VectorWorks InteriorCAD 2020 SP4 F5 | 5.4 Gb
Global design and BIM software provider Vectorworks, Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of VectorWorks InteriorCAD SP4 F5 is an end-to-end CAD software solution for the design and manufacture of cabinets and architectural joinery.
VectorWorks SP4 with InteriorCAD F5 release notes
interiorcad 2020 F5 international
- Wooden inner drawers
. New Option "Laid-on" for drawer front part
. Drawer front part left/righ/top/bottom overhang to hide runner
. Drawer front part overhang / size is adjusted to Cabinet 3D box reveals / gaps automatically
- Millings can now be placed in Custom Part 3D cut-outs generated by Contour 3D
- Disabling edge joints if Custom Part 3D has only one edge
- Objects in Cabinet 3D boxes are now carried along if Cabinet 3D is copy/pasted to or imported in another document
- Performance improvements building up object info palette for Custom Part 3D
- Change Handles - Positioning pull-down was referring to door handle positions only
- Plinth front part mitered with one plinth side part only, prevented custom overlap on the opposite side
- Part Layout - Miters were sometimes dimensioned as 0°
- Edge texture was not stored the first time chosen from the menu
- Custom Part 3D failed to generate based on Cabinet 3D objects which were not placed exactly next to each other
- Automatically generated record formats didn't contain correct # of drawers & doors. Data tags were not able to extract info properly
- Error message after updating libraries was generated even if update was performed without problems
NC-Export / Cutting list export
- DXF - Routings are color-coded now
- NC-Hops - Text and Rectangle is visible in Workcenter Version 7+
- Wood Flash - Option "Drill-throug" for grid drillings
- Wood Flash - Pass tool type if tool-ID is set
- Xilog Plus - Hide parking position (optional)
- HHOS - Element with part name and appended description
- Kuhnle - Minimal cumulation added
- OSD - Minimal cumulation added
- Swiss-Soft Export updated
Vectorworks 2020 Service Pack 4 Release Notes
The following issues were addressed for Vectorworks 2020 Service Pack 4.
This is a list of bugs that were fixed or wish list items that were fulfilled. The information comes directly from the bug database as entered by the users who filed the issues.
VB-121580 After Importing DXF/DWG, Undo Causes Unified View to Become Enabled
VB-144616 Ghost Symbol
VB-145778 BCF-Manager: Different work-flow problems/bugs that makes it hard to use
VB-146852 *Multi-View: VW2018 Crashes 'Sometimes' When Resizing Floating View Pane
VB-148660 *Random Crash
VB-153508 T01818 2D Components: Symbols in Cut Component Shifted in viewport
VB-156534 Horizontal Section Viewport not correctly displaying hybrid objects with cut plane overrides
VB-158524 Marionette - script(self) via OIP buggy in Wrapper
VB-158851 VGMProxy: Crash in GetGetSelectionObject
VB-160845 Horizontal section: text and arrows dimensions invisible
VB-163629 *crash after save a movie from an Animation object using this file- DocumentWindowManager::GetDrawingResolution
VB-164228 Marionette - Crash Bug when bug-clicking a wire (VW19 and VW20)
VB-164281 Window highlights for data tag in section viewport does not correspond to visible geometry
VB-164874 DWG Import: Freeze at Reading model space entities
VB-164919 *VW2020 Crashes while Changing Path Animation Frames (all in multi-view mode)
VB-166042 DWG import turns Unified View OFF
VB-166133 *When deleting an animation path with project sharing, if the checkout confirmation dialog is closed with "No", Vectorworks crashes.
VB-166192 Datatag object acquisition way off in sections if section was created by sectioning a viewport, works fine for Design Layer sections
VB-166325 Path Animation Inconsistent when Key Frames are displayed in Horizontal Section
VB-166381 *Crash in "SnapGeneralLink::SnapObject" while Working with Animation Path Object
VB-167126 VW 2020 SP2 - Worksheet Wont close
VB-167155 Crash while open/converting the attached 2018 document
VB-167295 Webview using Clip Cube fails
VB-167298 Vectorworks crashes when you open Edit Style dialog from Properties dialog.
VB-167546 Rotate Tool does not work on Worksheet
VB-167566 Reshape tool: Only the control points of the reshaped objects are moved when you set rotation from the OIP
VB-167703 ConnectCAD: apply Text Menu settings to Equipment object Name text
VB-168111 GetSpaceNumForObj not working when space has no height
VB-168211 In Wall Symbol Visibility Problem after Creating a Horizontal Section Viewport
VB-168270 Cable Tools Worksheet breaks when running create worksheet 2nd time
VB-168284 Hardscape: Changes in Hardscape Object Settings dialog don't update OIP
VB-168329 Default Workspaces Have Snapping Palette Docked Above Attributes Palette in SP3
VB-168330 Section Cut Graphics Appear out of Place when Editing HSVP's Section In-Place
VB-168331 IFC Import Fail
VB-168352 *Marionette: empty groups will crash VWX
VB-168386 Hardscape tool: Texture from saved configuration is not applied.
