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![]() Free Download Frances Nethercott, "Writing History in Late Imperial Russia: Scholarship and the Literary Canon " English | ISBN: 1350130400 | 2019 | 296 pages | EPUB | 602 KB It is commonly held that a strict divide between literature and history emerged in the 19th century, with the latter evolving into a more serious disciple of rigorous science. Yet, in turning to works of historical writing during late Imperial Russia, Frances Nethercott reveals how this was not so; rather, she argues, fiction, lyric poetry, and sometimes even the lives of artists, consistently and significantly shaped historical enquiry.
![]() Free Download Charity L. Urbanski, "Writing History for the King: Henry II and the Politics of Vernacular Historiography" English | ISBN: 0801451310 | 2013 | 272 pages | EPUB | 427 KB Writing History for the King is at once a reassessment of the reign of Henry II of England (1133-1189) and an original contribution to our understanding of the rise of vernacular historiography in the high Middle Ages. Charity Urbanski focuses on two dynastic histories commissioned by Henry: Wace's Roman de Rou (c. 1160-1174) and Benoît de Sainte-Maure's Chronique des ducs de Normandie (c. 1174-1189). In both cases, Henry adopted the new genre of vernacular historical writing in Old French verse in an effort to disseminate a royalist version of the past that would help secure a grip on power for himself and his children. Wace was the first to be commissioned, but in 1174 the king abruptly fired him, turning the task over to Benoît de Sainte-Maure.
![]() Free Download Joseph R Cerami, "Wresting the Initiative: Ridgway as Operational Commander in the Korean War, December 1950 to April 1951" English | ISBN: 1288333250 | 2012 | 56 pages | EPUB | 242 KB This monograph examines the conduct of operations of the United States'; Eighth Army under the command of General Matthew B. Ridgway in the Korean War. During the period of Ridgway's command, from late December of 1950 through April of 1951, the Eighth Army stopped an offensive campaign being conducted by Chinese Communist Forces. After completing a successful withdrawal and defense, Ridgway's Army mounted a series of offensive operations to regain lost territory and reestablish a defensive line along the 38th Parallel. Thus, this case study examines the campaign of an operational commander who successfully wrested the initiative back from the enemy and illustrates the significance of the AirLand Battle tenet of "initiative" at the operational level of war. The monograph is divided into four major sections. After an introduction in Section I, Section II discusses the current doctrine concerning the tenet of initiative as described in Field Manual 100-5, Operations. Section III examines the theoretical foundations of the concept of initiative as expressed in the writings of Clausewitz. Section IV describes Ridgway's conduct of withdrawal, defensive and offensive operations in early 1951. The concluding section evaluates Ridgway's operational design using the key concepts found in FM 100-5 - centers of gravity, lines of operation, and culminating points. In sum, this monograph uses classical theory, current doctrine, and history in evaluating Ridgway's operational design, planning and execution during the Eighth Army's withdrawal, defensive and offensive operations. This case study examines the linkages between the tactical, operational and strategic levels of war. The physical, cybernetic and moral domains of war are employed as a framework for analysis. Several insights emerge from this case study including the significance of: gaining and retaining the initiative in the conduct of both defensive and offensive operations; seeking tactical and operational success, ![]() Free Download Virginia Lyman Lucas, "World War II at the Movies: Volume II" English | ISBN: 164628030X | 2019 | 146 pages | EPUB | 417 KB As rich in history as World War II at the Movies, which commemorates in chronological order World War II major battles and pivotal events and captures the spirit of frontline heroes and strategist leaders, World War II at the Movies, Volume II, is as different in content and format. These compelling major motion picture films, blockbuster thrillers, and fascinating supplemental data elucidate and elaborate on top secret commando missions, challenges that wounded veterans faced adapting to civilian life with life-changing disabilities, and innovation, development, and advances in war weaponry technology, which led to the Allied victory over tyranny. You will find out: whose naval career was depicted and portrayed by Cliff Robertson at the time he was a sitting president of the United States who was the youngest World War II veteran (who enlisted in the Navy at the age of twelve) who was the oldest World War II veteran (who died in December of 2018 at the age of 112) which "lady" came to England's financial aid when they couldn't fund the spitfire's entry in the Schneider race (the winner of which would be awarded funds to further advance airplane design) who invented Germany's enigma code machine ![]() Free Download G. D. H. Cole, "Workshop Organisation " English | ISBN: 1138336327 | 2020 | 218 pages | EPUB | 297 KB This brilliant analysis, first