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Now that the separation between East and West has become less rigid, this dialogue has, in principle, become much easier. However, providing opportunities for this dialogue is as vital as ever. MODA meetings are known for their friendly atmosphere, leading to fruitful discussions and collaboration, especially between young and senior scien tists. Indeed, many long term collaborations were initiated during these events. This intellectually stimulating atmosphere is achieved by limiting the number of participants to around eighty, by the choice of location so that participants can live as a community, and, of course, through the care ful selection of scientific direction made by the Programme Committee. ![]() Free Download Emily Giffin, "Love the One You're With" English | 2008 | pages: 247 | ISBN: 141040465X | PDF | 0,9 mb Believing her marriage to Andy to be perfect in every way, Ellen runs into former flame Leo and wonders why she has been unable to forget him even though they brought out the worst in each other. ![]() Free Download Louder Than the Lies: Asian American Identity, Solidarity, and Self-Love by Ellie Yang Camp English | October 22, 2024 | ISBN: 1597146617 | 272 pages | EPUB | 3.34 Mb A primer on racism that offers an intersectional, anti-racist, coalition-building view of Asian American identity. ![]() Free Download Local and Regional Systems of Innovation By John de la Mothe, Gilles Paquet (auth.), John de La Mothe, Gilles Paquet (eds.) 1998 | 342 Pages | ISBN: 146137538X | PDF | 11 MB In an era of intense globalization, the critical role of the region as a center for economic development has sometimes been overlooked. Moreover, innovation is increasingly being recognized as being a critical driver of economic growth and development. However, innovation is no longer being seen as a function of research and development; nor is R&D being seen as being sufficient for the creation of technology-intensive industries and the valuable economic spillovers that result in high value-added jobs and exports. Indeed, much more than ever before, it is the combination of factors that contributes to innovation - ranging over skills, finance, production, user-producer linkages, the capacity of organizations to learn, and multilayered government policies - that make local regions the favorites of fortune. Using an evolutionary economic perspective, and drawing on a range of disciplines and accomplished scholars, Local and Regional Systems ofInnovation explores important issues at a conceptual, methodological and comparative level concerning how successful locations actually construct their comparative advantage. ![]() Free Download Marta Lackowska, "Local Government in Europe: New Perspectives and Democratic Challenges" English | ISBN: 1529217180 | 2021 | 324 pages | PDF | 29 MB Drawing on classical and emerging research perspectives, this comprehensive book provides an up-to-date review of local government in Europe. ![]() Free Download Alan Cheuse, "Listening to the Page" English | 2001 | pages: 305 | ISBN: 0231122705, 0231122713 | PDF | 0,6 mb When he sold his first short story to The New Yorker in 1979, Alan Cheuse was hardly new to the literary world. He had studied at Rutgers under John Ciardi, worked at the Breadloaf Writing Workshops with Robert Frost and Ralph Ellison, written hundreds of reviews for Kirkus Reviews, and taught alongside John Gardner and Bernard Malamud at Bennington College for nearly a decade. Soon after the New Yorker story appeared, Cheuse wrote a freelance magazine piece about a new, publicly funded broadcast network called National Public Radio, and a relationship of reviewer and radio was born. ![]() Free Download Liquidität und Konkurrenz By Prof. Dr. Thomas Braun (auth.) 1998 | 272 Pages | ISBN: 3790811416 | PDF | 10 MB Die Liquidität von Finanzmärkten ist ein unter Theoretikern und Praktikern gleichermaßen intensiv diskutiertes Thema. Das Buch gelangt von relativ abstrakten Vorstellungen über die Marktorganisation ausgehend zu einer Reihe theoretisch abgesicherter plausibler Einsichten, auf deren auch mathematisch möglichst einfach nachvollziehbare Darstellung großer Wert gelegt wird.Das Buch eignet sich daher sehr gut als Orientierungshilfe für all diejenigen, die selbst wissenschaftlich an dem noch lange nicht erschöpfend behandelten Thema Liquidität arbeiten. ![]() Free Download Letters from Russia (Penguin Classics) by Astolphe de Custine English | July 29, 2014 | ISBN: 014139451X | True EPUB | 272 pages | 0.99 MB The Marquis de Custine's unique perspective on a vast, fascinating country in the grip of oppressive tyranny
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