flac VBR 401 Kbps | Sacred Vocal | 01:14:25 |232.39 MB
01. Miscellaneous - Reading of "Ehre sei der heiligen..." (00:29)
02. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 1. Priidite, poklonimsia (O come, let us worship) (02:57)
03. Miscellaneous - Reading of "Denn ein gnädiger..." (00:23)
04. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 2. Blagoslovi, dushe moya (Praise the Lord, o my soul) (05:29)
05. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 3. Blazhen muzh (Beatus vir): 'Blessed is the Man' (06:14)
06. Miscellaneous - Reading of "Herr, zu dir rufe ich..." (00:54)
07. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 4. Svete tikhiy (Gladsome Light) (03:30)
08. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 5. Nyne otpushchayeshi (Nunc dimittis): 'Lord, now let your servant depart' (03:54)
09. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 6. Bogorodishche Devo, raduysya (Ave Maria): 'Hail, o Virgin Mother' (03:19)
10. Miscellaneous - Reading of "Ehre sei dem Vater..." (01:47)
11. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 7. Shestopsalmiye (Hexapsalms): 'Glory to God on high' (03:33)
12. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 8. Khvalite imya Gospodne (Praise be the name of the Lord) (02:55)
13. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 9. Blagosloven yesi, Gospodi (Glorifying song of the Resurrection). 'Teach me o Lord in the way of truth' (07:39)
14. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 10. Voskreseniye Khristovo videvshe (The Veneration of the Cross) (03:23)
15. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 11. Belichit dusha Moya Gospoda (Magnificat): 'My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord' (09:44)
16. Miscellaneous - Reading of "Alles, was Odem hat..." (00:16)
17. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 12. Slavosloviye velikoye (Great Doxology): 'Glory be to God on high' (08:12)
18. Miscellaneous - Reading of "Wer unter dem Schirm..." (01:40)
19. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 13. Dnes' spaseniye (Troparion): 'The day of salvation has come' (02:28)
20. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 14. Voskres iz groba (Troparion): 'Christ is risen' (03:56)
21. Sergei Rachmaninoff - 15. Vzbrannoy voyevode (Thanksgiving hymn of Virgin Mary): 'O victorious leader' (01:43)

