Free Download Amateur Radio Toolkit v1.2.1 | Android | 10.61 MB
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Amateur Radio Toolkit is the best app for ham radio hobbyists. It contains many calculators to help you design radios and antennas for all your projects.
- Q code - A list of common Q codes
- 92 Code - A list of common 92 codes
- RST code - A list of RST codes
- Coordinate calculator - Find your latitude and longitude by entering your maidenhead square.
- Grid square calculator - Find your maidenhead square by entering your latitude and longitude
- Distance calculator - Find the distance between two Maidenhead squares
- Unit converter - Convert between units
- Location - Find your location
- Dipole antenna - Calculate the optimal lengths of a dipole antenna for a given frequency
- Vertical antenna - Calculate the optimal lengths of a vertical antenna for a given frequency
- Cubical quad antenna - Calculate the optimal lengths of a cubical quad antenna for a given frequency
- Inverted Vee antenna - Calculate the optimal lengths of an inverted vee antenna for a given frequency
- Ground plane antenna - Calculate the optimal lengths of a ground plane antenna for a given frequency
- J pole antenna - Calculate the optimal lengths of a J pole antenna for a given frequency
- VSWR - Convert between VSWR, Refection coefficient, return loss and mismatch loss
- Three element Yagi antenna - Calculate the optimal lengths of a three-element Yagi antenna for a given frequency
- Seven-element Yagi antenna - Calculate the optimal lengths of a seven element Yagi antenna for a given frequency
- Wavelength frequency converter - Convert between wavelength and frequency
- Air core inductor - Calculate the inductance or lengths of an air core inductor
- Low pass filter - Calculate the units of an RC or RL LPF circuit
- High pass filter - Calculate the units of an RC or RL HPF circuit
- Ohm's law - Convert between voltage, current, resistance and power by entering two
- Reactance - Calculate the reactance of a capacitor or inductor
- Decibel calculator - Convert between decibel values or calculate dB by entering the power or voltage
- Voltage divider - Calculate the output voltage or resistance of one resistor
- Resistor Color codes - Find the resistance of a resistor by entering the colors of the bands
- Resistors in parallel - Calculate the resistance of resistors in parallel
- Resistors in series - Calculate the resistance of resistors in series
- Capacitors in parallel - Calculate the capacitance of capacitors in parallel
- Capacitors in series - Calculate the capacitance of capacitors in series
- Coaxial cable - Calculate the properties of a coaxial cable
- Morse code
- CW abbreviations
- NATO phonetic alphabet
System Requirements:
Requirements: Android 4.4+
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