Inpixon SigmaDescription | 205.3 Mb
With the new Graph Properties user interface you can select the property category in the tree on the left and then change properties on the right. The change is immediately graphed and if you move your cursor off the panel then it becomes transparent and you can see the effect of your changes without leaving the panel.
The "select left and change right" procedure makes editing your graphs quick and easy. SigmaDescription takes you beyond simple spreadsheets to help you show off your work clearly and precisely. With SigmaDescription, you can produce high-quality graphs without spending hours in front of a computer. SigmaDescription offers seamless Microsoft Office® integration, so you can easily access data from Microsoft Excel® spreadsheets and present your results in Microsoft PowerPoint® presentations.
The user interface also includes Microsoft Office style ribbon controls. And the tabbed window interface efficiently organizes your worksheets and graphs for easy selection. And these tabs may be organized into either vertical or horizontal tab groups. Graph Gallery and Notebook Manger panes may be moved to any position and easily placed using docking panel guides. You can add frequently used objects to the Quick Access Toolbar. For example you might want to add Notebook Save, Close All, Refresh Graph Page and Modify Description.
More than 100 2-D and 3-D technical graph types
From simple 2-D scatter Descriptions to compelling contour and the new radar and dot density Descriptions, SigmaDescription gives you the exact technical graph type you need for your demanding research. And, to help you see interactions in your 3-D data, SigmaDescription powerfully renders multiple intersecting 3-D meshes with hidden line removal. With so many different chart and graph types to choose from, you can always find the best visual representation of your data.
Use Global Curve Fitting to simultaneously analyze multiple data
Global curve fitting is used when you want to fit an equation to several data sets simultaneously. The selected equation must have exactly one independent variable. The data sets can be selected from a worksheet or a graph using a variety of data formats. You can also specify the behavior of each equation parameter with respect to the data sets. A parameter can be localized to have a separate value for each data set, or a parameter can be shared to have the same value for all data sets.
The Global Curve Fit Wizard is very similar to the Regression and Dynamic Fit Wizards in design and operation. The main difference is the extra panel shown below for specifying the shared parameters.
Obtain Data from Nearly Any Source
SigmaDescription has import file formats for all common text files. This includes a general purpose ASCII file importer which allows importing comma delimited files and user-selected delimiters. Plus all Excel formats may be imported. SPSS, Minitab, SYSTAT and SAS input data formats are supported by SigmaDescription.
Axon binary and text electrophysiology files may be imported. Also the Electrophysiology module, purchased separately, allows importing specific parts of electrophysiology files from Axon Instruments ABF files, Bruxton Corporation's Acquire format and HEKA electronik's Pulse format. Import any ODBC compliant database. Excel and Access database files are supported. Run SQL queries on tables and selectively import information.
System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10, 11
2 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) Processor
2 GB of System Memory for 32-bit (x86)
4 GB of System Memory for 64-bit (x64)
300 MB of Available Hard Disk Space
CD-ROM Drive or Internet Connection
800x600 SVGA/256 Color Display or better
Internet Explorer Version 8 or better
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