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![]() Free Download Structures in Concurrency Theory: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Structures in Concurrency Theory (STRICT), Berlin, 11-13 May 1995 By J. W. de Bakker (auth.), Jörg Desel Dr. rer. nat. (eds.) 1995 | 352 Pages | ISBN: 3540199829 | PDF | 11 MB This book is the proceedings of the Structures in Concurrency Theory workshop (STRICT) that was held from 11 th to l3th May 1995 in Berlin, Germany. It includes three invited contributions - by J. de Bakker, E. Best et aI, and E. R. Olderog and M. Schenke - and all papers which were submitted and accepted for presentation. Concurrency Theory deals with formal aspects of concurrent systems. It uses partly competing and partly complementary formalisms and structures. The aim of this workshop was to present and compare different formalisms and results in Concurrency Theory. STRICT was organized by the Humboldt-University Berlin and the ESPRIT Basic Research Working Group CALIBAN. Original papers had been sought from all scientists in the field of Concurrency Theory. The Programme Committee selected twenty contributions with various different topics, including Petri Nets, Process Algebras, Distributed Algorithms, Formal Semantics, and others. I am grateful to the Programme Committee and to the other referees for the careful evaluation of the submitted papers. ![]() Free Download Structural Biology: Practical NMR Applications By Quincy Teng (auth.) 2013 | 434 Pages | ISBN: 1461439639 | PDF | 6 MB This 2nd edition begins with an overview of NMR development and applications in biological systems. It describes recent developments in instrument hardware and methodology. Chapters highlight the scope and limitation of NMR methods. While detailed math and quantum mechanics dealing with NMR theory have been addressed in several well-known NMR volumes, chapter two of this volume illustrates the fundamental principles and concepts of NMR spectroscopy in a more descriptive manner. Topics such as instrument setup, data acquisition, and data processing using a variety of offline software are discussed. Chapters further discuss several routine stategies for preparing samples, especially for macromolecules and complexes. The target market for such a volume includes researchers in the field of biochemistry, chemistry, structural biology and biophysics. ![]() Free Download Strahlungsquellen für Technik und Medizin By Hanno Krieger (auth.) 2013 | 503 Pages | ISBN: 3658005890 | PDF | 9 MB Das vorliegende Buch ist der zweite, überarbeitete und erweiterte Band einer dreibändigen Lehrbuchreihe zur Strahlenphysik und zum Strahlenschutz. In diesem Band werden die physikalischen und technischen Grundlagen der Strahlungsquellen dargestellt. Jedes Kapitel ist in einen grundlegenden und einen weiterführenden Teil untergliedert. Die weiterführenden Abschnitte können bei der ersten Lektüre ohne Verständnisschwierigkeiten übersprungen werden. Einleitende Überblicke und Zusammenfassungen sowie eine Vielzahl farbiger Abbildungen erleichtern die Orientierung und unterstützen die Wiederholung des Stoffes. ![]() Free Download Strahlungsmessung und Dosimetrie By Hanno Krieger (auth.) 2013 | 706 Pages | ISBN: 3658003855 | PDF | 9 MB „Strahlungsquellen und Dosimetrie" ist Teil einer Lehrbuchreihe zur Strahlungsphysik und zum Strahlenschutz. Der erste Teil befasst sich mit den physikalischen Grundlagen der Strahlungsdetektoren und der Strahlungsmessung. Im zweiten Teil werden die Konzepte und Verfahren der klinischen Dosimetrie dargestellt. Der dritte Abschnitt erläutert ausführlich die Dosisverteilungen der klinisch angewendeten Strahlungsarten. Im vierten Teil werden weitere Messaufgaben der Strahlungsphysik einschließlich der Messsysteme für die Bildgebung mit Röntgenstrahlung dargestellt. Neben den grundlegenden Ausführungen enthält dieser Band im laufenden Text zahlreiche Tabellen und Grafiken zur technischen und medizinischen Radiologie, die bei der praktischen Arbeit sehr hilfreich sein können und 199 Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen zur Vertiefung der Inhalte.Für die zweite Auflage wurden die Darstellungen der Elektronen- und der Protonendosimetrie sowie der bildgebenden Verfahren mit Computertomografen deutlich erweitert. ![]() Free Download Stochastic Programming By András Prékopa (auth.) 1995 | 600 Pages | ISBN: 904814552X | PDF | 14 MB Stochastic programming - the science that provides us with tools to design and control stochastic systems with the aid of mathematical programming techniques - lies at the intersection of statistics and mathematical programming. The book StochasticProgramming is a comprehensive introduction to the field and its basic mathematical tools. While the mathematics is of a high level, the developed models offer powerful applications, as revealed by the large number of examples presented. The material