Handbook of Seafood Quality, Safety and Health Applications By
2010 | 570 Pages | ISBN: 1405180706 | PDF | 18 MB
The global market for seafood products continues to increase year by year. Food safety considerations are as crucial as ever in this sector, and higher standards of quality are demanded even as products are shipped greater distances around the world. The current global focus on the connection between diet and health drives growth in the industry and offers commercial opportunities on a number of fronts. There is great interest in the beneficial effects of marine functional compounds such as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Seafoods are well-known as low calorie foods, and research continues into the nutritional effects on, for example, obesity and heart disease. In addition, by-products of marine food processing can be used in nutraceutical applications. This book is a resource for those interested in the latest advances in the science and technology of seafood quality and safety as well as new developments in the nutritional effects and applications of marine foods. It includes chapters on the practical evaluation of seafood quality; novel approaches in preservation techniques; flavour chemistry and analysis; textural quality and measurement; packaging; the control of food-borne pathogens and seafood toxins. New research on the health-related aspects of marine food intake are covered, as well as the use of seafoods as sources of bioactives and nutraceuticals. The book is directed at scientists and technologists in academia, government laboratories and the seafood industries, including quality managers, processors and sensory scientists.Content: Chapter 1 Seafood Quality, Safety, and Health Applications: An Overview (pages 1-10): Associate Professor Cesarettin Alasalvar, Professor Fereidoon Shahidi, Professor Kazuo Miyashita and Dr Udaya WanasundaraChapter 2 Practical Evaluation of Fish Quality by Objective, Subjective, and Statistical Testing (pages 11-28): Associate Professor Cesarettin Alasalvar, John M. Grigor and Zulfiqur AliChapter 3 Sensory Evaluation of Fish Freshness and Eating Qualities (pages 29-38): David P. GreenChapter 4 Sensometric and Chemometric Approaches to Seafood Flavour (pages 39-49): Kae Morita and Tetsuo AishimaChapter 5 Instrumental Analysis of Seafood Flavour (pages 50-67): Hun Kim and Keith R. CadwalladerChapter 6 Quality Assessment of Aquatic Foods by Machine Vision, Electronic Nose, and Electronic Tongue (pages 68-81): Figen Korel and Murat O. BalabanChapter 7 Effects of Nutrition and Aquaculture Practices on Fish Quality (pages 82-95): Kriton GrigorakisChapter 8 Lipid Oxidation, Odour, and Colour of Fish Flesh (pages 96-108): Jeong?Ho Sohn and Toshiaki OhshimaChapter 9 Blackening of Crustaceans during Storage: Mechanism and Prevention (pages 109-118): Kohsuke Adachi and Takashi HirataChapter 10 Quality of Freshwater Products (pages 119-129): Masaki KaneniwaChapter 11 Texture Measurements in Fish and Fish Products (pages 130-138): Zulema Coppes?PetricorenaChapter 12 Quality and Safety of Packaging Materials for Aquatic Products (pages 139-155): T. K. Srinivasa Gopal and C. N. Ravi ShankarChapter 13 Fish Mince: Cryostabilization and Product Formulation (pages 156-170): Chong M. LeeChapter 14 New Trends in Species Identification of Fishery Products (pages 171-180): Hartmut RehbeinChapter 15 An Emerging Powerful Technique: NMR Applications on Quality Assessments of Fish and Related Products (pages 181-193): Somer BekiroggluChapter 16 Food?Borne Pathogens in Seafood and Their Control (pages 195-205): Dominic Kasujja Bagenda and