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![]() Free Download David Jordan - Battle of the Bulge: Hitler's Final Gamble to Halt the Western Allies Barnes & Noble | 2006 | ISBN: 0760780056 | English | 200 pages | PDF | 122.98 MB On december 16, 1944, in the heavily-forested region of the Ardennes in Belgium, the German army made one final attempt to turn the tide of the war. At 5:30 A.M., 8 German armored divisions and 13 infantry divisions launched an all-out attack on 5 divisions of the US First Army. If the Wehrmacht were to succeed in their plan to split the Allied armies and capture the strategically important port of Antwerp, it was crucial that they make rapid advances into Allied territory and capture key crossroads and bridges on the first day. ![]() Free Download Doug Richardson - Battle Zones: Fighters of the NATO Allies Hamlyn | 1989 | ISBN: 0600564363 | English | 88 pages | PDF | 55.3 MB ![]() Free Download Battle Scarred: The 47th Battalion in the First World War By Craig Deayton 2011 | 425 Pages | ISBN: 0987057405 | EPUB | 1 MB 'The dead and wounded of the 47th Battalion lay everywhere underfoot'With these words Charles Bean, Australia's Official War Historian, described the battlefield of Dernancourt on the morning of the 5th of April, 1918, strewn with the bodies of the Australian dead. It was the final tragic chapter in the story of the 47th Australian Infantry Battalion in the First World War.The 47th Battalion fought in some of the First World War's bloodiest battles. From their first calamitous experience of war under the terrible shell fire of Pozieres, to the costly and futile attacks on Mouquet Farm and the frigid winters on the Somme they suffered through the fighting on the Western Front in 1916. In April of 1917 they were trapped and almost surrounded at 1st Bullecourt. A mere eight weeks later, they 'hopped the bags' at Messines where they lost over half their number. In October they fought and died by the score in the mud of Passchendaele.One of the shortest lived and most battle hardened of the 1st Australian Imperial Force's battalions, the 47th was formed in Egypt in 1916 and disbanded two years later having suffered one of the highest casualty rates of any Australian unit. Their story is remarkable for many reasons. Dogged by command and discipline troubles and bled white by the desperate attrition battles of 1916 and 1917, they fought on against a determined and skilful enemy in battles where the fortunes of war seemed stacked against them at every turn.Not only did they have the misfortune to be called into some of the A.I.F.'s most costly campaigns, chance often found them in the worst places within those battles. Finally, at the Battle of Dernancourt they fought in the 4th Division's titanic struggle to save Amiens from the great German offensive of 1918. It was at Dernancourt that the 47th Battalion found itself squarely in the path of the heaviest attack ever faced by Australians in this or any war. Fatally weakened by their losses, and under a cloud after the formal inquiry into the battle, the 47th Battalion was broken up. For the Queenslanders and Tasmanians of the 47th Battalion, disbandment meant not only the loss of their battalion, but disgrace and heartbreak as well. Worse still, it meant the ties of comradeship and the bond to their fallen mates were severed at one stroke. In their own bitter words, they were 'thrown away'.Though their story is one of almost unrelieved tragedy, it is also story of remarkable courage, endurance and heroism. It is the story of the 1st A.I.F. itself - punished, beaten, sometimes reviled for their indiscipline, they fought on - fewer, leaner and harder - until final victory was won. And at its end, in an extraordinary gesture of mateship, the remnants of the 47th Battalion reunited. Having been scattered to other units after their disbandment, the survivors gathered in Belgium for one last photo together.Only 73 remained.
![]() Free Download Bat Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions (Vol. 5) (Synopses of Conservation Evidence, Vol. 5) By Anna Berthinussen, Olivia Richardson, John Altringham 2014 | 120 Pages | ISBN: 1907807896 | PDF | 1 MB This book brings together scientific evidence and experience relevant to the practical conservation of bats. The authors worked with an international group of bat experts and conservationists to develop a global list of interventions that could benefit bats.For each intervention, the book summarises studies captured by the Conservation Evidence project, where that intervention has been tested and its effects on bats quantified. The result is a thorough guide to what is known, or not known, about the effectiveness of bat conservation actions throughout the world.Bat Conservationis the fifth in a series of Synopses that will cover different species groups and habitats, gradually building into a comprehensive summary of evidence on the effects of conservation interventions for all biodiversity throughout the world.By making evidence accessible in this way, we hope to enable a change in the practice of conservation, so it can become more evidence-based. We also aim to highlight where there are gaps in knowledge.Evidence from all around the world is included. If there appears to be a bias towards evidence from northern European or North American temperate environments, this reflects a current bias in the published research that is available to us. Conservation interventions are grouped primarily according to the relevant direct threats, as defined in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)'s Unified Classification of Direct Threats. ![]() Free Download Basta: Neue Aphorismen zu Staat und Recht, Individuum und Gemeinschaft By Merten, Detlef 2007 | 44 Pages | ISBN: 3428126599 | PDF | 1 MB Rechtzeitig zum 70. Geburtstag werden im Verlag Duncker & Humblot unter dem Titel "Basta" - 10 Jahre nach Erscheinen von "Kurzum Punktum" - die "Neuen Aphorismen zu Staat und Recht, Individuum