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![]() Free Download Quantum Reprogramming: Ensembles and Single Systems: A Two-Tier Approach to Quantum Mechanics By Evert Jan Post (auth.) 1995 | 322 Pages | ISBN: 9048145759 | PDF | 10 MB Many, perhaps most textbooks of quantum mechanics present a Copenhagen, single system angle; fewer present the subject matter as an instrument for treating ensembles, but the two methods have been silently coexisting since the mid-Thirties. This lingering dichotomy of purpose for a major physical discipline has much shrouded further insights into the foundations of quantum theory. Quantum Reprogramming resolves this long-standing dichotomy by examining the mutual relation between single systems and ensembles, assigning each its own tools for treating the subject at hand: i.e., Schrödinger-Dirac methods for ensembles versus period integrals for single systems. A unified treatment of integer and fractional quantum Hall effects and a finite description of the electron's anomalies are mentioned as measures of justification for the chosen procedure of resolving an old-time dichotomy. The methods of presentation are, in part, elementary, with repetitive references needed to delineate differences with respect to standard methods. The parts on period integrals are developed with a perspective on elementary methods in physics, thus leading up to some standard results of de Rham theory and algebraic topology. Audience: Students of physics, mathematics, philosophers as well as outsiders with a general interest in the conceptual development of physics will find useful reading in these pages, which will stimulate further inquiry and study. ![]() Free Download Quantum Probability for Probabilists By Paul-André Meyer (auth.) 1995 | 316 Pages | ISBN: 3540602704 | PDF | 5 MB In recent years, the classical theory of stochastic integration and stochastic differential equations has been extended to a non-commutative set-up to develop models for quantum noises. The author, a specialist of classical stochastic calculus and martingale theory, tries to provide an introduction to this rapidly expanding field in a way which should be accessible to probabilists familiar with the Ito integral. It can also, on the other hand, provide a means of access to the methods of stochastic calculus for physicists familiar with Fock space analysis. For this second edition, the author has added about 30 pages of new material, mostly on quantum stochastic integrals. ![]() Free Download Quantum Mechanics through Problems: With Complete Solutions English | 2025 | ISBN: 1009473654 | 785 Pages | PDF | 7 MB This book contains more than 300 problems in quantum mechanics with accompanying solutions, covering topics that are commonly taught in first-year graduate physics programs. It is well suited for self-study or as a useful supplement to existing upper-level quantum mechanics textbooks, for both students and their instructors. ![]() Free Download Quantum Mechanics on the Macintosh ® By Siegmund Brandt, Hans Dieter Dahmen (auth.) 1995 | 305 Pages | ISBN: 146127561X | PDF | 10 MB Based on the interactive program Interquanta, QuantumMechanics on the Macintosh, uses extensive 3-D graphics to guide the student through computer experiments in the quantum mechanics of free particle motion, bound states and scattering, tunneling, two-particle interactions, and more. It also includes a section on special functions of mathematical physics. With more than 200 problems, the text and programs provide students with practical experiences in using such hard-to-visualize concepts as complex amplitudes, eigenvalues, and scattering cross sections. The diskette included with the book provides two versions of the programs, one for use in computers with a mathematical coprocessor, the other optimized for machines without a coprocessor. For this new edition the software has been updated and extended. ![]() Free Download Quantum Mechanics on Phase Space By Franklin E. Schroeck Jr. (auth.) 1996 | 672 Pages | ISBN: 9048146399 | PDF | 15 MB In this monograph, we shall present a new mathematical formulation of quantum theory, clarify a number of discrepancies within the prior formulation of quantum theory, give new applications to experiments in physics, and extend the realm of application of quantum theory well beyond physics. Here, we motivate this new formulation and sketch how it developed. Since the publication of Dirac's famous book on quantum mechanics [Dirac, 1930] and von Neumann's classic text on the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics two years later [von Neumann, 1932], there have appeared a number of lines of development, the intent of each being to enrich quantum theory by extra polating or even modifying the original basic structure. These lines of development have seemed to go in different directions, the major directions of which are identified here: First is the introduction of group theoretical methods [Weyl, 1928; Wigner, 1931] with the natural extension to coherent state theory [Klauder and Sudarshan, 1968; Peremolov, 1971]. The call for an axiomatic approach to physics [Hilbert, 1900; Sixth Problem] led to the development of quantum logic [Mackey, 1963; Jauch, 1968; Varadarajan, 1968, 1970; Piron, 1976; Beltrametti & Cassinelli, 1981], to the creation of the operational approach [Ludwig, 1983-85, 1985; Davies, 1976] with its application to quantum communication theory [Helstrom, 1976; Holevo, 1982), and to the development of the C* approach [Emch, 1972]. An approach through stochastic differential equations ("stochastic mechanics") was developed [Nelson, 1964, 1966, 1967].
