C++ Toolbox for Verified Computing I: Basic Numerical Problems Theory, Algorithms, and Programs by Ulrich Kulisch, Rolf Hammer, Matthias Hocks, Dietmar Ratz
English | PDF | 1995 | 388 Pages | ISBN : 3642796532 | 12.9 MB
This C++ Toolbox for Verified Computing presents an extensive set of sophisticated tools for solving basic numerical problems with verification of the results. It is the C++ edition of the Numerical Toolbox for Verified Computing which was based on the computer language PASCAL-XSC. The sources of the programs in this book are freely available via anonymous ftp. This book offers a general discussion on arithmetic and computational reliablility, analytical mathematics and verification techniques, algoriths, and (most importantly) actual C++ implementations.
This C++ Toolbox for Verified Computing presents an extensive set of sophisticated tools for solving basic numerical problems with verification of the results. It is the C++ edition of the Numerical Toolbox for Verified Computing which was based on the computer language PASCAL-XSC. The sources of the programs in this book are freely available via anonymous ftp. This book offers a general discussion on arithmetic and computational reliablility, analytical mathematics and verification techniques, algoriths, and (most importantly) actual C++ implementations.
In each chapter, examples, exercises, and numerical results demonstrate the application of the routines presented. The book introduces many computational verification techniques. It is not assumed that the reader has any prior formal knowledge of numerical verification or any familiarity with interval analysis. The necessary concepts are introduced. Some of the subjects that the book covers in detail are not usually found in standard numerical analysis texts.
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