VB-168404 ConnectCAD: 2D Rack object does not support 54U high racks
VB-168406 Hardscape Style loosing 3D texture
VB-168413 Charts should have a default width and height set
VB-168465 Artifacts with Soft Edges
VB-168491 Space Object Auto Boundary with Columns Regression
VB-168521 NBS Chorus : Typo in availability dialog
VB-168554 Align of Data Tag Objects in Rotated Plan doesn't work
VB-168599 Mosa Pattern Generator: Renderworks Texture is the wrong size
VB-168606 GIS: User Coordinates change after Geolocate
VB-168615 When user origin is set and Walkthrough Path is created in 3D view, it is created based on the set user origin.
VB-168643 *Lots of crashing doing simple things
VB-168644 The contents of the mapping definition assigned to the "Class-based Objects" or "Symbol Definitions" object are not reflected in the worksheet.
VB-168645 Datasheets created from "Class-based Objects" or "Symbol Definitions" objects under specific conditions are not displayed in the "Data Manager" dialog when the vwx file is saved.
VB-168654 Mosa Import fails when, "Close the dialog box after the pattern downloads" is unchecked
VB-168660 Beta Undo Alert 9 when adjusting the retaining edge on a site modifier
VB-168666 Executing Convert to Lines on a 3D model may generate extra dashed lines.
VB-168677 PDF print settings changes
VB-168687 Document crashes when opening in VW 2020
VB-168695 Import Mosa Pattern Resources Scaled Incorrectly : JBC
VB-168698 Energos>Airtightness giving erroneuous result
VB-168714 Project sharing, Wrong time shows on File locked/file is in use dialog
VB-168739 Data Tag Tool Missing from Connect CAD workspace
VB-168745 IFC Import: Graphics anomaly with two IFC Entity objects
VB-168750 Not possible to switch off a Data Visualization Legend
VB-168757 Visible Candy Cane while Creating Animation path Movie
VB-168761 *Crash on 3D edits - ImprintCurveOnFace - PR8443846
VB-168762 [Win] When copying and pasting characters using [ (Japan Yen Mark)] [ \(backslash)] in single-byte characters, incorrect texts are created.
VB-168777 Circular Stair doesn't create/export a proper IFC
VB-168778 Crash in [NNADockingPanel noteViewAsRequiringKeyStatus]
VB-168783 Solid subtraction between 2 extrudes fails
VB-168786 Chart Configuration, naming consistency issue
VB-168788 Creating SheetLayer Viewport from Active Camera in Animation path shows the path/camera object in resulting Viewport.
VB-168810 Different section result when updating the section viewport (merge is working randomly)
VB-168813 *IsFailedCSGAction crashed
VB-168819 ConnectCAD: Update Rack Elevation does not transfer Device weight to Equip
VB-168827 *Crash after opening file - Corrupt Polyline
VB-168828 Deleting Animation path is not Instant in Vectorworks, it will recalculate prior to deleting.
VB-168829 Crash in VW 2019 SP6
VB-168846 Space: Edit open and close causes space colors to change
VB-168852 ODBC Fatal: when opening table
VB-168857 Changing hardscape Thickness Causes hardscape's geometry to change
VB-168859 ODBC Fatal: when trying to connect record to object
VB-168870 Section render makes Vectorworks block
VB-168877 Resource naming convention is not applied when adding duplicate texture resources in Mosa Pattern import.
VB-168879 When importing Mosa Pattern with the hatch check box in the "Import Options" dialog box turned off, radio buttons are displayed blank.
VB-168882 Horizontal section: lines above cut plane are exported wrong to PDF
VB-168897 *TUndoMovePrimitive::Apply crashed
VB-168906 *TDObj2TGSPoly crashed - Multi threads-Regression starting SP2 Build 519614
VB-168910 Random Crashes from T. Douglas Architects
VB-168919 Project Sharing string with unknown variable ^0 needs rewrite
VB-168925 Crash in CopyInstantiatedObjectHandle
VB-168926 *Crash Import DWG - AddPKBCurveToPolylineHandle
VB-168952 Mosa Pattern menu command is missing tooltip
VB-168989 Holes on symbol-inserted walls don't show, if importing a particular IFC file.
