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![]() Free Download Distributed Software Agents and Applications: 6th European Workshop on Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World, MAAMAW '94 Odense, Denmark, August 3-5, 1994 Proceedings By Mario Tokoro (auth.), John W. Perram, Jean-Pierre Müller (eds.) 1996 | 228 Pages | ISBN: 3540611576 | PDF | 4 MB This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th European Workshop on Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World, MAAMAW '94, held in Odense, Denmark, in August 1994.The 15 revised full papers included in the book were carefully selected from the workshop contributions; they address various current aspects of multi-agent systems, with a certain focus on applicational aspects. In addition, there is an invited paper "Agents: towards a society in which humans and computers cohabitate" by Mario Tokoro. ![]() Free Download Distributed Acoustic Sensing in Borehole Geophysics English | 2025 | ISBN: 1394179243 | 615 Pages | PDF, EPUB (True) | 330 MB Borehole geophysics involves measuring, imaging, and monitoring subsurface structures and activities by putting instruments into wellbores. Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) technology is emerging as an effective and reliable tool in borehole geophysics because fiber-optic cables deployed at depth can produce high-quality data and images, even in harsh high-temperature and high-pressure environments. ![]() Free Download Sebastiano Molinelli, "Dissoi Logoi: Introduction, Critical Text, Translation, and Commentary" English | ISBN: 303169533X | 2024 | 198 pages | EPUB | 613 KB This new critical edition of Dissoi Logoi starts from a codicological analysis that is unprecedented in scope (the studied codices are twenty-six) and depth (their material, dimensions, transmitted works, provenance, date, scribe, first possessors, and current place of conservation are considered). On this basis, a new stemma codicum and a new Greek critical text with parallel English translation are offered. The extensive introduction reconstructs the manuscript and printed transmission of the text and sheds new light on its nature and its reception in antiquity. Dissoi Logoi appears to have been written between 355 and 338 BCE, in an Eastern form of Doric κοινή, by a sophist who aimed to promote his course. It likely worked as a source for Sextus Empiricus, which contributes to explaining the work's collocation at the end of Sextus' codices. The third and final part of the book consists in a two-level commentary. First, the ![]() Free Download Discourse, Tools and Reasoning: Essays on Situated Cognition By Lauren B. Resnick, Clotilde Pontecorvo, Roger Säljö (auth.), Lauren B. Resnick, Roger Säljö, Clotilde Pontecorvo, Barbara Burge (eds.) 1997 | 482 Pages | ISBN: 3642083374 | PDF | 12 MB Not long ago, projections of how office technologies would revolutionize the production of documents in a high-tech future carriedmany promises. The paper less office and the seamless and problem-free sharing of texts and other work materials among co-workers werejust around the corner, we were told. To anyone who has been involved in putting together a volume of the present kind, such forecasts will be met with considerable skepticism, if not outright distrust. The diskette, the email, the fax, the net, and all the other forms of communication that are now around are powerful assets, but they do not in any way reduce the flow of paper or the complexity of coordinating activities involved in producing an artifact such as a book. Instead, the reverse seems to be true. Obviously, the use of such tools requires considerable skill at the center of coordination, to borrow an expression from a chapter in this volume. As editors, we have been fortunate to have Ms. Lotta Strand, Linkoping University, at the center of the distributed activity that producing this volume has required over the last few years. With her considerable skill and patience, Ms. Strand and her work provide a powerful illustration of the main thrust of most of the chapters in this volume: Practice is a coordination of thinking and action, and many things had to be kept in mind during the production of this volume. ![]() Free Download Digitale Panoramen: Tipps, Tricks und Techniken für die Panoramafotografie By Corinna Jacobs (auth.) 2004 | 236 Pages | ISBN: 3642621783 | PDF | 19 MB Faszinierend wirken digitale Panoramen überall: ob auf der privaten Homepage oder beim professionellen Einsatz in den Bereichen Architektur, Museen, Firmen- oder Produktpräsentationen. Der Autorin gelingt eine umfassende und zugleich leicht verständliche Darstellung aller notwendigen Schritte bei der Panoramafotografie: von der Produktion digitaler oder