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![]() Free Download Amanda Kirk, "Information Technology" English | 2009 | pages: 153 | ISBN: 0816076251 | PDF | 8,0 mb Invaluable advice forcareer changersinterested in information technology.
![]() Free Download Information Security and Privacy: First Australasian Conference, ACISP'96 Wollongong, NSW, Australia, June 24-26, 1996 Proceedings By Steve Orlowski (auth.), Josef Pieprzyk, Jennifer Seberry (eds.) 1996 | 341 Pages | ISBN: 3540619917 | PDF | 9 MB This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the First Australiasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, ACISP '96, held in Wollongong, NSW, Australia, in June 1996.The volume includes revised full versions of the 26 refereed papers accepted for presentation at the conference; also included are three invited contributions. The papers are organized in topical sections on authentication, secret sharing, encryption and cryptographic functions, authentication protocols, stream ciphers, access control, security models and intrusion detection, threshold cryptography, and hashing. ![]() Free Download Informatiker in der Wirtschaft: Perspektiven eines Berufs By Dr. Michael Hartmann (auth.) 1995 | 183 Pages | ISBN: 3540585575 | PDF | 10 MB Die Informatiker sind eine Berufsgruppe mit sehr hohen Zuwachsraten. Sie gelten als die Protagonisten der häufig prognostizierten Informationsgesellschaft.Erstmals liegt nun eine umfassende empirische Untersuchung über diese Berufsgruppe vor. Auf der Basis von Erhebungen bei führenden Hardware- und Software-Herstellern sowie bei Anwendern aus den Reihen deutscher Großkonzerne werden die Haupttätigkeitsgebiete der Informatiker, ihre Erfolgsaussichten und ihre Aufstiegschancen im Management großer Unternehmen dargestellt.Das Buch informiert Studenten und Praktiker über die Perspektiven ihres Berufs. Es bietet auch all denen wertvolle Anregungen, die sich mit Fragen der Informationsgesellschaft oder des Personalmanagements befassen. ![]() Free Download Industrial Information and Design Issues By Peter Johnson (auth.), Professor Jacques-Emile Dubois, Dr. Nahum Gershon (eds.) 1996 | 293 Pages | ISBN: 3642802885 | PDF | 8 MB J. -E. DUBOIS and N. GERSHON The first volume of this series, "The Information Revolution: Impact on Science and Technology", emphasized the importance of data sharing and fast communication and the advantages l!)f current hypertext developments in creating new and flexible data access. Volume II, "Modeling Complex Data for Creating Information", dealt, in particular, with the specific constraints of science and technology data including imprecision and uncertainty. It also provided representation and handling tools and object oriented programming technology for developing data systems. The papers presented in this third volume are concerned with the very specific information problems of the technical and competitive industrial world. Here, production and selling rely on creative design, information processing, special up-to date data search, knowledge comprehension and fast action, all essential for decision making steps. The following topics are discussed in this volume: * Cognition and Recognition in Design * Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) Evaluation * Modeling Tools for Knowledge Discovery * Standards and CAD (Computer Aided Design) Aspects of Industrial Exchange and Specifications * Information Seeking Strategies of Selective Access to Intelligent Information * Special Information Resources: Complex Databases Most of these topics, inspired by the symposium on "Communication and Computer Aided Systems" held during the 14th International CODATA Conference, deal with systemic components used by various up-to-date industries in development strategies. ![]() Free Download Industrial Cultures and Production: Understanding Competitiveness By Felix Rauner, Klaus Ruth (auth.), Lauge Rasmussen, Felix Rauner (eds.) 1996 | 229 Pages | ISBN: 3540760296 | PDF | 14 MB This book contains a selection of articles on the subject of 'Culture and Production'. They are results of international conferences held in Tokyo, Washington and Bremen between 1991 and 1994. The International Research Network on Culture and Production (CAPIRN) carried out a 5-year joint research project examining the impact of different industrial cultures on the development and implementation, and above all on the international transfer of technology. The machine tools sector was selected for this international comparative study, because over the last 15 years this global market has undergone dramatic changes that cannot be adequately explained by traditional economic theories of international competition. The 'industrial culture' research concept permits an analysis and understanding of hitherto unrecognised interrelationships between the dimensions of different industrial cultures and the process of technological innovation in international competition. The special challenge faced by CAPIRN was to develop the theoretical concept of industrial culture further and to apply it within a large-scale international study. A considerable amount of work in this field has been published by CAPIRN members since 1990. This book is the first compilation of research findings in the field of industrial culture. We wish to express our thanks to the national research councils in the participant countries, the FORCE and FAST programmes of the European Union, the Japanese Ministry for Industry, MITI, and the Hans Bockler Foundation, to mention only some of the many bodies that have provided support. ![]() Free Download Impact Investing: Regulierung, Methoden und Erfolgsmessung Deutsch | 2024 | ISBN: 3791063553 | 161 Pages | PDF (True) | 8 MB Investitionen sollen zunehmend nicht nur eine finanzielle Rendite erwirtschaften, sondern auch messbare ökologische und soziale Wirkung (Impact) erzielen. Das Buch vermittelt die Konzepte, Methoden und stellt die regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen dar. Dabei werden die internationale und nationale Regulierung der Finanzmärkte im ESG-Kontext, Methoden und Strategien nachhaltigen Investierens, KPIs und Erfolgsmessung, Impact Investing nach Anlageklassen und der Risikofaktor Greenwashing beleuchtet. ![]() Free Download Rosalind Beiler, "Immigrant and Entrepreneur: The Atlantic World of Caspar Wistar, 1650-1750" English | 2008 | pages: 226 | ISBN: 027103372X, 0271035951 | PDF | 10,2 mb Immigrant and Entrepreneur examines the life of German immigrant and successful businessman Caspar Wistar. Wistar arrived in Philadelphia in 1717 with nearly no money; at the time of his death in 1752, his wealth outstripped that of the contemporary elite more than threefold. Through this in-depth look at an immigrant's path to achieving the American Dream, Beiler reevaluates the modern understanding of the entrepreneurial ideal and the immigrant experience in the colonial era. ![]() Free Download Image Technology: Advances in Image Processing, Multimedia and Machine Vision By S. L. Bartlett, A. Hampapur, M. J. Huber, D. Kortenkamp, S. Moezzi (auth.), Dr. Jorge L. C. Sanz (eds.) 1996 | 745 Pages | ISBN: 3642635288 | PDF | 21 MB §vImage processing and machine vision are fields of renewed interest in the commercial market. People in industry, managers, and technical engineers are looking for new technologies to move into the market. Many of the most promising developments are taking place in the field of image processing and its applications. The book offers a broad coverage of advances in a range of topics in image processing and machine vision. ![]() Free Download John Willinsky, "If Only We Knew: Increasing The Public Value of Social Science Research" English | 2000 | pages: 263 | ISBN: 0415926521 | PDF | 2,0 mb In If Only We Knew John Willinsky uses current social issues and historical precedents to demonstrate that the social sciences can and should contribute far more to public knowledge than they have in the past. We have the technologies, Willinsky demonstrates, and need only the determination to create a public resource out of social research that can extend democratic participation and self-determination, as well as improve research's focus and public support. If Only We Knew offers examples of why and how this is not only possible but necessary, in the face of knowledge-based economies and a withering public sector. This book inspires the public to demand far more of research; it also shows researchers how to deliver far more of knowledge's value to the public.
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