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  Author: creativelivenew1   |   13 March 2025   |   comments: 0
Global Migration, Gender, and Health Professional Credentials Transnational Value Transfers and Losses
Free Download Margaret Walton-Roberts, "Global Migration, Gender, and Health Professional Credentials: Transnational Value Transfers and Losses"
English | ISBN: 1487505205 | 2022 | 398 pages | PDF | 5 MB
Bringing together diverse approaches and case studies of international health worker migration, Global Migration, Gender, and Health Professional Credentials critically reimagines how we conceptualize the transfer of value embodied in internationally educated health professionals (IEHPs).

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  Author: creativelivenew1   |   13 March 2025   |   comments: 0
Germany in the Age of Bismarck
Free Download W. M. Simon, "Germany in the Age of Bismarck"
English | 2021 | ISBN: 1032011149 | EPUB | pages: 2578 | 0.3 mb
Originally published in 1968, this was the first time that a comprehensive selection of documents on Germany in the Age of Bismarck had been made available to students and other readers in the English language. The documents were chosen to illuminate not only Bismarck's own personality and policies but also the nature of the problems he faced and the reactions of his contemporaries. The substantial introduction serves as a general background and guide to the documents, which are in the form of letters, essays, polemics, speeches, and memoirs, produced in the period itself. They allow the student to obtain a genuine first-hand insight into the workings of minds and institutions in Germany during three of the most eventful decades of her history

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  Author: creativelivenew1   |   13 March 2025   |   comments: 0
German–East Asian Encounters and Entanglements Affinity in Culture and Politics Since 1945
Free Download Joanne Miyang Cho, "German-East Asian Encounters and Entanglements: Affinity in Culture and Politics Since 1945"
English | 2020 | ISBN: 0367633965 | EPUB | pages: 304 | 0.4 mb
This volume surveys transnational encounters and entanglements between Germany and East Asia since 1945, a period that has witnessed unprecedented global connections between the two regions. It examines their sociopolitical and cultural connections through a variety of media. Since 1945, cultural flow between Germany and East Asia has increasingly become bidirectional, spurred by East Asian economies' unprecedented growth. In exploring their dynamic and evolving relations, this volume emphasizes how they have negotiated their differences and have frequently cooperated toward common goals in meeting the challenges of the contemporary world. Given their long-standing historical differences, their post-1945 relations reveal a surprisingly high degree of affinity in many areas. To show how they have deeply shaped each other's views, this volume presents 12 chapters by scholars from the fields of history, sinology, sociology, literature, music, and film. Topics include cultural topics, such as German and Swiss writers on East Asia (Enzensberg, Muschg, and Kreitz), Japanese writer on Germany (Tezuka and Tawada), German commemorative culture in Korea, Beethoven in China, metal music in Germany and Japan, diary films on Japan (Wenders), as well as sociopolitical topics, such as Sino- East German diplomacy, Germans and Korean democracy, and Japanes and Korean communities in Germany.

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  Author: creativelivenew1   |   13 March 2025   |   comments: 0
German History
Free Download Hans Kohn, "German History"
English | 2020 | ISBN: 0367246678 | EPUB | pages: 226 | 0.3 mb
Originally published in 1954, this book presents the view of nine liberal German historians in reconsideration of the dominant concepts of German political and cultural history in the immediate post-war years. They review critically not only the rise and rule of National Socialism, but also the strength of authoritarianism and militarism, the weakness of democracy and liberal attitudes in 19th Century Germany. The essays were published in German periodicals and pamphlets between 1945 and 1952 and collected in this volume (and translated into English) they represent a survey of one of the most important intellectual movements of reconsideration and of political and moral readjustment after World War II.

