Finance Ethics: Critical Issues in Theory and Practice By John R. Boatright(auth.)
2010 | 574 Pages | ISBN: 0470499168 | PDF | 5 MB
A groundbreaking exploration of the critical ethical issues in financial theory and practiceCompiled by volume editor John Boatright, Finance Ethics consists of contributions from scholars from many different finance disciplines. It covers key issues in financial markets, financial services, financial management, and finance theory, and includes chapters on market regulation, due diligence, reputational risk, insider trading, derivative contracts, hedge funds, mutual and pension funds, insurance, socially responsible investing, microfinance, earnings management, risk management, bankruptcy, executive compensation, hostile takeovers, and boards of directors. Special attention is given to fairness in markets and the delivery of financial services, and to the duties of fiduciaries and agentsRigorous analysis of the topics covered provides essential information and practical guidance for practitioners in finance as well as for students and academics with an interest in finance ethicsEthics in Finance skillfully explains the need for ethics in the personal conduct of finance professionals and the operation of financial markets and institutions.Content: Chapter 1 Ethics in Finance (pages 1-19): John R. BoatrightChapter 2 Ethical Implications of Finance (pages 21-43): Robert W. KolbChapter 3 Behavioral Assumptions of Finance (pages 45-61): John DobsonChapter 4 Efficiency and Rationality (pages 63-83): Nien?He HsiehChapter 5 Returns, Risk, and Financial Due Diligence (pages 85-101): Christopher L. Culp and J. B. HeatonChapter 6 Reputational Risk (pages 103-123): Ingo WalterChapter 7 Agency Theory (pages 125-142): Joseph HeathChapter 8 The Financial Theory of the Firm (pages 143-159): Wayne NormanChapter 9 Fairness in Financial Markets (pages 161-178): Eugene HeathChapter 10 Regulation (pages 179-198): Edward SouleChapter 11 Insider Trading (pages 199-221): Peter?Jan Engelen and Luc Van LiedekerkeChapter 12 Derivative Contracts: Futures, Options, and Swaps (pages 223-238): James A. OverdahlChapter 13 Hedge Funds (pages 239-252): Thomas DonaldsonChapter 14 Sovereign wealth Funds (pages 253-271): Colleen BakerChapter 15 Marketing of Financial Services (pages 273-296): George G. BrenkertChapter 16 Financial Codes of Ethics (pages 297-323): Julie A. Ragatz and Ronald F. DuskaChapter 17 Banking (pages 325-337): Christopher J. CowtonChapter 18 Mutual Funds (pages 339-358): D. Bruce JohnsenChapter 19 Pension Funds (pages 359-372): David HessChapter 20 Insurance (pages 373-392): Julie A. Ragatz and Ronald F. DuskaChapter 21 Responsible Investing (pages 393-417): Celine Louche and Steven LydenbergChapter 22 Microfinance (pages 419-434): Antonio ArgandonaChapter 23 Shareholder Wealth Maximization (pages 435-455): Duane WindsorChapter 24 Earnings Management (pages 457-473): Leonard J. BrooksChapter 25 Investor Relations (pages 475-493): Cynthia Clark Williams and Lori Verstegen RyanChapter 26 Risk Management (pages 495-508): Peter C. YoungChapter 27 Bankruptcy (pages 509-529): Ben S. Branch and Jennifer S. TaubChapter 28 Acquisitions, Mergers, and Takeovers (pages 531-546): Anthony F. Buono and Roy A. WigginsChapter 29 Executive Compensation (pages 547-564): John J. McCallChapter 30 Boards of Directors (pages 565-584): Dan R. Dalton and Catherine M. Dalton
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