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![]() Free Download Object-Oriented and Mixed Programming Paradigms: New Directions in Computer Graphics By Dr. Peter Wisskirchen (auth.), Dr. Peter Wisskirchen (eds.) 1996 | 196 Pages | ISBN: 364264676X | PDF | 5 MB The evolving functionality and growing complexity of graphics algorithms and systems make it more difficult for the application programmer to exploit them fully. Conventional programming methods are no longer suited and new programming paradigms and system architectures are required. This book presents results from the Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Object-Oriented Graphics. Part 1, Object-Oriented Design and Systems, shows that object-oriented graphics now uses complex algorithms and systems, such as elaborate renderers, animation, and multimedia systems, that are realized as object-oriented libraries. Part 2, Programming Paradigms for Graphics, reflects upon and analyzes problems arising from relying completely on object orientation, and proposes mixed programming paradigms that may enrich object-oriented languages. ![]() Free Download Object-Oriented Behavioral Specifications By Haim Kilov, William Harvey (auth.) 1996 | 316 Pages | ISBN: 0792397789 | PDF | 4 MB Object-Oriented Behavioral Specifications encourages builders of complex information systems to accelerate their move to using the approach of a scientific discipline in analysis rather than the approach of a craft. The focus is on understanding customers' needs and on precise specification of understanding gained through analysis. Specifications must bridge any gaps in understanding about business rules among customers, Subject Matter Experts, and `computer people', must inform decisions about reuse of software and systems, and must enable review of semantics over time. Specifications need to describe semantics rather than syntax, and to do that in an abstract and precise manner, in order to create software systems that satisfy business rules. The papers in this book show various ways of designing elegant and clear specifications which are reusable, lead to savings of intellectual effort, time, and money, and which contribute to the reliability of software and systems. Object-Oriented Behavioral Specifications offers a fresh treatment of the object-oriented paradigm by examining the limitations of traditional OO methodologies and by describing the significance of competing trends in OO modeling. The book builds on four years of successful OOPSLA workshops (1991-1995) on behavior semantics. This book deals with precise specifications of `what' is accomplished by the business and `what' is to be done by a system. The book includes descriptions of successful use of abstract and precise specification in industry. It draws on the experience of experts from industrial and academic settings and benefits from international participation. Collective behavior, neglected in some treatment of the OO paradigm, is addressed explicitly in this book. The book does not take `reuse' of specifications or software for granted, but furnishes a foundation for taking as rigorous an approach to reuse decisions as to precise specifications in original developments. ![]() Free Download Hermann Rohling, "OFDM: Concepts for Future Communication Systems" English | 2011 | pages: 261 | ISBN: 3642174957, 3642267483 | PDF | 8,1 mb (Preliminary): The Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) digital transmission technique has several advantages in broadcast and mobile communications applications. The main objective of this book is to give a good insight into these efforts, and provide the reader with a comprehensive overview of the scientific progress which was achieved in the last decade. Besides topics of the physical layer, such as coding, modulation and non-linearities, a special emphasis is put on system aspects and concepts, in particular regarding cellular networks and using multiple antenna techniques. The work extensively addresses challenges of link adaptation, adaptive resource allocation and interference mitigation in such systems. Moreover, the domain of cross-layer design, i.e. the combination of physical layer aspects and issues of higher layers, are considered in detail. These results will facilitate and stimulate further innovation and development in the design of modern communication systems, based on the powerful OFDM transmission technique. ![]() Free Download Ann Wortinger, "Nutrition for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses" English | ISBN: 0813829135 | 2007 | 256 pages | PDF | 3 MB Nutrition for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses serves an introduction to the fundamentals of nutrition and also a guide to monitoring the nutritional needs of patients in daily practice. Students will benefit from the clear and consistent approach to basic principles of nutrition. Practicing technicians and nurses will appreciate the practical applications and techniques for managing the nutritional needs of both sick and healthy patients and guidance for educating clients. Focusing on the unique interests of technicians and nurses, the book is not only relevant and technical but also understandable and usable. ![]() Free Download Nutraceuticals: A New Millennium Approach for Preventive Medicine English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031764803 | 671 Pages | EPUB (True) | 17 MB Nutraceuticals are defined as any food bioactive compounds or supplements which provide health and medicinal benefits, usually in the prevention of disease and sometimes playing a role in their treatment as well. Nutraceuticals are a combination of a variety of nutrients ranging from vitamins and minerals to certain amino acids. Nutrients are an essential part of the diet and serve a variety of roles in human physiology through various enzymes which govern biocatalysis in various metabolic pathways including tissue and DNA repair and body defense and immunity. Nutrients that are routinely prescribed as dietary supplements include multivitamins, minerals and certain specific amino acids. Nutraceuticals not only serve a pivotal role in tissue repair and body defense mechanism but also play a crucial role in various signal transduction and metabolic pathways. The deficiency of any crucial nutrient can negatively affect metabolic and transduction pathways which can lead toa variety of diseases and disorders. The preventive use of nutraceuticals is a promising new trend for a variety of diseases and disorders. ![]() Free Download Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge by Dee McGonigle, Kathleen Mastrian English | April 4, 2024 | ISBN: 1284293432 | 750 pages | MOBI | 19 Mb Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge, Sixth Edition continues to help nursing students make sense of nursing informatics in an easy-to-follow approach. A practical guide for understanding how to efficiently use modern technology in today's healthcare system, this award-winning nursing textbook teaches students how to acquire, process and disseminate knowledge. The authors use their unique Foundation of Knowledge Model throughout as an organizational structure by which to learn and teach nursing informatics. This comprehensive framework guides students through the basic building blocks of nursing informatics (nursing science, information science, computer science, cognitive science) before diving into current technologies, tools, and trends in nursing informatics.The updated Sixth Edition provides nurse educators with the necessary tools to transfer the knowledge their students need to succeed in the information age. Rich learning features, including Case Studies, Working Wisdom, and Application Scenarios demonstrate how these technologies can be applied in practice, linking information and knowledge management within a real-world context.Check out what Professor Lynn Duncan had to say about Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge, Sixth Edition in her review here.
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![]() Free Download Carrie Gress, "Nudging Conversions: A Practical Guide to Bringing Those You Love Back to the Church " English | ISBN: 1942611900 | 2016 | 112 pages | EPUB | 165 KB We all know someone-a parent, sibling, aunt or uncle, coworker, grandparent, child, neighbor, or friend who has either left the Church or never discovered it. We want them to know the joy and peace we've discovered, but the last thing we want to do is to force our faith on them. So how can we bring our loved ones back to the Church? |