Free Download God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita - Royal Science of God-Realization By Paramahansa Yogananda
2005 | 1357 Pages | ISBN: 8189535013 | PDF | 9 MB
The Bhagavad Gita is India's most sacred text -the Hindu 'Bible.' Yogananda's translation and commentary brings a unique and deeply penetrating insight into this great scripture, which is widely regarded as one of the most comprehensive books available on the science and philosophy of Yoga. God Talks With Arjuna explains the Bhagavad Gita's profoundest spiritual, psychological, and metaphysical truths, long obscured by metaphor and allegory. Yogananda takes Lord Krishna's counsel to the warrior Arjuna and applies it to our everyday struggles with the human ego. Our greatest battle he explains, like Arjuna's, takes place within our own minds as we fight our doubts, fears, negative habits, self-defeating thoughts, and erroneous thinking."The words of Lord Krishna to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita," writes Paramahansa Yogananda, "are at once a profound scripture the science of Yoga, union with God, and a textbook for everyday living." The Bhagavad Gita has been revered by truth seekers of both the Eas...Content:-I: THE DESPONDENCY OF ARJUNAThe Significance of Chapter I "What Did They?"-Survey of the Inner Psychological and Spiritual Battlefield The Opposing Armies of the Spiritual and Materialistic Forces The Conch Shells: Inner Vibratory Battle in Meditation The Devotee Observes the Enemies to Be DestroyedArjuna's Refusal to FightII: SANKHYA AND YOGA: COSMIC WISDOM AND THE METHOD OF ITS ATTAINMENTThe Lord's Exhortation to the Devotee, and the Devotee's Plea for Guidance The Eternal, Transcendental Nature of the Soul The Righteous Battle Is Man's Religious Duty Yoga: Remedy for Doubt, Confusion, and Intellectual Dissatisfaction The Yoga Art of Right Action That Leads to Infinite Wisdom Qualities of the Self-realizedIII: KARMA YOGA: THE PATH OF SPIRITUAL ACTIONWhy Is Activity a Necessary Part of the Path to Liberation The Nature of Right Action: Performing All Works as Oblations (Yajna) Righteous Duty, Performed With Nonattachment, Is Godly How Egoless Action Frees the Yogi From Nature's Dualities and the Bondage of Karma Right Attitude Toward One's Spiritual Guide and Sadhana Conquering the Two-sided Passion, Desire and AngerIV: THE SUPREME SCIENCE OF KNOWING GODThe Historical Basis and Esoteric Essence of Yoga The Incarnations of the DivinePaths of Liberation From the Rounds of Rebirth The Lord's Modes of Action Within His Creation Freedom From Karma: The Nature of Right Action, Wrong Action, and Inaction Yajna, the Spiritual Fire Rite That Consumes All Karma The All-sanctifying Wisdom, Imparted by a True GuruV: FREEDOM THROUGH INNER RENUNCIATIONWhich Is Better-Serving in the World or Seeking Wisdom in Seclusion The Gita's Way of Freedom: Meditation on God Plus Desireless Activity The Self as Transcendental Witness: Ensconced in Bliss, Unaffected by the World Good and Evil and Their Relation to the Soul The Knower of Spirit Abides in the Supreme Being Transcending the Sensory World, Attaining the Bliss IndestructibleVI: PERMANENT SHELTER IN SPIRIT THROUGH YOGA MEDITATIONTrue Renunciation and True Yoga Depend on Meditation Transforming the Little Self (Ego) Into the Divine Self (Soul) How the Sage of Self-realization Views the World Krishna's Advice for Successful Practice of Yoga Attaining Self-Mastery and Control of the Mind Mergence of the Self in Spirit, Pervading All Beings The Lord's Promise: The Persevering Yogi Ultimately Is VictoriousVII: THE NATURE OF SPIRIT AND THE SPIRIT OF NATURE"Hear How Thou Shalt Realize Me" Prakriti: The Dual Nature of Spirit in Creation How the Creator Sustains the Manifested Creation Cosmic Hypnosis (Maya) and the Way to Transcend It Which "God" Should Be Worshiped Perceiving the Spirit Behind the Dream-Shadows of NatureVIII: THE IMPERISHABLE ABSOLUTE: BEYOND THE CYCLES OF CREATION AND DISSOLUTIONThe Manifestations of Spirit in the Macrocosm and Microcosm The Yogi's Experience at the Time of Death The Method of Attaining the Supreme The Cycles of Cosmic Creation The Way of Release From the Cycles of RebirthIX: THE ROYAL KNOWLEDGE, THE ROYAL MYSTERYDirect Perception of God, Through Methods of Yoga "Easy to Perform" How the Lord Pervades All Creation, Yet Remains Transcendent The Right Method of Worshiping GodX: THE INFINITE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE UNMANIFEST SPIRITThe Unborn and Beginning less, Beyond Form and ConceptionThe Diverse Modifications of God's NatureIn Joy and Devotion, the Wise Adore HimThe Devotee Prays to Hear From the Lips of the Lord Himself: "What Are Thy Many Aspects and Forms ""I Will Tell Thee of My Phenomenal Expressions"XI: VISION OF VISIONS: THE LORD REVEALS HIS COSMIC FORMXII: BHAKTI YOGA: UNION THROUGH DEVOTIONShould the Yogi Worship the Unmanifest, or a Personal God The Levels of Spiritual Practice and the Stages of Realization Qualities of the Devotee, Endearing to GodXIII: THE FIELD AND THE KNOWER OF THE FIELDThe Divine Forces That Create the Body, the Field Where Good and Evil Are Sown and ReapedThe True Nature of Matter and Spirit, Body and Soul Characteristics of WisdomSpirit, as Known by the Wise Purusha and Prakriti (Spirit and Nature) Three Approaches to Self-realization Liberation: Differentiating Between the Field and Its KnowerXIV: TRANSCENDING THE GUNASThe Three Qualities (Gunas) Inherent in Cosmic Nature Mixture of Good and Evil in Human Nature The Fruits of the Sattvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic Life The Nature of the Jivanmukta-One Who Rises Above Nature's QualitiesXV: PURUSHOTTAMA: THE UTTERMOST BEINGEternal Ashvattha: The Tree of Life The Abode of the UnmanifestHow Spirit Manifests as the Soul The Supreme Spirit: Beyond the Perishable and the ImperishableXVI: EMBRACING THE DIVINE AND SHUNNING THE DEMONICThe Soul Qualities That Make Man Godlike The Nature and Fate of Souls Who Shun the Divine The Threefold Gate of Hell The Right Understanding of Scriptural Guidance for the Conduct of LifeXVII: THREE KINDS OF FAITHThree Patterns of WorshipThree Classes of Food Three Grades of Spiritual Practices Three Kinds of Giving Aum-Tat-Sat: God the Father, Son, and Holy GhostXVIII: "IN TRUTH DO I PROMISE THEE: THOU SHALT ATTAIN ME"Renunciation: The Divine Art of Acting in the World With Unselfishness and NonattachmentThe Roots of Action and the Consummation of Action (Liberation)Three Grades of Knowledge, Action, and CharacterIntelligence (Buddhi), Fortitude (Dhriti), and Happiness (Sukham): Their Higher and Lower ExpressionsDiscerning One's Divinely Ordained Duty in Life Summary of the Gita's Message The Dialogue Between Spirit and Soul Concludes