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![]() Free Download Archaeoseismology: Methodologies and Case Studies by Laura Pecchioli English | EPUB (True) | 2023 | 200 Pages | ISBN : 3031283023 | 118.9 MB Archaeoseismic research provides data and information on past earthquakes but is limited by the lack of ongoing discussions about methodology. This volume is an interdisciplinary approach including archaeologists, geologists, geophysicists, seismologists, engineers, and architects from different countries to present a comprehensive recording and interpretation of ancient natural disasters on some case studies. The publication is an introduction to various aspects of the field of archaeoseismology for the knowledge of past seismicity, the reconstruction of the chronological history of a place, the interpretation and identification of seismic effects using different methods, etc. The collection provides an overview of research into archaeoseismology, making new contributions through innovative ideas on various topics. The publication can be an illustrative introduction to better understand the complexity of interpreting seismic effects on ancient and modern masonries, particularly for students with an open mind. ![]() Free Download Arbitrary Modeling of TSVs for 3D Integrated Circuits by Khaled Salah , Yehea Ismail , Alaa El-Rouby English | PDF (True) | 2015 | 181 Pages | ISBN : 3319076108 | 11.7 MB This book presents a wide-band and technology independent, SPICE-compatible RLC model for through-silicon vias (TSVs) in 3D integrated circuits. This model accounts for a variety of effects, including skin effect, depletion capacitance and nearby contact effects. Readers will benefit from in-depth coverage of concepts and technology such as 3D integration, Macro modeling, dimensional analysis and compact modeling, as well as closed form equations for the through silicon via parasitics. Concepts covered are demonstrated by using TSVs in applications such as a spiral inductor and inductive-based communication system and bandpass filtering. ![]() Free Download Arbeit - ein Schlüssel zu sozialer Gerechtigkeit By Andreas Fisch (editor), Daniela Kirmse (editor), Stefanie Wahl (editor), Sebastian Zink (editor) 2012 | 260 Pages | ISBN: 340210637X | PDF | 1 MB Die wesentlichen gesellschaftstheoretischen Konzeptionen, unabhängig ob sie auf bürgerlichen, liberalen oder marxistischen Traditionen fußen, berufen sich auf Arbeit als den zentralen gesellschaftlichen Tatbestand. Zurzeit lassen sich gravierende Veränderungen der Arbeitsbedingungen u.a. unter den Stichworten Beschleunigung und Prekarisierung feststellen. Damit wird (Erwerbs-)Arbeit theoretisch wie empirisch zu einem Ausgangspunkt für Fragen der Gerechtigkeit und der entscheidende Schlüssel zu sozialer Gerechtigkeit in einer Arbeitsgesellschaft. In diesem Band gehen die Autoren und Autorinnen den Fragen nach, wie diese Ausgangslage die sozialethische Reflexion herausfordert: durch das Potenzial sozialphilosophischer Theorien für die sozialethische Rekonstruktion von aktuellen Problemen und für eine Missachtungsphänomenologie angesichts prekärer Beschäftigung, aber auch zur Bewertung der verschiedenen Formen der Beschleunigung durch Arbeitszeitmodelle. Ein praktischer Bezug nimmt Fürsorge- und Familienarbeit insbesondere in kirchlichen Arbeitsverhältnissen in den Blick, untersucht „Werkstätten für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung" als Instrument der Ermöglichung von Teilhabe am Arbeitsmarkt sowie den so genannten „Dritten Weg" der Kirchen. Schon die Engführung auf Erwerbsarbeit kristallisiert sich als ein Grund für Gerechtigkeitsdefizite. Vielleicht ist das Konzept der Arbeitsgesellschaft selbst zu hinterfragen. ![]() Free Download Venkatesh N Prajna, "Aravind FAQs in Ophthalmology Ed 3" English | ISBN: 9356963355 | 2023 | 1204 pages | PDF | 11 MB ![]() Free Download Aquinas's Summa: Background, Structure, and Reception By Jean-Pierre Torrell 2005 | 160 Pages | ISBN: 0813213983 | PDF | 1 MB In this concise new volume by the acclaimed author of the biography of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Jean-Pierre Torrell brings his expertise to bear on Aquinas's Summa Theologiae. Readers will turn to this book again and again for a brief and popular introduction to Aquinas's masterpiece―its content; its historical, literary, and doctrinal settings; and its lasting significance. Torrell begins with an expert account of Aquinas's life and then turns his attention to the overall structures and specific content of the Summa. He considers the literary and doctrinal context of the Summa, situating the work within the overall literary corpus of the Angelic Doctor and examining Aquinas's Christian, Greek, Jewish, and Arab sources. The second half of the book surveys the history of the Summa's influence from Aquinas's death in 1274 through the twentieth century. Torrell traces the fate of Aquinas's Summa from its slow start, through the eventual emergence of Thomism, and finally to its widespread acceptance. The nineteenth and twentieth centuries witnessed the ultimate triumph of Aquinas's work with the encyclical Aeternis patris and, in the wake of Vatican II there has been renewed interest in its content and method. This book is a masterpiece of concision and completeness. It will be of considerable interest to readers seeking to understand and appreciate the content, method, and impact of the Summa and the man who wrote it. ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Jean-Pierre Torrell is a Dominican priest of the Toulouse province and professor of dogmatic theology at the University of Fribourg. He is the author of the highly praised Saint Thomas Aquinas volumes published by CUA Press. Benedict M. Guevin, O.S.B., professor of theology at Saint Anselm College, is author of Christian Anthropology and Sexual Ethics. ![]() Free Download Aquinas on Transubstantiation: The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist By Reinhard Hütter 2019 | 152 Pages | ISBN: 0813231779 | PDF | 1 MB
