Health Triangle - December 2022
English | 104 pages | True PDF | 19.4 MB
This bumper issue of Health Triangle celebrates 10 years of literally non-stop broadcasting by UK Health Radio - and the start of a new era of global podcasting on 20 well-established platforms connecting with some 850 million listeners worldwide!
Impossible to imagine given the limited life expectancy predicted for UKHR founder Johann Ilgenfritz at the end February 2012. In his podcast interview with Chris Grimes, Johann chooses a quote from Mark Twain: "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born - and the day you discover what to do with it!" For Johann, that meant letting go of a glamorous international career in fashion photography and pioneering an unmapped journey in global health! For Niki Cassar, it meant letting go of a successful business making TV commercials and developing instead her passion for hypnotherapy and past life regression. For Sam Pope, it meant letting go of a family business, getting a degree in Psychology and pioneering a new technique using tarot cards as psychological levers. For Wolfgang Sonnenburg, it meant letting go of a conventional career as a successful lawyer in Hamburg. Wolfgang Sonnenburg's success today as a human being is all about 'getting real and working for the ideal.'
When Nelson Mandela stopped being a prisoner and became instead South Africa's first Black President, his inaugural speech attributes this quote to him: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." In fact, they came from Marianne Williamson!
This bumper issue of Health Triangle magazine provides a fascinatingly diverse smorgasbord of ideas and information for your consideration and delight. It's not a race. Take your time. A new year and new challenges are certainly coming your way. Just remember the words of Marianne Williamson: "You are powerful beyond measure!"