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The dialogic form of the book allows a performance centered on the psychotherapy of madness and trauma, in which Wittgenstein takes the floor. Davoine introduces us to a contemporary Feast of Fools and creates new language games with madness, enlarging the scope of psychoanalytic approaches to authors like Wittgenstein. The chapters of this book closely resemble short plays in which a conversation with living human beings or with characters from philosophy, literature, science and the arts encounter one another and begin to open new ways of speaking that can render the "mad" more familiar and more manageable.Wittgenstein's Folly: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Language Games will be of great interest to psychoanalysts and to academics and students engaged in psychoanalytic studies, philosophy and trauma-related studies. ![]() Free Download Wittgenstein & His Times, Wittgenstein Studies By Brian McGuinness (editor) 1998 | 128 Pages | ISBN: 1855065851 | EPUB | 1 MB Anthony Kenny attempts to reconcile Wittgenstein's apparently contradictory images of the nature of philosophy; McGuinness explores the similarities of method between philosophy as Wittgenstein practices it and psychoanalysis; J. C. Nyri examines the influence on Wittgenstein of Spengler and the conservative fascination with mythology, symbolism, gesture, and ritual in Frazer's Golden Bough, G. H. von Wright sums up Wittgenstein's relation to his times and stresses his alienation from contemporary attitudes. ![]() Free Download Witnessing God: Christians, Muslims, and the Comparative Theology of Missions by Alexander E Massad English | 2025 | ISBN: 9004519114 | 286 Pages | PDF | 9.8 MB ![]() Free Download Without a Trace. Unsolved Disappearances and Mysterious Vanishings By Troy Taylor 2009 | 360 Pages | ISBN: 1892523663 | EPUB | 1 MB We all love a mystery - but what about a mystery that has no solution? Delve into the shadowy world of unsolved disappearances and people who have vanished without a trace, never to be seen again. Such strange and chilling tales run the gamut of the terrifying and the bizarre and include crime victims, lost explorers, ships vanished at sea, outdoor disappearances, and supernatural mysteries that defy all explanation.Among these pages you'll find accounts of America's Lost Colony, history's most famous ghost ships, famous figures who vanished into the unknown, the unknown fate of America's first kidnapping for ransom, a vanished heiress, lighthouse keepers who impossibly disappeared, the killer who escaped the noose - permanently, the Grand Canyon adventurers who were never seen again, the Prohibition lawman's nephew who was never found, the Ohio sorority girl who never made it home, the abducted housewife who disappeared, the Hollywood starlet who left her family behind, a missing West Point cadet, the babysitter who vanished on Halloween, the missing Texas couple who may have been Russian spies, the little boy who walked away for good in the Smoky Mountains, a missing heiress to a candy empire, a missing TV news reporter, a long distance runner whose run never ended, plus infamous vanishings of figures like Theodosia Burr, Amelia Earhart, Glenn Miller, Judge Crater, Jimmy Hoffa, and far too many more!Just remember as you turn the pages, that if these people so easily vanished from the face of the earth, then it means it could happen to anyone - perhaps even you. You may want to read this one with the lights on! ![]() Free Download Wissenschaft als Beruf By Weber, Max 2011 | 37 Pages | ISBN: 3428135091 | PDF | 1 MB Was ist [...] der Sinn der Wissenschaft als Beruf, da alle diese früheren Illusionen: ›Weg zum wahren Sein‹, ›Weg zur wahren Kunst‹, ›Weg zur wahren Natur‹, ›Weg zum wahren Gott‹, ›Weg zum wahren Glück‹, versunken sind. Die einfachste Antwort hat Tolstoi gegeben mit den Worten: ›Sie ist sinnlos, weil sie auf die allein für uns wichtige Frage: ›Was sollen wir tun? Wie sollen wir leben?‹ keine Antwort gibt.‹ Die Tatsache, daß sie diese Antwort nicht gibt, ist schlechthin unbestreitbar. Die Frage ist nur, in welchem Sinne sie ›keine‹ Antwort gibt, und ob sie statt dessen nicht doch vielleicht dem, der die Frage richtig stellt, etwas leisten könnte. (Aus dem Text)
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![]() Free Download Wireless Information Networks: Architecture, Resource Management, and Mobile Data by Jack M. Holtzman English | PDF | 1996 | 397 Pages | ISBN : 0792396944 | 34.1 MB In April 1995, WINLAB (the Wireless Infonnation Network Lab oratory at Rutgers University) hosted the Fifth WINLAB Workshop on Third Generation Wireless Infonnation Networks. This workshop brings together a select group of experts interested in the future of Personal Communications, Mobile Computing and other services supported by wireless communications. As a sequel to Kluwer books on previous WINLAB workshops,l this volume assembles written versions of presentations of the Fifth Workshop. The last few years have been exciting for the field of wireless communications. The second generation systems that have absorbed our attention during those years are becoming commercial realities. Everyone is looking forward to PCS, especially in light of the recent auctions. We see an explosion of technical alternatives for meeting the demand for wireless communications. We also have applications in search of the best technologies rather than the reverse. The papers included provide new insights into many of the issues needing resolution for the successful introduction of the new services by the end of the decade. The authors represent views from both industry and universities from a number of nations. They are grouped into four main categories: Architecture, Radio Resource Management, Access, and Mobile Data, Mobile Networks. |