flac VBR 668 Kbps | Keyboard | 01:09:39 |339.2 MB
01. Thomas Baltzar - The Division Violin: 13. Prelude for Solo Violin in G major "A Prelude for the Violin" (01:57)
02. Thomas Baltzar - John Come Kiss Me Now (04:19)
03. Johann Schop - Lachrimae Pavan (04:29)
04. Nicola Matteis - Ground after the Scotch Humour (02:12)
05. Anonymous - I. A Devision for Trible Violl to Play with a Virginall (02:56)
06. Nicola Matteis - I. Ground in D Major, "la sol re per far la mano" (02:47)
07. William Brade - Coral (05:08)
08. William Lawes - I. Fantazia (05:37)
09. William Lawes - II. Almaine. 'La goutte' (02:29)
10. William Lawes - III. Aire. Galliard (02:02)
11. Christopher Simpson - Prelude in D major (01:19)
12. Christopher Simpson - I. Division in D Major (04:37)
13. John Jenkins - Fantasia in D minor (04:24)
14. William Byrd - Fitzwilliam Virginal Book: No. 10 Jhon Come Kisse Me Nowe (06:03)
15. Nicola Matteis - II. Passagio a solo e adagio (02:09)
16. Nicola Matteis - VI. Prestissimo (01:03)
17. Nicola Matteis - VII. Ground (03:19)
18. Nicola Matteis - Aria amoroso (04:40)
19. Michel Farinel - Faronell's Division on a Ground (05:20)
20. Anonymous - I. Paul's Steeple (from The Division Flute) (02:49)