ranges form basic linear programming to algorithmic solutions of sophisticated systems problems and applications in water resources and power systems, shipbuilding, inventory control, etc. Audience: Students and researchers who need to solve practical and theoretical problems in operations research, mathematics, statistics, engineering, economics, insurance, finance, biology and environmental protection. ![]() Free Download Stochastic Processes: General Theory By M. M. Rao (auth.) 1995 | 628 Pages | ISBN: 1441947493 | PDF | 22 MB Stochastic Processes: General Theory starts with the fundamental existence theorem of Kolmogorov, together with several of its extensions to stochastic processes. It treats the function theoretical aspects of processes and includes an extended account of martingales and their generalizations. Various compositions of (quasi- or semi-)martingales and their integrals are given. Here the Bochner boundedness principle plays a unifying role: a unique feature of the book. Applications to higher order stochastic differential equations and their special features are presented in detail. Stochastic processes in a manifold and multiparameter stochastic analysis are also discussed. Each of the seven chapters includes complements, exercises and extensive references: many avenues of research are suggested. The book is a completely revised and enlarged version of the author's Stochastic Processes and Integration (Noordhoff, 1979). The new title reflects the content and generality of the extensive amount of new material. Audience: Suitable as a text/reference for second year graduate classes and seminars. A knowledge of real analysis, including Lebesgue integration, is a prerequisite. ![]() Free Download Sticky, Sexy, Sad: Swipe Culture and the Darker Side of Dating Apps by Treena Orchard English | May 28, 2024 | ISBN: 148754930X | EPUB | 256 pages | 1.3 MB Lifelong luddite Treena Orchard was a newly sober woman coming off a much-needed break from relationships, reluctantly taking the digital plunge by downloading a dating app. Instead of the fun, easy experiences advertised on swiping platforms, she discovered endless upkeep, ghosting, fleeting moments of sexual connection, and a steady flow of misogyny.
![]() Free Download Statistical Modelling: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling Innsbruck, Austria, 10-14 July, 1995 By Murray Aitkin (auth.), Gilg U. H. Seeber, Brian J. Francis, Reinhold Hatzinger, Gabriele Steckel-Berger (eds.) 1995 | 344 Pages | ISBN: 0387945652 | PDF | 10 MB This volume presents the published proceedings of the lOth International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, to be held in Innsbruck, Austria from 10 to 14 July, 1995. This workshop marks an important anniversary. The inaugural workshop in this series also took place in Innsbruck in 1986, and brought together a small but enthusiastic group of thirty European statisticians interested in statistical modelling. The workshop arose out of two G LIM conferences in the U. K. in London (1982) and Lancaster (1985), and from a num ber of short courses organised by Murray Aitkin and held at Lancaster in the early 1980s, which attracted many European statisticians interested in Generalised Linear Modelling. The inaugural workshop in Innsbruck con centrated on GLMs and was characterised by a number of features - a friendly and supportive academic atmosphere, tutorial sessions and invited speakers presenting new developments in statistical modelling, and a very well organised social programme. The academic programme allowed plenty of time for presentation and for discussion, and made available copies of all papers beforehand. Over the intervening years, the workshop has grown substantially, and now regularly attracts over 150 participants. The scope of the workshop is now much broader, reflecting the growth in the subject of statistical modelling over ten years. The elements ofthe first workshop, however, are still present, and participants always find the meetings relevant and stimulating. ![]() Free Download Staphylococcus aureus: Interplay between Bacteria and Hosts by Akio Nakane, Krisana Asano English | April 3, 2024 | ISBN: 9819994276 | 210 pages | MOBI | 3.96 Mb Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic human pathogen that colonizes the mucosal surfaces. It is the causative agent of various serious acute and chronic infections. Recent prevalence of infectious diseases caused and expanded by hospital-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus (HA-MRSA), community-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus (CA-MRSA) and livestock-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus (LA-MRSA). MRSA infections must be more serious problem in near future. ![]() Free Download Sports Nutrition for Endurance by Tommy Winstead English | 2024 | ISBN: 1572843470 | 504 pages | True EPUB | 7.11 MB |