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  Author: creativelivenew1   |   13 March 2025   |   comments: 0
German Entanglements in Transatlantic Slavery
Free Download Heike Raphael-Hernandez, Pia Wiegmink, "German Entanglements in Transatlantic Slavery"
English | 2018 | ISBN: 1138311510 | EPUB | pages: 152 | 0.8 mb
Germany has long entertained the notion that the transatlantic slave trade and New World slavery involved only other European players. Countering this premise, this collection re-charts various routes of German participation in, profiteering from, and resistance to transatlantic slavery and its cultural, political, and intellectual reverberations. Exploring how German financiers, missionaries, and immigrant writers made profit from, morally responded to, and fictionalized their encounters with New World slavery, the contributors demonstrate that these various German entanglements with New World slavery revise preconceived ideas that erase German involvements from the history of slavery and the Black Atlantic. Moreover, the collection brings together these German perspectives on slavery with an investigation of German colonial endeavors in Africa, thereby seeking to interrogate historical processes (or fantasies) of empire-building, colonialism, and slavery which, according to public memory, seem to have taken place in isolation from each other. The collection demonstrates that they should be regarded as part and parcel of a narrative that ingrained colonialism and slavery in the German cultural memory and identity to a much larger extent than has been illustrated and admitted so far in general discourses in contemporary Germany.

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  Author: creativelivenew1   |   13 March 2025   |   comments: 0
Gerechtigkeit im Gesundheitswesen
Free Download Gerechtigkeit im Gesundheitswesen By Brink, Alexander; Eurich, Johannes; Hädrich, Jürgen; Langer, Andreas; Schröder, Peter
2006 | 212 Pages | ISBN: 3428119444 | PDF | 1 MB
Gerechtigkeit im Gesundheitswesen ist eine der größten gesundheitspolitischen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Demografischer Wandel, Fortschritte in der Medizintechnik sowie die Begrenztheit der zur Verfügung stehenden Mittel werfen viele zentrale Fragen auf: Wie regeln wir die Zuteilung von Gesundheitsleistungen so, dass sie gerecht bleiben? Wie gestalten wir den Umgang mit neuen Technologien so, dass er Kriterien der Gerechtigkeit genügt? Wie können wir unsere Krankenhäuser organisieren, dass sie einerseits effizient arbeiten, andererseits aber den Bedürfnissen der Patientinnen und Patienten gerecht werden? All diese Fragen bewegen sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen Medizin, Ethik und Ökonomie. Denn nicht alle medizinischen Leistungen, die angeboten werden können, sind unter ökonomischen Aspekten auch zu rechtfertigen. Diese ganz unterschiedlichen Fragen und Themenkomplexe nimmt der vorliegende interdisziplinär angelegte Band auf. Renommierte Wissenschaftler aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen nähern sich dem Thema aus ihrer jeweiligen Perspektive. Zu Wort kommen Ökonomen, Philosophen, Mediziner und Ethiker, ebenso "Schnittstellen-Experten" wie Medizinethiker, Gesundheitsökonomen und Wirtschaftsethiker. Sie tragen den unterschiedlichen Sprachcodes, den differierenden weltanschaulichen Betrachtungsweisen, aber auch den spezifischen Erfahrungskontexten, in denen die Frage nach der Gerechtigkeit im Gesundheitswesen auftaucht, Rechnung. Die Autoren zeigen aber auch Wege auf, die im Gesundheitswesen erfolgreich gegangen werden können. Damit stellt der Band einen differenzierten Beitrag zur aktuellen gesundheitspolitischen Diskussion dar.

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  Author: creativelivenew1   |   13 March 2025   |   comments: 0
Free Download Katherine M. Doherty, "Georgia"
English | 2005 | pages: 145 | ISBN: 0816054193 | PDF | 14,5 mb
After James Edward Oglethorpe received a charter from King George II in 1732, he and other colonists established a settlement named Savannah in 1733. Other groups, such as the Salzburgers, established settlements nearby as well. In a concise, readable volume, Georgia covers these and other facts about precolonial and colonial life, such as early exploration of Georgia, the settlements of the French and Spanish in the Southeast, and how Georgia was designated a royal colony in 1741. It also discusses battles and events of the Revolutionary War, such as the British capture of Savannah and the occupation of Georgia.

