English | MP3 | M4B | ISBN: 9781667011561 | 2021 | 39 min | 54.1 MB
Step One: Understand Productivity and Find the Why
When people talk about productivity, they probably think that it has to do with a company's ability to produce a certain number of products and services during a single day.
Or, you can think about the cost of the resources that went into creating those products and gauge whether or not the company is productive and profitable. However, there is also your own productivity. How would you measure whether or not you are a productive member of your community?
Being productive is about being able to deliver on both the professional and personal fronts, because a complete and successful person is someone who is productive at home and at work.
Being productive is also a personal opinion, because everyone has their own ideas about how productive they are throughout the day. You may think that if you have managed to do all the tasks you have assigned yourself in a given day, you have been extremely productive. Or you may think that because you've managed to get a lot of work done in a short amount of time, you've had a productive day.