Koji YamazakiChapter 17 Novel Approaches in Seafood Preservation Techniques (pages 206-216): Fatih Ozogul, Yesim Ozogul and Esmeray Kuley BogaChapter 18 Essential Oils: Natural Antimicrobials for Fish Preservation (pages 217-225): Barakat S. M. Mahmoud and Professor Kazuo MiyashitaChapter 19 Rapid Methods for the Identification of Seafood Micro?Organisms (pages 226-236): Brian H. Himelbloom, Alexandra C. M. Oliveira and Thombathu S. ShettyChapter 20 Using Predictive Models for the Shelf?Life and Safety of Seafood (pages 237-250): Graham C. FletcherChapter 21 Mathematical Modelling of Shrimp Cooking (pages 251-260): Ferruh Erdoggdu and Murat O. BalabanChapter 22 Transgenic/Transgenic Modified Fish (pages 261-274): Jenn?Kan Lu, Jen?Leih Wu and Meng?Tsan ChiangChapter 23 Molecular Detection of Pathogens in Seafood (pages 275-289): Iddya Karunasagar and Indrani KarunasagarChapter 24 DNA?Based Detection of Commercial Fish Species (pages 290-302): Rosalee S. Rasmussen and Michael T. MorrisseyChapter 25 Seafoods and Environmental Contaminants (pages 303-316): Beraat Ozcelik, Umran Uygun and Banu BayramChapter 26 Oxidation and Stability of Food?Grade Fish Oil: Role of Antioxidants (pages 317-334): Weerasinghe M. Indrasena and Colin J. BarrowChapter 27 Global Legislation for Fish Safety and Quality (pages 335-347): Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis and Persefoni TserkezouChapter 28 Food Safety and Quality Systems (ISO 22000:2005) in the Seafood Sector (pages 348-365): Ioannis S. ArvanitoyannisChapter 29 Health Benefits Associated with Seafood Consumption (pages 367-379): Maria Leonor Nunes, Narcisa Maria Bandarra and Irineu BatistaChapter 30 A New Approach to the Functional Improvement of Fish Meat Proteins (pages 380-389): Hiroki SaekiChapter 31 Value Addition to Seafood Processing Discards (pages 390-401): Sachindra M. Nakkarike, Bhaskar Narayan, Masashi Hosokawa and Professor Kazuo MiyashitaChapter 32 Role of Marine Foods in Prevention of Obesity (pages 402-413): Shigeru NakajimaChapter 33 Microencapsulation, Nanoencapsulation, Edible Film, and Coating Applications in Seafood Processing (pages 414-422): Subramaniam Sathivel and Don KramerChapter 34 Fish Oil Extraction, Purification, and its Properties (pages 423-432): Subramaniam SathivelChapter 35 Nutraceutical Quality of Shellfish (pages 433-443): Bonnie Sun PanChapter 36 Marine Oils and other Marine Nutraceuticals (pages 444-454): Professor Fereidoon Shahidi and Associate Professor Cesarettin AlasalvarChapter 37 Nutraceuticals and Bioactives from Marine Algae (pages 455-463): S. P. J. Namal Senanayake, Naseer Ahmed and Jaouad FichtaliChapter 38 Preparative and Industrial?Scale Isolation and Purification of Omega?3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids from Marine Sources (pages 464-475): Dr Udaya WanasundaraChapter 39 Marine Oil Processing and Application in Food Products (pages 476-484): Professor Fereidoon ShahidiChapter 40 Bioactive Peptides from Seafood and their Health Effects (pages 485-493): Anusha G. P. Samaranayaka and Eunice C. Y. Li?ChanChapter 41 Antioxidative Properties of Fish Protein Hydrolysates (pages 494-507): Sivakumar Raghavan, Hordur G. Kristinsson, Gudjon Thorkelsson and Ragnar JohannssonChapter 42 Functional and Nutraceutical Ingredients from Marine Macroalgae (pages 508-521): Tao Wang, Gu?run Olafsdottir, Rosa Jonsdottir, Hordur G. Kristinsson and Ragnar JohannssonChapter 43 Seafood Enzymes and their Potential Industrial Application (pages 522-535): Swapna C. Hathwar, Amit K. Rai, Sachindra M. Nakkarike and Bhaskar Narayan
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