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  Author: creativelivenew1   |   13 March 2025   |   comments: 0
George Alfred Townsend and Gathland A Journalist and His Western Maryland Estate
Free Download Dianne Wiebe, Dan Spedden, "George Alfred Townsend and Gathland:: A Journalist and His Western Maryland Estate"
English | 2014 | ISBN: 1626194718 | EPUB | pages: 144 | 2.8 mb
The youngest correspondent to cover the Civil War and a pioneer in newspaper syndication, George Alfred Townsend came from modest circumstances. Using the pen name of GATH, he rose to fame and fortune after the war, and his career brought him into contact with sitting presidents and luminaries such as Mark Twain. Though almost forgotten today in the canon of Maryland authors, GATH left a lasting legacy of literature and a most unique monument. He created a lavish summer estate near Boonsboro, Maryland, named Gapland-now called Gathland. He also famously erected the War Correspondents Memorial Arch, a monument to fellow wartime journalists. Today, GATH's estate is preserved and interpreted by a state park and its museums. His commanding arch remains a bold reminder of the creative genius of George Alfred Townsend.

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  Author: creativelivenew1   |   13 March 2025   |   comments: 0
Genocide and Mass Violence in Asia An Introductory Reader
Free Download Frank Jacob, "Genocide and Mass Violence in Asia: An Introductory Reader"
English | 2019 | ISBN: 3110645297 | EPUB | pages: 226 | 0.3 mb
In Asia the "Age of Extremes" witnessed many forms of mass violence and genocide, related to the rise and fall of the Japanese Empire, the proxy wars of the Cold War, and the anti-colonial nation building processes that often led to new conflicts and civil wars. The present volume is considered an introductory reader that deals with different forms of mass violence and genocide in Asia, discusses the perspectives of victims and perpetrators alike.

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  Author: creativelivenew1   |   13 March 2025   |   comments: 0
Genoa in the 16th Century
Free Download Emanuele Celesia, "Genoa in the 16th Century"
English | 2017 | ISBN: 1545463751 | EPUB | pages: 232 | 0.5 mb
It would be difficult to find in the history of the sixteenth century a name more fiercely assailed than that of Gianluigi Fieschi. From Bonfadio down to the most recent historians, the Count of Lavagna has received the same treatment at the hands of our writers which the learned vulgar are accustomed to give to Catiline. This levity of judgment is a new proof that history is too high a pursuit for servile minds. The classic invectives of Cicero and the glittering falsehoods of Sallust, both written with masterly eloquence, and their echo taken up by inferior writers have disfigured the manly form of Sergius, and his cause, supported by the most generous and cultivated Romans, has come down to us described as the base Description of abandoned men. Catiline could not have been base. He was illustrious by birth, well-known for his talents and powerful on account of his numerous dependants and friends. He stood on the last round of the ladder leading to the consulship and was supported by knights and senators; by Antonius Geta, Lentulus, Cethegus and even by Cæsar who was no stranger to the conspiracy. Crassus favoured him, though he afterwards turned informer against the conspirators. Entire colonies and Municipalities supported him. In upper Spain, Gneus Piso, in Mauritania, Publius Sittius Nucerinus and the legions were his partisans; in fine, he was the head of all the reformers of Italy and Gaul. I do not excuse his violence, his disorderly life and his vices; though we know of these only through his enemies. But his aims were unquestionably high and noble. Roman liberty was buried in his tomb and not even the dagger of Junius Brutus could recall her to life. I hold it incontestable that the movement, far from being a Description of reckless men, was general and spontaneous towards that freedom which Lucius Sylla had extinguished in blood; a movement for which there was crying urgency in Italy, where crowds of slaves were supplanting the Latin races, and throughout the dominions of the Republic. In vain have cunning rhetoricians taught us to execrate the name of the great Roman, the last of the Tribunes. He has left for history a page written with his own blood which is more lasting than all envy. It shows us one who fell dead on the same ground where he steadfastly fought, displaying in his last hour an heroism which is inconsistent with the crimes coupled with his name. Cicero himself tells us that the friendship of Catiline had such fascinations that he had barely escaped its influence. It may be true that his pallid face, his fierce eyes and his nervous step, now quick, now slow, terrified the publicans and patricians of Rome; but none can believe that he butchered his own son, immolated victims to the silver eagle of Marius, or handed round in nocturnal conventicles a cup full of foaming blood. Catiline was a bad man because he was vanquished; but Salvator Rosa, the soldier and painter of Masaniello, when he drew Catiline as a stern and magnanimous man did not believe him a low Descriptionter, and the great captain of our century declared that he preferred the part of the great Latin conspirator to that of the versatile Tully...

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