Free Download I.M. Pei: Architect of Time, Place and Purpose By Jill Rubalcaba
2011 | 128 Pages | ISBN: 0761459731 | PDF | 14 MB
Jill Rubalcaba tells the conflict-ridden stories behind six of Pei's most celebrated buildings, all turning points in Pei's distinguished career: National Center for Atmospheric Research (Boulder, CO), John F. Kennedy Presidential Library (Boston, MA), National Gallery of Art, East Building (Washington, DC), Fragrant Hill Hotel (near Forbidden City, China), Louvre (Paris, France), and the Miho Museum (Japan). Each story, illustrated with drawings, architectural plans, and photographs, follows Pei on his journey-from his search for design inspiration, through the trials of construction, to the finished project. Although Pei claims that he does not have a stylistic signature, his buildings are identified by geometric form and minimalist beauty, an integral relationship with their natural surroundings, and a profound respect for the past while exceeding the needs of those who utilize them, His architectural sensibilities and achievements have made Pei one of the premier architects of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Pei once explained his approach as requiring a full understanding of the three essential elements-time, place, purpose to arrive at an ideal balance. Pei's awards, buildings, a timeline, notes, suggested reading, and websites are also included. (В книге представлены шесть самых знаменитых зданий выдающегося китайско-американского архитектора Янь Минь Пея (Ieoh Ming Pei) - Национального центра атмосферных исследований (Boulder, CO), Президентской библиотеки им. Джона Ф. Кеннеди (Бостон, Массачусетс), Национальная галерея Искусств, Восточное здание (Вашингтон, округ Колумбия), Отель Хилл (Запретный город, Китай), Лувр (Париж, Франция), а также Музей Михо (Япония)