Counseling for Multiculturalism and Social Justice: Integration, Theory, and Application, Fourth Edition By Manivong J. Ratts, Paul B. Pedersen
2014 | 400 Pages | ISBN: 1556202482 | PDF | 2 MB
The future of the counseling profession lies in the merging ofmulticulturalism and social justice to positively impact andadvocate for individuals and their communities. In this book, Drs.Ratts and Pedersen combine the very best from the multiculturaland social justice traditions into a new paradigm, the Counselor-Advocate-Scholar model, which is intended to guide counselorstoward a deeper understanding of the connections betweenthese two counseling forces and how to integrate them intopractice. Significantly updated and expanded from the previousedition, this fourth edition focuses on applying multiculturalism and social justice in variousclinical settings with diverse client populations, and highlights the seamless transitionbetween individual counseling and systems work. Emphasis is on the foundational theoriesand concepts needed to understand the place of multiculturalism and social justice incounseling, and on practical strategies that can help counselors develop into multiculturaland social justice competent helping professionals.A completely new applications section contains nine chapters on working with oppressedclient groups, including African Americans; Asian and Pacific Islanders; Latinas; multiracialindividuals; Native Americans; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning clients; transgenderindividuals; women; and socioeconomically disadvantaged clients. Clients experiencingreligious and spiritual concerns are addressed as well. Each of the chapters in this sectionprovides a historical overview of the group, identifies key multicultural concepts and systemicbarriers, and offers an illustrative case study and numerous counseling examples.