und Gemeinschaft" des Staatsrechtslehrers Detlef Merten veröffentlicht.Detlef Merten, geb. 1937, studierte in Berlin und Graz Rechts-, Staats- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Im Jahre 1963 wurde er zum Dr. rer. pol., im Jahre 1969 zum Dr. jur. promoviert und habilitierte sich 1971 an der Freien Universität Berlin. Seit 1972 war er als Ordinarius an der Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer (Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht) tätig und ab 1983 Mitglied des Verfassungsgerichtshofes Rheinland-Pfalz. Im Jahre 2006 wurde anlässlich seiner Emeritierung ein Forschungssymposium des Deutschen Forschungsinstituts für öffentliche Verwaltung Speyer abgehalten, in dem die Kernbereiche seiner Forschung und Lehre eingehend behandelt wurden. Erschienen ist dieser Sammelband - so wie zahlreiche andere von ihm verfasste bzw. herausgegebene Werke - bei Duncker & Humblot unter dem Titel "Freiheit, Rechtsstaat und Sozialstaat in Europa", hrsg. von S. Magiera und K.-P. Sommermann, 183 S. (EuR 131) 978-3-428-12584-5 68,-.Als Autor/Herausgeber wissenschaftlicher Werke und durch seine Tätigkeit als Mitherausgeber der "Schriften zum Europäischen Recht", "Beiträge zum Beamtenrecht" sowie als Verantwortlicher für die "Schriftenreihe der Hochschule Speyer" bekannt, zeigt sich Detlef Merten mit "Basta" seinen Lesern von einer anderen Seite. ![]() Free Download Basics of Mechanical Engineering by R.K. Singal, Mridul Singal English | 2019 | ISBN: 9389307619 | 631 Pages | True PDF | 29 MB ![]() Free Download Basics: Jüngerschaft von Grund auf By Floyd McClung 2013 | 250 Pages | ISBN: 3940188107 | EPUB | 1 MB Floyd McClung ist den meisten durch seinen Bestseller "Das Vaterherz Gottes" und "Von Knochen, Kamelen und einer großen Leidenschaft" bekannt. Ob zu Flower-Power-Zeiten unter den Hippies in Afghanistan, im Amsterdamer Rotlichtmilieu, als internationaler Leiter von "Jugend mit einer Mission" - Menschen für Jesus zu erreichen, ist Floyds Lebensinhalt. Vor einigen Jahren zogen er und seine Frau Sally nach Südafrika, wo sie das Missionswerk "All Nations" ins Leben riefen. - - Basics, Jüngerschaft von Grund auf: Die Basics stehen am Anfang. Und dort setzt Floyd McClung an. Jüngerschaft gliedert sich für ihn in drei große "Aufgabenbereiche": Gott lieben, einander lieben und die lieben, die Jesus nicht kennen. Diese drei Bereiche füllt er anschaulich und praxisnah mit Inhalt und Leben. ![]() Free Download Basic Radiation Oncology by Murat Beyzadeoglu English | EPUB | 2022 | 541 Pages | ISBN : 3030873072 | 199.2 MB This updated work is an all-in-one book, encompassing the essential aspects of radiation physics, radiobiology, and clinical radiation oncology. ![]() Free Download Jacques Sauloy, "Basic Modern Theory of Linear Complex Analytic $q$-Difference Equations " English | ISBN: 1470478404 | 2024 | 664 pages | PDF | 7 MB The roots of the modern theories of differential and $q$-difference equations go back in part to an article by George D. Birkhoff, published in 1913, dealing with the three "sister theories" of differential, difference and $q$-difference equations. This book is about $q$-difference equations and focuses on techniques inspired by differential equations, in line with Birkhoff's work, as revived over the last three decades. It follows the approach of the Ramis school, mixing algebraic and analytic methods. While it uses some $q$-calculus and is illustrated by $q$-special functions, these are not its main subjects. After a gentle historical introduction with emphasis on mathematics and a thorough study of basic problems such as elementary $q$-functions, elementary $q$-calculus, and low order equations, a detailed algebraic and analytic study of scalar equations is followed by the usual process of transforming them into systems and back again. The structural algebraic and analytic properties of systems are then described using $q$-difference modules (Newton polygon, filtration by the slopes). The final chapters deal with Fuchsian and irregular equations and systems, including their resolution, classification, Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, and Galois theory. Nine appendices complete the book and aim to help the reader by providing some fundamental yet not universally taught facts. There are 535 exercises of various styles and levels of difficulty. The main prerequisites are general algebra and analysis as taught in the first three years of university. The book will be of interest to expert and non-expert researchers as well as graduate students in mathematics and physics. ![]() Free Download Basic Elements of Differential Geometry and Topology by S. P. Novikov , A. T. Fomenko English | PDF | 1990 | 499 Pages | ISBN : 0792310098 | 28.9 MB For a number of years, beginning with the early 70's, the authors have been delivering lectures on the fundamentals of geometry and topology in the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. This text-book is the result of this work. We shall recall that for a long period of time the basic elements of modern geometry and topology were not included, even by departments and faculties of mathematics, as compulsory subjects in a university-level mathematical education. The standard courses in classical differential geometry have gradually become outdated, and there has been, hitherto, no unanimous standpoint as to which parts of modern geometry should be viewed as abolutely essential to a modern mathematical education. In view of the necessity of using a large number of geometric concepts and methods, a modernized course in geometry was begun in 1971 in the Mechanics division of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. In addition to the traditional geometry of curves and surfaces, the course included the fundamental priniciples of tensor analysis, Riemannian geometry and topology. Some time later this course was also introduced in the division of mathematics. On the basis of these lecture courses |