published in 1923, predicted the development of shop floor bargaining and explains how attitudes, doubts and fears have remained relatively fixed yet open to various pressures. Most of all, it shows why employers extended recognition to work place unionism in the crucial years of 1917-19. This title will be of interest to students and scholars of labour history. ![]() Free Download Working Mother: Simple coaching strategies for success at work and home by Rachel Morris English | September 3, 2024 | ISBN: 1788606140 | 256 pages | PDF | 2.18 Mb **The People's Book Prize Longlisted Title 2024/25** ![]() Free Download Joshua H. Howard, "Workers at War: Labor in China's Arsenals, 1937-1953" English | ISBN: 0804748969 | 2004 | 474 pages | PDF | 33 MB This book focuses on the lives, struggles, and contrasting perspectives of the 60,000 workers, military administrators, and technical staff employed in the largest, most strategic industry of the Nationalist government, the armaments industry based in the wartime capital, Chongqing. The author argues that China's arsenal workers participated in three interlocked conflicts between 1937 and 1953: a war of national liberation, a civil war, and a class war. The work adds to the scholarship on the Chinese revolution, which has previously focused primarily on rural China, showing how workers' alienation from the military officers directing the arsenals eroded the legitimacy of the Nationalist regime and how the Communists mobilized working-class support in Chongqing. Moreover, in emphasizing the urban, working-class, and nationalist components of the 1949 revolution, the author demonstrates the multiple sources of workers' identities and thus challenges previous studies that have exclusively stressed workers' particularistic or regional identities.
![]() Free Download Sara Paretsky, "Words, Works, and Ways of Knowing: The Breakdown of Moral Philosophy in New England before the Civil War" English | ISBN: 022633774X | 2016 | 176 pages | EPUB | 1040 KB Crime writer Sara Paretsky is known the world over for her acclaimed series of mysteries starring Chicago private investigator V. I. Warshawski, now in its seventeenth installment. Paretsky's work has long been inflected with history-for her characters the past looms large in the present-and in her decades-long career, she has been recognized for transforming the role of women in contemporary crime fiction. ![]() Free Download Brian Morton, "Woodrow Wilson: USA " English | ISBN: 1905791623 | 2008 | 256 pages | EPUB | 1482 KB Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924). It is September 1919 - a meeting hall in a small mid-Western city. A thin man is speaking to a sceptical audience about peace. He has already met the city fathers and has been warned that 'out here' what happens in Europe means very little. Even the late war scarcely impinged on the place, though it had been recognised that it hadn't been altogether good for trade and one or two local boys had died on the fields of France in the very last days of the conflict. The speaker was obviously impassioned, with a preacher's cadence to his voice, and particularly so when he promoted the idea of an international League of Nations to guarantee future peace and ensure that the war into which America had been lured in 1917 really was 'a war to end all wars'. It is noticed that the man is sweating and pale and that he pauses frequently to dab his lips. The price of his campaign for peace - and peace conducted with principle - seems to be a terrible struggle between strong belief on the one hand and failing reserves on the other. Woodrow Wilson will live for another five years, but his battle to convince America to join the League is lost and much of the vigour that marked his time as President of his country, as president of Princeton University, even as an enthusiastic college football coach, was left behind in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles. This book will look at the life of Wilson, from his early years during the American Civil War, through his academic and political career and America's involvement in the First World War, to Wilson's role at Versailles, including the construction of his Fourteen Points, his principles for the reformation of Europe, and the consequences of Versailles for America and on later conflicts. ![]() Free Download Dana Wessell Lightfoot, "Women, dowries and agency: Marriage in fifteenth-century Valencia " English | ISBN: 1526106655 | 2016 | 240 pages | EPUB | 1235 KB This book examines labouring-status women in late medieval Valencia as they negotiated the fundamentally defining experience of their lives: marriage. Through the use of notarial records and civil court cases, it argues that the socio-economic and immigrant status of these women greatly enhanced their ability to exercise agency not only in choosing a spouse and gathering dotal assets, but also in controlling this property after they wed. Although the prevailing legal code in Valencia appeared to give wives little authority over these assets, court records demonstrate that they were still able to negotiate a measure of control. In these actions, labouring-status wives exercised agency by protecting their marital goods from harm, using legal statutes to their own advantage. |