Free Download Affects & Dreams: A Manual for Becoming
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English | 2023 | ISBN: 9789925798452 | 131 Pages | PDF | 10.8 MB
There is perhaps no better way to start thinking about images than with the idea of the Thought-Image, a concept attributed to Francois Laruelle in a chapter of Tétralogos (2018). This book, a book about affects and dreams, sets out to claim that a newImage of Thought is flowering in our minds that is reflective or indicative of developments in the fields of Quantum Physicsand Process Ontology over the last century; a shift from Being to Becoming (Prigogine, 1980).
"Standard non-philosophy brings about another experience of thought. The real is no longer made of objects, autonomous terms or terms in-themselves, and furthermore not made of elementary microobjects (signifiers, partial objects). It is the end of specular realism and modern micro-fetishism that wrongly believes to have been done with it. The new model of the real is a quantum type: it is ultimately constituted by asymmetrical or strange dualities, continuous on one side, discontinues on the other, like unilateral quanta." - Laruelle, 2018: 152