Free Download Perspectives in Particles and Fields by Maurice Lévy, Jean-Louis Basdevant, David Speiser, Jacques Weyers, Maurice Jacob, Raymond Gastmans
English | 1985 | ISBN: 1475703716 | 598 Pages | PDF | 15.1 MB
The 1983 Cargese Summer Institute on Particles and Fields was organized by the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (M. LEVY and J.-L. BASDEVANT), C.E.R.N. (M. JACOB), the Universite Catholique de Louvain (D. SPEISER and J. WEYERS), and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (R. GASTMANS). After 1975, 1977, 1979, and 1981, it was the fifth time they joined their efforts for organizing this Summer Insti tute. This school was characterized by simultaneous progress in the theory of elementary particles and by impressive experimental advances. On the theoretical front, one witnessed the new developments in lattice gauge theories, which explore the world of strongly interacting par ticles in a non-perturbative way, and progress in a better understan ding of the unity of all interactions based on supersymmetry. The experimentalists were ~roud to announce the discovery of the interme diate vector bosons; W- and ZO, at C.E.R.N., while physicists working with e+e- colliding beams continued to probe more deeply the validity of the theoretical models of strong, weak and electromagnetic inter actions.