English | 2000 | MP3 | M4B | ASIN: B0000545ET | Duration: 21:46 h | 598 MB
Andrew Lycett / Narrated by Robert Whitfield
Sportsman, womanizer, naval commander, world-traveler, spy, this suave Old Etonian creator of the Cold War's archetypal secret agent was infinitely more complicated and interesting than his major fictional character, Agent 007. Fleming's wide-ranging and exciting life inevitably provided the plausible backdrop for the Bond novels, and while his temperamental, sometimes violent nature got him into difficulties as a young man, the second World War was the making of him. Highly regarded in British naval intelligence for his international contacts, he master-minded numerous top secret operations, including "Golden Eye," which is uncovered here for the first time. His role in shaping prototype CIA is also fully detailed.
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