analoger Bildreihen über das Zusammensetzen (Stitchen) mit geeigneten Software-Tools bis hin zur Publikation interaktiver Panoramen im Internet. Das Buch führt in die Produktion zylindrischer und sphärischer Panoramen ein und erläutert die Verknüpfung einzelner Panoramen zu virtuellen Rundgängen. Ebenso wird die Produktion interaktiver Objektpräsentationen, den sogenannten Objektmovies, veranschaulicht. Softwareprodukte wie REALVIZ Stitcher, VR Worx und PTools werden vorgestellt, und die Publikation im Internet mittels QuickTime VR, PTViewer, VRML, iPIX sowie weiteren Panorama-Viewern wird beschrieben. Unabhängig davon, ob die digitalen Bilder mit Panoramakamera, Fisheye-Objektiv, Singlerow- oder Multirow-Technik aufgenommen werden, zu allen Alternativen bietet dieses Werk praktische Tipps und Kniffe. Detaillierte Vergleiche der einzelnen Techniken erleichtern die Auswahl des geeigneten Verfahrens für individuelle Ziele. So wird die Panoramafotografie zu einem besonderen Erlebnis und qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse sind die Folge. ![]() Free Download Digitale Aufnahmetechnik: Digitale Fotografie in der Praxis By Thomas Maschke (auth.) 2004 | 202 Pages | ISBN: 3642621732 | PDF | 8 MB Die Verbindung von digitaler Bildaufnahme, Weiterverarbeitung und Bildausgabe eröffnet kreative und auch wirtschaftliche Nutzungsmöglichkeiten für zahlreiche Berufsgruppen. Digitale Aufnahmetechnik beschreibt den Einsatz der digitalen Kamera in der Praxis der Nah-, Makro- und Blitzlichtfotografie und vieler anderer Themengebiete. Der Leser wird in die Lage versetzt, seine Motive gekonnt zu fotografieren. Zusammen mit den Bänden Digitale Kameratechnik und Digitale Bildbearbeitung des gleichen Autors wird der Leser fachlich fundiert und verständlich über alle Aspekte der digitalen Fotografie von der Aufnahme bis zum fertigen Bild informiert. Theorie, Grundlagen, Praxis und Möglichkeiten der digitalen Fotografie werden umfassend erläutert. Die weitgehend plattformunabhängige Darstellung macht diese Werke für einen breiten Leserkreis nutzbar.Die drei Bände sind auch im Digi-Foto-Powerpack (ISBN 3-540-20262-5) erhältlich. ![]() Free Download Digital Twins and Cybersecurity: Safeguarding the Future of Connected Systems English | 2025 | ISBN: 1394272472 | 490 Pages | PDF | 7 MB This book explores the convergence of digital twins and cybersecurity, offering insights, strategies, and best practices for safeguarding connected systems. It examines the definition, evolution, types, and applications of digital twins across industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and transportation. Highlighting growing digital threats, it underscores the need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect the integrity and confidentiality of digital twin ecosystems. ![]() Free Download Digital Signature Schemes: General Framework and Fail-Stop Signatures By Birgit Pfitzmann (auth.) 1996 | 404 Pages | ISBN: 3540615172 | PDF | 6 MB This book, based on the author's Ph.D. thesis, was selected during the 1995 GI Doctoral Dissertation Competition as the winning thesis in the foundations-of-informatics track.Securing integrity for digital communications in the age of global electronic information exchange and electronic commerce is vital to democratic societies and a central technical challenge for cryptologists. As core contribution to advancing the state of the art, the author develops the new class of digital fail-stop signatures. This monograph is self-contained regarding the historical background and cryptographic primitives used. For the first time, a general and sophisticated framework is introduced in which innovative fail-stop signatures are systematically presented and evaluated, from theoretical foundations to engineering aspects. ![]() Free Download Digital Revolution: The History of the Internet by Rowley N. Howland English | December 11, 2024 | ISBN: 8230350639 | 118 Pages | epub | 0,14 MB ![]() Free Download Diffractive Image Microscopy for 3D Imaging English | 2024 | ISBN: 981977781X | 211 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 77 MB This book presents a unique methodology of precious and original scientific work in optical microscopy that is scarce to be found elsewhere. It covers modern 3D optical microscopy to provide a solid understanding of microscopic optics and imaging theory. With an inspiring development in diffractive image microscopy and ANN-based reverse mapping modeling, this is an invaluable book for precision optics, precision metrology, optical testing, biomedical engineering, and physics students or staff taking R&D on optical microscopy, as well as advanced undergraduates, professionals, and researchers looking for an accessible introduction to the field. |