Free Download Scott Kelby, "The Digital Photography Book, Part 5: Photo Recipes"
English | 2015 | pages: 250 | ISBN: 0133856887 | PDF | 18,5 mb
Scott Kelby, author of the top-selling digitalphotography book of all time, is back withan entirely new book in his popular seriesthat picks up right where part 4 left off. It'smore of that "Ah ha―so that's how they doit," straight-to-the-point, skip-the-technojargonstuff you can really use today thatmade part 1 so successful.
In parts 1 through 4 of this series, the most popular chapter inthe book has always been the last chapter: "Photo Recipes toHelp You Get 'The Shot'." In each of those chapters, Scott showsa final image and then describes how to get that type of shot.
Here, in part 5, he gives you what you've been waiting for: anentire book of nothing but those amazing photo recipes. But,he took it up a big notch by adding a behind-the-scenes photofor every single recipe. Now you can see exactly how it wasdone, so you can get that exact same look every time.
In these extra pages, each spread allows you to dig in a littledeeper and really unlock the power of these recipes. Scott breakseach spread into four segments: (1) heexplains exactly what you're seeingbehind the scenes, (2) he lists all of hiscamera settings, and lens and lightinginfo―it's all there, (3) he gives you histhought process, so you learn exactlywhy he does it this way, and (4) heshares all the post-processing inLightroom or Photoshop that goeson after the shoot (this is somethingother books leave out). Plus, thewhole book is packed with tips andinsights you won't find anywhere else.
This isn't a book of theory, full ofconfusing jargon and detailed concepts. This is a book on whichbutton to push, which settings to use, and exactly how and whento use them. With around 100 of the most popular photographic"tricks of the trade," the entire book is designed to get you shootinglike a pro starting today. You're gonna love it.