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![]() Free Download Nightstalkers: The Wright Project and the 868th Bomb Squadron in World War II by Richard Phillip Lawless English | February 22, 2023 | ISBN: 1636242057 | 432 pages | EPUB | 20 Mb "Lawless' engaging and descriptive approach takes the reader into the Pacific war and offers a front-row seat to the exploits of the Wright Project and their highly innovative technology." ― War History Network ![]() Free Download The Missouri Group, "News Reporting and Writing" English | ISBN: 1319208169 | 2019 | 544 pages | EPUB | 115 MB News Reporting & Writing teaches the essential reporting and writing skills within the context of today's digital media landscape. The Missouri Group, including new author, Beverly Horvit, have extensively revised this edition with diverse examples and a focus on the role of technology to give students a strong foundation in the craft and raise awareness of current issues like fake news and censorship. The team focuses on developing the skills journalists actually use and the many careers in which they, and students, could use them―from working in news, to advertising, to public relations. Much of the text has been rewritten and reorganized to introduce a stronger flow of content paired with the most current coverage of today's news industry.
![]() Free Download Neolithic Pits, Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Pit Alignments and Iron Age to Roman Settlements at Wollaston Quarry, Northamptonshire by Rob Atkins, Ian Meadows English | April 4, 2024 | ISBN: 1803277513 | 152 pages | PDF | 16 Mb Between 1990 and 1998, MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) undertook a series of archaeological excavations within Wollaston Quarry covering an area of 116ha. Eight excavation areas and a watching brief were undertaken. The proximity of the River Nene and at least four palaeochannels formed the dominant natural landscape features. This dynamic environment affected settlement and land use throughout prehistoric and Roman periods. Seventeen pits, largely in small groups, were identified containing early Neolithic to late Neolithic/early Bronze Age pottery. Some of these features were located within the area of the palaeochannels. Later, of especial interest was a notable collection of eleven different late Bronze Age to early Iron Age pit alignments, which were part of a co-axial landscape over an area of 2.5km. There was also a small area of domestic activity reflected by pits dating to the early Iron Age as well as two large watering holes in other locations. The pit alignment boundaries influenced subsequent settlement from the middle Iron Age to the late Roman periods. While individual settlements and related agricultural enclosures changed location over time, they followed the same alignments as the earlier pit alignments suggesting some form of continuity for over 800 years. In the middle to late Iron Age four separate farmsteads were established of which two overlaid the former pit alignments. All four comprised sub-rectangular enclosed farmsteads with internal roundhouses and paddocks. Towards the end of the Iron Age at least one of the middle Iron Age settlements was abandoned, while at roughly the same time an unenclosed settlement was created nearby which continued to the late Roman period. Overall, within the quarry, six new late Iron Age and Roman settlements were established and two more have been preserved without excavation. In the middle Roman period, there was extensive and organised agriculture activity which included two vineyards in two different parts of the site as well as two areas of paddock type enclosures. This level of planning suggests significant investment and could reflect the development by a villa estate. In the early to middle Saxon period there were four different areas of activity which comprised a sunken featured building, pits and a late 7th century grave of a high-status Anglian warrior burial (the latter has previously been reported on separately).
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