![]() Free Download Quantum Mechanical Simulation Methods for Studying Biological Systems: Les Houches Workshop, May 2-7, 1995 By N. C. Handy (auth.), Dominique Bicout, Martin Field (eds.) 1996 | 311 Pages | ISBN: 3540608699 | PDF | 8 MB It is now generally agreed that a deeper understanding of biological processes requires a multi-disciplinary approach employing the tools of biology, chemistry, and physics. Such understanding involves study of biomacromolecules and their functions, which includes how they interact, their reactions, and how information is transmitted between them. This volume is devoted to quantum mechanical simulation techniques, which have developed rapidly in recent years. It covers quantum mechanical calculations of large systems, molecular dynamics combining quantum and classical algorithms, quantum dynamical simulations, and electron and proton transfer processes in proteins and in solutions. ![]() Free Download Quantum Mechanical Electronic Structure Calculations with Chemical Accuracy By James B. Anderson (auth.), Stephen R. Langhoff (eds.) 1995 | 449 Pages | ISBN: 9401040877 | PDF | 36 MB The principal focus of this volume is to illustrate the level of accuracy currently achievable by ab initio quantum chemical calculations. While new developments in theory are discussed to some extent, the major emphasis is on a comparison of calculated properties with experiment. This focus is similar to the one taken in a book, Comparison of Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry with Experiment for SmallMolecules, edited by Rodney Bartlett (Reidel, 1984). However, the phenomenal improvement in both theoretical methods and computer architecture have made it possible to obtain accurate results for rather large molecular systems. This is perhaps best illustrated in this volume by the chapter entitled `Spectroscopy of Large Organic Molecules' by Bjorn Roos and coworkers. For example, the electronic spectra of the nucleic acid base monomer structures shown on the front cover have been obtained using a fully correlated ab initio study. For researchers, teachers and students in chemistry and physics. ![]() Free Download Quantum Groups and Their Primitive Ideals By Anthony Joseph (auth.) 1995 | 383 Pages | ISBN: 364278402X | PDF | 32 MB by a more general quadratic algebra (possibly obtained by deformation) and then to derive Rq [G] by requiring it to possess the latter as a comodule. A third principle is to focus attention on the tensor structure of the cat egory of (!; modules. This means of course just defining an algebra structure on Rq[G]; but this is to be done in a very specific manner. Concretely the category is required to be braided and this forces (9.4.2) the existence of an "R-matrix" satisfying in particular the quantum Yang-Baxter equation and from which the algebra structure of Rq[G] can be written down (9.4.5). Finally there was a search for a perfectly self-dual model for Rq[G] which would then be isomorphic to Uq(g). Apparently this failed; but V. G. Drinfeld found that it could be essentially made to work for the "Borel part" of Uq(g) denoted U (b) and further found a general construction (the Drinfeld double) q mirroring a Lie bialgebra. This gives Uq(g) up to passage to a quotient. One of the most remarkable aspects of the above superficially different ap proaches is their extraordinary intercoherence. In particular they essentially all lead for G semisimple to the same and hence "canonical", objects Rq[G] and Uq(g), though this epithet may as yet be premature. ![]() Free Download Quantum Field Theory and String Theory By I. Antoniadis (auth.), Laurent Baulieu, Vladimir Dotsenko, Vladimir Kazakov, Paul Windey (eds.) 1995 | 420 Pages | ISBN: 1461357357 | PDF | 11 MB The Cargese Workshop "Quantum Field Theory and String Theory" was held from May 10 to May 21, 1993. The broad spectrum of the work presented at the Workshop was the reflec tion of a time of intensive search for new ways of solving some of the most fun damental problems in string theory, quantum gravity and non-perturbative field theory. A number of talks indicated the emergence of new promising domains of investigation. It is this very diversity of topics which, in our opinion, represents one of the most attractive features of the present volume which we hope will provide a good orientation in the abundant flow of ideas and publications in modern quantum field theory. Many contributions to the present proceedings are concerned with two di mensional quantum field theory. The continuous advances in the domain of two dimensional integrable theories on the lattice as well as in the continuum, including conformal field theories, Liouville field theory and matrix models of two dimensional quantum gravity are very well represented. Other papers address physically realistic (and therefore very complicated) problems like de veloped turbulence, the Hofstadter problem, higher dimensional gravity and phenomenological strings. A new elegant class of topological field theories is presented. New ideas in the string representation of multicolor quantum chromo dynamics were widely discussed at the Workshop, more particularly the example of the exactly solvable two dimensional case. ![]() Free Download Quantum Electron Theory of Amorphous Conductors By Aleksandr Ivanovich Gubanov (auth.) 1995 | 278 Pages | ISBN: 1468406698 | PDF | 10 MB The electron theory of solids has attracted great attention in recent years, mainly because of the numerous practical applications of semicon ductors. However, all the reviews and monographs on this subject deal only with crystalline conductors. At present, mainly in the Soviet Union, experi mental and theoretical investigations have been extended to liquid and solid amorphous conductors, and in particular to such semiconductors. However, all the work published so far in this field is in the form of separate papers scat tered throughout various journals, and there has as yet been no Soviet or for eign review of the theoretical work on amorphous semiconductors, in spite of the increasing interest in them. The investigation of liquid and amorphous semiconductors is of great practical importance, first, because all the solid semico'nductors are usually prepared from the liquid phase and it is important to know the electrical and other properties of this phase; secondly, amorphous semiconductors are beginning to be used in industry, for example, amorphous Sb S films in vidicon tubes. In some cases, especially in optical instruments, 2 S amorphous semiconductors have advantages compared with crystals. Theore tical studies of amorphous semiconductors should help in these practical applications. The present monograph is the first attempt to present systematically the quantum electron theory of amorphous conductors. The most interesting-in the author's view-theoretical papers on this subject, published in journals are reviewed and critically compared. |