Music :

Anonymous (13th century) - Marie et Marion

      Author: Lori.Yagami   |   11 March 2022   |   comments: 0

Anonymous (13th century) - Marie et Marion
Anonymous (13th century) - Marie et Marion)

flac VBR 530 Kbps | Secular Vocal | 55:46 |235.63 MB

01. Anonymous (13th century) - MARIE: Mater dei plena - Mater virgo pia - EIUS (Mo 66) (02:19)
02. Anonymous (13th century) - MARIE: He mere diu - La virge marie - APTATUR (Mo 146) (01:30)
03. Anonymous (13th century) - MARIE: A la clarte qui tout - ET ILLUMINARE (Mo 189) (02:20)
04. Anonymous (13th century) - MARIE: Marie assumptio afficiat - Hujus chori suscipe - [TENOR] (Mo 322) (02:34)
05. Anonymous (13th century) - MARIE: De la gloriouse fenix (05:38)
06. Anonymous (13th century) - MARIE: Ave lux luminum - Salve virgo rubens - NEUMA (Mo 56) (01:59)
07. Anonymous (13th century) - THE SONG: Plus joliement c'onques - Quant li douz tans - PORTARE (Mo 257) (01:30)
08. Anonymous (13th century) - THE SONG: Volez vous que je vous chant (03:51)
09. Anonymous (13th century) - THE SONG: J'ai les biens - Que ferai biau sire - IN SECULUM (Mo 138) (01:06)
10. Anonymous (13th century) - THE SONG: Que ferai biaus sire - Ne puet faillir - DESCENDENTIBUS (Mo 77) (01:23)
11. Anonymous (13th century) - MARION: Pensis chief enclin - [FLOS FILIUS EIUS] (Mo 239) (02:13)
12. Anonymous (13th century) - MARION: L'autre jour par un matinet - Hier matinet trouvai - ITE MISSA EST (Mo 261) (01:33)
13. Anonymous (13th century) - MARION: Quant florist la violete - El mois de mai - ET GAUDEBIT (Mo 135) (01:45)
14. Anonymous (13th century) - MARION: Sans orgueil et sans envie - [MAIOR] IOHAN[NE] (Mo 225) (01:56)
15. Anonymous (13th century) - MARION: Trois serors - Trois serors - Trois serors - [PERLUSTRAVIT] (Mo 27) (01:24)
16. Anonymous (13th century) - MARION: Amors me fait commencier (04:18)
17. Anonymous (13th century) - MARION: En mai quant rosier - L'autre jour par un matin - HE RESVELLE TOI ROBIN (Mo 269) (01:21)
18. Anonymous (13th century) - THE SORROW: Pucelete bele et avenant - Je languis des maus - DOMINO (Mo 143) (00:58)
19. Anonymous (13th century) - THE SORROW: Diex qui porroit - En grant dolour - APTATUR (Mo 278) (02:02)
20. Anonymous (13th century) - THE SORROW: Pour chou que jʼaim - Li joli tans - KYRIELEISON (Mo 299) (02:20)
21. Anonymous (13th century) - MARIE-MARION: J'ai un cuer trop lait (04:39)
22. Anonymous (13th century) - MARIE-MARION: Par une matinee - Mellis stilla - DOMINO (Mo 40) (01:39)
23. Anonymous (13th century) - MARIE-MARION: Or voi je bien - Eximium decus - VIRGO (Mo 273) (02:50)
24. Anonymous (13th century) - MARIE-MARION: Plus bele que flor - Quant revient et fuelle - L'autrier joer - Flos [Filius Eius] (02:38)

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Anonymous (13th century) - Marie et Marion Full Download

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