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![]() Free Download On Probabilistic Conditional Independence Structures By Milan Studený RNDr, DrSc (auth.), Michael Jordan, Jon Kleinberg, Bernhard Schölkopf, Frank P. Kelly, Ian Witten (eds.) 2005 | 285 Pages | ISBN: 1852338911 | PDF | 2 MB Conditional independence is a topic that lies between statistics and artificial intelligence. Probabilistic Conditional Independence Structures provides the mathematical description of probabilistic conditional independence structures; the author uses non-graphical methods of their description, and takes an algebraic approach.The monograph presents the methods of structural imsets and supermodular functions, and deals with independence implication and equivalence of structural imsets. Motivation, mathematical foundations and areas of application are included, and a rough overview of graphical methods is also given. In particular, the author has been careful to use suitable terminology, and presents the work so that it will be understood by both statisticians, and by researchers in artificial intelligence. The necessary elementary mathematical notions are recalled in an appendix.Probabilistic Conditional Independence Structures will be a valuable new addition to the literature, and will interest applied mathematicians, statisticians, informaticians, computer scientists and probabilists with an interest in artificial intelligence. The book may also interest pure mathematicians as open problems are included.Milan Studený is a senior research worker at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. ![]() Free Download Nuclear Engineering Handbook: Hands on with Python (Nuclear Engineering Essentials) by Jamie Flux English | October 17, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DK9P9ZXN | PDF | 1.47 Mb Nuclear Engineering Handbook: Hands on with Python! ![]() Free Download Notizen zu C++ By Peter Thömmes (auth.) 2004 | 312 Pages | ISBN: 3642622860 | PDF | 1 MB Die "Notizen zu C++" richten sich an den fortgeschrittenen C++ Software-Entwickler, sie zeigen effektive Lösungswege für zahlreiche Aufgabenstellungen aus der Praxis. Dazu werden in präziser und kompakter Form effiziente Lösungen durch konkrete Code-Beispiele gegeben, die plattformübergreifend sowohl unter UNIX/Linux als auch auf WINDOWS-Systemen funktionieren.Die Darstellung orientiert sich an den Phasen eines Software-Projektes: zunächst werden generell Projektaufbau und geeignete Architektur-Modelle (Schichten-Modell, Client/Server-Architektur, Broker-Pattern für verteilte Anwendungen, CORBA, DCOM) analysiert. Dann folgt ein kompaktes Repetitorium wichtiger Begriffe und Sprachelemente sowie grundsätzlicher Regeln für das Programmieren in C++. Anschließend werden folgende zentrale Themen behandelt: Strings, Zeitermittlung, const, static, Referenzen, Zeiger, Smart-Pointer, new/delete, Speicherarten sowie Vererbungskonzepte unter C++ und das Programmieren von Klassen. Über Code-Kapselung, Operatoren, Casting und Exceptions führt der Text dann zum wichtigsten Baustein von C++, der STL (Standard-Template-Library). Ferner werden transaktionssichere Zugriffe auf relationale Datenbanken behandelt.
![]() Free Download New Developments in Classification and Data Analysis: Proceedings of the Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG) of the Italian Statistical Society, University of Bologna, September 22-24, 2003 By Massimo Aria (auth.), H.-H. Bock, W. Gaul, M. Vichi, Ph. Arabie, D. Baier, F. Critchley, R. Decker, E. Diday, M. Greenacre, C. Lauro, J. Meulman, P. Monari, S. Nishisato, N. Ohsumi, O. Opitz, G. Ritter, M. Schader, C. Weihs, Professor Maurizio Vichi, 2005 | 370 Pages | ISBN: 3540273735 | PDF | 5 MB This volume contains revised versions of selected papers presented during the biannual meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of SocietA Italiana di Statistica, which was held in Bologna, September 22-24, 2003. The scientific program of the conference included 80 contributed papers. Moreover it was possible to recruit six internationally renowned invited spe- ers for plenary talks on their current research works regarding the core topics of IFCS (the International Federation of Classification Societies) and Wo- gang Gaul and the colleagues of the GfKl organized a session. Thus, the conference provided a large number of scientists and experts from home and abroad with an attractive forum for discussions and mutual exchange of knowledge. The talks in the different sessions focused on methodological developments in supervised and unsupervised classification and in data analysis, also p- viding relevant contributions in the context of applications. This suggested the presentation of the 43 selected papers in three parts as follows: CLASSIFICATION AND CLUSTERING Non parametric classification Clustering and dissimilarities MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS AND DATA ANALYSIS APPLIED MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS Environmental data Microarray data Behavioural and text data Financial data We wish to express our gratitude to the authors whose enthusiastic p- ticipation made the meeting possible. We are very grateful to the reviewers for the time spent in their professional reviewing work. We would also like to extend our thanks to the chairpersons and discussants of the sessions: their comments and suggestions proved very stimulating both for the authors and the audience.
