Extremism and the Psychology of Uncertainty By
2011 | 317 Pages | ISBN: 1444331280 | PDF | 3 MB
Extremism and the Psychology of Uncertainty showcases cutting-edge scientific research on the extent to which uncertainty may lead to extremism. Contributions come from leading international scholars who focus on a wide variety of forms, facets and manifestations of extremist behavior. Systematically integrates and explores the growing diversity of social psychological perspectives on the uncertainty extremism relationshipShowcases contemporary cutting edge scientific research from leading international scholarsOffers a broad perspective on extremism and focuses on a wide variety of different forms, facets and manifestationsAccessible to social and behavioral scientists, policy makers and those with a genuine interest in understanding the psychology of extremismContent: Chapter 1 The Need for Certainty as a Psychological Nexus for Individuals and Society (pages 1-18): Arie W. Kruglanski and Edward OrehekChapter 2 Self?Uncertainty, Social Identity, and the Solace of Extremism (pages 19-35): Michael A. HoggChapter 3 Extremism is Normal (pages 36-54): Dominic AbramsChapter 4 The Psychology of the Absurd (pages 55-70): Travis ProulxChapter 5 Radical Worldview Defense in Reaction to Personal Uncertainty (pages 71-89): Kees van den Bos and Annemarie LosemanChapter 6 The Uncertainty?Threat Model of Political Conservatism (pages 90-111): John T. Jost and Jaime L. NapierChapter 7 Dying to be Popular (pages 113-130): Jason T. Siegel, William D. Crano, Eusebio M. Alvaro, Andrew Lac, David Rast and Vanessa KetteringChapter 8 The Extremism of Everyday Life (pages 131-146): Mark J. Landau, Zachary K. Rothschild and Daniel SullivanChapter 9 Religious Zeal after Goal Frustration (pages 147-164): Ian McGregor, Kyle A. Nash and Mike PrenticeChapter 10 Dehumanization, Demonization, and Morality Shifting (pages 165-182): Roger Giner?Sorolla, Bernhard Leidner and Emanuele CastanoChapter 11 Light from Dark (pages 183-193): Todd L. PittinskyChapter 12 Uncertainty, Insecurity, and Ideological Defense of the Status Quo (pages 195-211): Christopher M. Federico and Grace M. DeasonChapter 13 Authoritarianism, Need for Closure, and Conditions of Threat (pages 212-227): Jennifer L. Merolla, Jennifer M. Ramos and Elizabeth J. ZechmeisterChapter 14 Constructing Extremism (pages 228-245): Viviane SeyranianChapter 15 Collective Uncertainty and Extremism (pages 246-262): Fathali M. Moghaddam and Karen LoveChapter 16 Uncertainty, and the Roots and Prevention of Genocide and Terrorism (pages 263-280): Ervin Staub
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