbeton. Joachim Schulz ist europaweit als Bausachverständiger tätig. Free Download Sang Lee, "Architecture in the Age of Mediatizing Technologies " English | ISBN: 103206059X | 2024 | 284 pages | EPUB | 32 MB This book offers a novel perspective on contemporary architecture, exploring its position in mediatization, attained through technological apparatuses. It introduces the novel concepts of apparatus-centricity and mediatization of architecture, which have significant disciplinary and cultural ramifications. Free Download Architecture and Affect in the Middle Ages (Franklin D. Murphy Lectures) by Paul Binski English | October 29, 2024 | ISBN: 0520402995 | True EPUB/PDF | 264 pages | 51.6/29.4 MB How did people living in the Middle Ages respond to spectacular buildings, such as the Gothic cathedrals? While contemporary scholarship places a large emphasis on the emotional content of Western medieval figurative art, the emotion of architecture has largely gone undiscussed.
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Free Download Tomasz Gralak, "Archaeology of Body and Thought: From the Neolithic to the Beginning of the Middle Ages" English | ISBN: 1803277211 | 2024 | 206 pages | PDF | 8 MB Archaeology of Body and Thought explores what we as people can do with our bodies, what we can use them for, and how we can alter and understand them. It considers the ways in which individual human groups from the Neolithic to the Migration Period have perceived and treated the body. The analysis is based on artefacts found in graves, anthropomorphic images, and written sources, with an underlying assumption that principles of aesthetics or a canon of beauty express a way of understanding and evaluating corporality commonly adopted in a given culture. From this perspective, the human body is also an archaeological artefact and a specific kind of material culture (indeed, the most important one). The book investigates the extent to which ideology shapes our bodies and how our bodies create our world outlook. To that end, it compares bodies with other contemporary spheres of material culture and technology. Geographically, the study concentrates on central and eastern Europe, a region where various cultural trends have always intersected. Greece, Italy, Scandinavia, and Eurasian steppes are also included in the analysis.
Free Download Gerry Wait, "Archaeology and Ethnography Along the Loango Coast in the South West of the Republic of Congo" English | ISBN: 1784919942 | 2018 | 116 pages | PDF | 10 MB In 2011 and 2012, Dr Gerry Wait (then Nexus Heritage) and Dr Ibrahima Thiaw (Institute Fundamental d'Afrique Noire: IFAN, Dakar) undertook an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) project in Kouilou Department in the southwest region of the Republic of the Congo. The initiative had been commissioned by SRK Consulting UK for Elemental Minerals Ltd relating to a proposed potash mine. These landscapes were little known in terms of the sites and monuments from the distant and more recent past. That the area was important in the understanding of migrations along the African coast had been demonstrated in a pioneering set of excavations by Denbow (2012 and 2014). This base line study was undertaken to identify and evaluate cultural resources which might need further investigation. The second part of the study reports on ethnographic surveys undertaken in the same defined area, treating intangible cultural heritage as equally as important parts of the Congo's cultural heritage and identity. The baseline studies were systematic in that they employed standard best-practice survey techniques but structured on a landscape level. By building upon Denbow's extensive surveys and small-scale investigations from 30 years earlier the studies have enabled a richer and more nuanced understanding of the Atlantic Coast of Congo during the past millennium. Free Download Oliva Menozzi, "Archaeological Mission of Chieti University in Libya: Reports 2006-2008 " English | ISBN: 1789694469 | 2021 | 350 pages | PDF | 38 MB The RES Series (Reports, Excavations and Studies of the Archaeological Unit of the University G. d'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara) is dedicated to the projects and the researches of the different teams of the university of Chieti-Pescara working on archaeological projects in Italy and abroad. This first volume is dedicated to the Archaeological Mission in Cyrenaica, starting with the reports and researches of the seasons from 2006 to 2008. Chieti University has been working in Libya with a large international team since 1997. The emphasis of the publication is to present archaeological data to form part of an archive of finds, sites and monuments: a resource and reference point for archaeologists from Libya and elsewhere. At this moment the chora (territory) of Cyrene is facing multiple threats, even the potential loss of important monuments. It is hoped that this publication will contribute to the preservation of the local archaeological heritage. |