![]() Free Download Neuronale Netze in der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Prognose und Modellgenerierung: Eine theoretische und empirische Betrachtung mit Programmier-Beispielen By Professor Dr. Carsten Lange (auth.) 2004 | 349 Pages | ISBN: 3790800597 | PDF | 13 MB Die Methode neuronaler Netze ist eine ökonometrische Methode zur Schätzung nichtlinearer Zusammenhänge. Der vorliegende Band beschreibt ausführlich sowohl die theoretischen als auch die empirischen Aspekte neuronaler Netze. Nach einer detaillierten Einführung in die Funktionsweise neuronaler Netze im ersten Teil, die auch für Einsteiger und Studenten geeignet ist, richtet sich der zweite Teil des Buches an Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, die ein neuronales Netz als Erwartungsbildungsmodul oder als Optimierungsmodul in volkswirtschaftliche Modelle integrieren wollen. Im dritten Teil des Buches schließlich wird am Beispiel der Geldnachfrage dargestellt, wie neuronale Netze fuer die Analyse und Prognose wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Zusammenhänge eingesetzt werden können. Gängige Trainings- und Optimierungsverfahren werden vorgestellt und es wird gezeigt, wie diese Verfahren in einem Simulator fuer neuronale Netze implementiert werden können. Die beiliegende CD enthält eine interaktive Version des Buches. Computer-Simulationen, Programmierbeispiele und Quellcode für die Programme können direkt aus dem Text aufgerufen und Schritt für Schritt nachvollzogen werden. ![]() Free Download Neonicotinoids in the Environment: Emerging Concerns to the Human Health and Biodiversity English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031453425 | 634 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 26 MB The proposed book presents the current state of knowledge about the processes, parameters, and phenomena that influence the fate of neonicotinoids in soil-water systems (i.e., soil and groundwater), as well as their effects and mitigation measures, and identifies existing knowledge gaps. Furthermore, groundwater/surface water interactions, as well as sorption, biodegradation, and chemical transformations of neonicotinoids in the soil and leaching to the groundwater, are highlighted, as they determine their further migration from sources, through soils to groundwater systems, and then to other environmental compartments, posing ecological and human risks. The ecological risks of neonicotinoids are highlighted in a separate section with special emphasis on the impacts on biological diversity. ![]() Free Download Allan Mitchell, "Nazi Paris: The History of an Occupation, 1940-1944" English | ISBN: 1845454510 | 2008 | 264 pages | PDF | 14 MB Basing his extensive research into hitherto unexploited archival documentation on both sides of the Rhine, Allan Mitchell has uncovered the inner workings of the German military regime from the Wehrmacht's triumphal entry into Paris in June 1940 to its ignominious withdrawal in August 1944. Although mindful of the French experience and the fundamental issue of collaboration, the author concentrates on the complex problems of occupying a foreign territory after a surprisingly swift conquest. By exploring in detail such topics as the regulation of public comportment, economic policy, forced labor, culture and propaganda, police activity, persecution and deportation of Jews, assassinations, executions, and torture, this study supersedes earlier attempts to investigate the German domination and exploitation of wartime France. In doing so, these findings provide an invaluable complement to the work of scholars who have viewed those dark years exclusively or mainly from the French perspective. ![]() Free Download Natur - eine Norm der Praxis?: Zur Normativität des Natürlichen: Gibt es ein Sollen im Sein? Deutsch | 2024 | ISBN: 3658450657 | 667 Pages | PDF (True) | 7 MB Seit Aristoteles wurde diese für die menschliche Lebensform gewichtige Frage mit einem unmissverständlichen ‚Ja' beantwortet. Die Neuzeit neigt überwiegend zu einer gegenteiligen Antwort. Denn, so wird jetzt gefragt: Was ist eigentlich Natur? Ist sie dem Menschen gleichsam als Mitgift in die Wiege gelegt, also seinem Lebensvollzug und seinen Handlungsentscheidungen mit verbindlichem Anspruch vorgegeben? Oder ist Natur - das Sein des Menschen - allein das, was der Mensch zwischen Geburt und Tod aus sich selbst macht, also bloß ein So-und-Jetzt-Sein? Ist der Mensch im Sinne normativer Natürlichkeit möglicherweise ganz und gar unbestimmt? Kurzum: Wie steht es um die Natur des Menschen und deren Anspruch auf Normativität? ![]() Free Download Anaïs Fléchet, "Music and Postwar Transitions in the 19th and 20th Centuries " English | ISBN: 1800738943 | 2023 | 321 pages | PDF | 836 KB From the Napoleonic Wars to the genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda, via the great world conflicts of the 20th century, Music and Postwar Transitions in the 19th and 20th Centuries is the first book to highlight the significance of 'postwar transitions' in the field of music and to demonstrate the influence that musicians, composers, critics, institutions, and publics have had on the period that follows conflict. Leading historians, political scientists, psychologists and musicologists explore the roles of music and culture in demobilization, reconstruction, memory, reconciliation, revenge, and nationalist backlash. Moving beyond the popular conception of music as an agent of peace, this study reveals music's more complex and ambivalent role in the process of transition from war to peace. ![]() Free Download Multimedia Systems By Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt (auth.) 2004 | 466 Pages | ISBN: 364207412X | PDF | 20 MB The goal of Multimedia Systems is to provide a broad understanding of multimedia systems and applications in an integrated manner. A user can enjoy a multimedia application only if all the pieces of the end-to-end solution fit together. This means that a multimedia application must be developed in integrated fashion, taking into account the underlying technology described here. In this volume, we present fundamental characteristics and properties of multimedia operating and communication systems. Of special interest to readers will be those chapters dealing with scheduling algorithms and other OS-supporting approaches for multimedia applications, with their soft-real-time deadlines; multimedia file system internals and servers, with their decision algorithms for data placement and scheduling; multimedia communication, transport, and streaming protocols and services, with their error control, congestion control and other Quality of Service awareness and adaptive algorithms; synchronization services, with their skew control methods; and group communications, with their group coordinating algorithms and other distributed services. Ralf Steinmetz is Professor of Multimedia Communications at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, and he is chairman of the Board of the Telemedia Center httc.. Together with more than 20 researchers, he is working towards his vision of "truly seamless multimedia communications". He has co-authored over 200 refereed publications, serves as a member of the board of numerous professional committees, is an ICCC Governor, and is a Fellow of both the IEEE and the ACM. Klara Nahrstedt is the Ralph and Catherine Fisher Professor at the department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urban-Champagne, USA. She is an expert in the area of multimedia systems and networks and focuses on quality of service management problems. Currently, she serves as the editor-in-chief of the ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal. |