JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2023.1 (x64) | 1.53 GB
Distribution composition :
1. JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2023.1 (standard installer)
2. JetBrains ReSharper patcher v0.1.1
3. Registry file to start the trial period.
Installation instructions (let Visual Studio version 2019 or 2022 be installed on the computer):
1. Run the JetBrains.dotUltimate.2023.1.exe product installer.
2. Quack the product using patcher.exe (as usual).
3. Run the patcher.reg registry file to start the trial period.
4. In Visual Studio, make sure the trial period is running (2147483647 days).
The registry file starts the trial period for dotCover, dotMemory, dotTrace, ReSharper products.
Version : 2023.1
Released : 2023
Developer : JetBrains
Tablet : present
Requirements : Visual Studio 2015, 2019, 2022