![]() Free Download Jean-Pierre Fortin, "Aqedah: Gen 22 as a Challenge for the Rationality of Religion in Judaism, Christianity and Islam " English | ISBN: 3111450341 | 2025 | 415 pages | EPUB, PDF | 2 MB + 3 MB The Aqedah, i.e., the story of the 'binding' of Isaac by Abraham, is a core text in all three Abrahamic religions and has been widely discussed in Judaism, Christianity and Islam for centuries. It still represents an intellectual, moral, and spiritual challenge for anyone who claims to be able to link morality and faith in God in a reasonably comprehensible way. The contributions in this anthology address this challenge from philosophical, theological and literary perspectives, by considering exemplary problems, epochs and authors pertaining to all three Abrahamic religions. The first part contains seven contributions exploring the epistemic and/or philosophical dimensions of the Aqedah. The second part contains nine essays on the (history of the) interpretation of the Aqedah from Israelite/Jewish, Christian and Islamic perspectives. The three texts in the third and final part discuss narratological issues and reflections of the problem within modern Hebrew literature. The volume complements and expands the existing scholarship on the subject, above all through its consistently interreligious approach and the inclusion of current philosophical and literary sources and debates. ![]() Free Download Amalia Avramidou, "Approaching the Ancient Artifact: Representation, Narrative, and Function" English | ISBN: 3110308738 | 2014 | 615 pages | EPUB | 21 MB This volume consists consists of forty contributions written by an internationally renowned selection of scholars. The authors adopt an interdisciplinary methodology, examining both literary and archaeological sources, and a comparative perspective that transgresses national, chronological, and cultural boundaries, in order to investigate the nature of the links between text and image. This multifaceted approach to the study of ancient artifacts enables the authors to treat art and artistic production as activities that do not merely mirror social or cultural relationships but rather, and more significantly, as activities that create social and cultural relationships. The essays in this book are motivated by their authors' belief that there is no simple direct link between art and myths, art and text, or art and ritual, and that art should not be delegated to the role of a by-product of a literate culture. Instead, the contextual and symbolic analyses of artifacts and representations offered in this volume elucidate how art actively shaped myth, how it changed texts, how it transformed ritual, and how it altered the course of local, regional, and Mediterranean histories. ![]() Free Download Applied and Computational Control, Signals, and Circuits: Volume 1 by Biswa Nath Datta English | PDF (True) | 1999 | 557 Pages | ISBN : 0817639543 | 105.8 MB The purpose of this annual series, Applied and Computational Control, Signals, and Circuits, is to keep abreast of the fast-paced developments in computational mathematics and scientific computing and their increasing use by researchers and engineers in control, signals, and circuits. The series is dedicated to fostering effective communication between mathematicians, computer scientists, computational scientists, software engineers, theorists, and practicing engineers. This interdisciplinary scope is meant to blend areas of mathematics (such as linear algebra, operator theory, and certain branches of analysis) and computational mathematics (numerical linear algebra, numerical differential equations, large scale and parallel matrix computations, numerical optimization) with control and systems theory, signal and image processing, and circuit analysis and design. The disciplines mentioned above have long enjoyed a natural synergy. There are distinguished journals in the fields of control and systems the ory, as well as signal processing and circuit theory, which publish high quality papers on mathematical and engineering aspects of these areas; however, articles on their computational and applications aspects appear only sporadically. At the same time, there has been tremendous recent growth and development of computational mathematics, scientific comput ing, and mathematical software, and the resulting sophisticated techniques are being gradually adapted by engineers, software designers, and other scientists to the needs of those applied disciplines. ![]() Free Download Applied Technologies: Second International Conference, ICAT 2020, Quito, Ecuador, December 2-4, 2020, Proceedings by Miguel Botto-Tobar English | PDF | 2021 | 713 Pages | ISBN : 3030715027 | 115.2 MB This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Applied Technologies, ICAT 2020, held in Quito, Ecuador, in December 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held online. |