David Twicken, "Time Based Acupuncture: Chrono-Acupuncture"
English | ASIN : B088CXYPQT | 2020 | 151 pages | AZW3 | 1 MB
Time Acupuncture is a system of acupuncture point selection based on the cycles of the year, month, day and hour. It is also called Chrono-Acupuncture. These methods are based on the Chinese calendar. This book presents a detailed step-by-step explanation of the famous Zi Wu Liu Zhu-Midnight-Noon Ebb-Flow method. This method uses the five phases/five elements points for each 2-hour time frame of the Chinese acupuncture daily clock.
Time Acupuncture includes the popular Ling Gui Ba Fa - Secrets of the Mysterious Turtle method using the Eight Opening (master, confluent, command) points of the Eight Extraordinary Channels. This method teaches you how to identify the opening point for any double hour time frame based on the stem and branch of the year, month, day and hour. Time Acupuncture also includes the Fei Teng Ba Fa Method (eight methods of flying and jumping) for selecting the opening points of the eight extraordinary channels.
Time Acupuncture includes a detailed explanation of the theory of how the daily meridian clock is formed.This is a meaningful theory to understand the daily clock in a deeper way.
The essence of Time Acupuncture is qi flows through the body in patterns based on time, treating specific points at these times stimulate the qi systemically, promoting healing in any part of the body.
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