Control Theory and Design. An RH₂ and RH∞ Viewpoint By Patrizio Colaneri, José C. Geromel, Arturo Locatelli, José C. Geromel and Arturo Locatelli (Auth.)
1997 | 373 Pages | ISBN: 0121791904 | PDF | 5 MB
Content: Preface & Acknowledgments, Page ixChapter 1 - Introduction, Pages 1-2Chapter 2 - Preliminaries, Pages 3-68Chapter 3 - Feedback Systems Stability, Pages 69-86Chapter 4 - RH2 Control, Pages 87-119Chapter 5 - RH∞ Control, Pages 121-193Chapter 6 - Nonclassical Problems in RH2 and RH∞, Pages 195-261Chapter 7 - Uncertain Systems Control Design, Pages 263-300Appendix A - Some Facts on Polynomials, Pages 301-302Appendix B - Singular Values of Matrices, Pages 303-313Appendix C - Riccati Equation, Pages 315-323Appendix D - Structural Properties, Pages 325-326Appendix E - The Standard 2-Block Scheme, Pages 327-336Appendix F - Loop Shifting, Pages 337-342Appendix G - Worst Case Analysis, Pages 343-347Appendix H - Convex Functions and Sets, Pages 349-358Appendix I - Convex Programming Numerical Tools, Pages 359-370Bibliography, Pages 371-374Index, Pages 375-378