VB-169005 Crash when create a Section Viewport
VB-169017 Vectorworks Crashes when opening New Animation Pane Window
VB-169028 Hardscape Aligned Slab mode clashing with Grade Limits
VB-169081 *hard crash | right click on animation path
VB-169108 *VW disappears choosing a previous version file
VB-169114 Vertical Section Viewport: It's allowed to create vertical section viewport from an annotation of the vertical section viewport
VB-169116 IFC Import imcomplete
VB-169139 Multiple extrudes are unable to merge with Structural Objects in Sections.
VB-169156 Mosa Pattern Import Fails When "Close Dialog After Download" Option is Disabled
VB-169160 Geolocation "Select Service" Dialog Resets Each Time it's Opened
VB-169174 Callouts disassociating Keynote Legends
VB-169185 Section Viewport: Dashed Hidden Line not visible
VB-169198 When executing the Hidden Line (Dashed Hidden Line) rendering, the join line between the wall and the slab is displayed.
VB-169212 *TUndoEvent::EndEvent crashed with infinite loop
VB-169225 Interactive Appearence Settings: colors change
VB-169230 Project Sharing: Get DSTOP message: "We do not expect associations: 6 to have negative RefNumbers. Please submit a bug report for this."
VB-169235 Forums-Q2 - Objects disappear when editing dimensions
VB-169242 *DOM: Import this IFC Files issues
VB-169251 Endless Callout Bugs
VB-169254 Bar Chart description dialog says "rectangle" instead of "chart"
VB-169255 T01981 - descriptions for listData and listLabels should be modified
VB-169263 Lumpy hardscape and choppy DTM
VB-169269 Lighting Device Selection/Redraw Fail in SP3 with "Best Performance", Device Fails to Show in Other Nav Graphics Options
VB-169276 *TDrawPadOGL::d_SetStandardOpacity crashes with a very high frequency - Window only
VB-169279 Color settings destroyed after giving back early a borrowed G-Series license
VB-169291 *TRedrawContext::GetAppropriateBackgroundColor crashes on Multi thread with a very high frequency
VB-169295 Data Visualization, Symbol in Wall
VB-169307 *GetSymBreak crashed
VB-169321 Lighting Device - no volumetric beams after reload file
VB-169341 Terminator Tool missing from ConnectCAD workspace
VB-169377 QRT Project Sharing OMI Lag Drawing Rectangles
VB-169390 When "Right-Reading" is deselected in the label legend editing of the device, the label does not rotate according to the Lighting Device.
VB-169391 When applying an image effect to an object in an EPSF file with preview, the edited result is not reflected on the object.
VB-169472 *DXF / DWG Export: Crash at the end of writing entities
VB-169475 Color disorder with Vectorworks 2020
VB-169476 *Export to DXF/DWG: Crash while writing entities
VB-169562 Hardscape preferences don't translate to object settings on creation
VB-169579 *VW Crashes after Moving Space Object within the Document Window
VB-169657 Problems with Notes Manager database in Project Sharing
VB-169666 Hardscape Align with Objects on "Custom Set of Layers" not working
VB-169668 Eval and educational licenses lose all colours
VB-169670 *VW crashes during export to DWG
VB-169697 ConnectCAD: 2020 Device Builder - Model > New... not available for existing Makes
VB-169744 GIS Stake Tool shows the wrong coordinates
VB-169750 Name file doesn't update in title block border
VB-169875 *Crash when canceling a DWG import
VB-169880 *Crashing when exporting sheet layer to DWG
VB-169896 ConnectCAD: Device builder not accepting imperial units
VB-169914 Mirroring some objects offsets some the duplicates to an offset position in v25. Works fine in v24.
VB-169915 ' Exits Group' in openGL destroys the render view
VB-169918 Polygon, Line Type: anti-clockwise direction is faulty
VB-169948 Input reversed when editing a post position
VB-169958 Hardscape: Incorrect pathway to aligned slab transition
VB-169995 Vectorworks crashes when you open Edit Marker Layout from Edit Style dialog that is opened from Properties dialog
VB-170004 *DWG Export: Crash when finishing writing entities
VB-170009 ConnectCAD: Destination arrow moves the source too
VB-170011 BUG line type reverse direction
VB-170014 *VW crashes or needs to be force quit when saving & committing.
VB-170017 File is slow to navigate
VB-170049 Cannot select a name from Name dialog used in Criteria dialog
VB-170078 Reference Updates Take Much Longer When Source File is Open
VB-170085 Updating Site Model Crashes Vectorworks with Polyline Site Modifiers : JBC
VB-170100 Hatch of slab not shown correctly on Sheet Layer (VGM problem because of "SavedSetting"
VB-170108 ConnectCAD: image in Equipment Item does not display if Equipment is outside of rack.
VB-170149 Slabs lost the line of the edges in Section Viewports after update tp SP3
VB-170236 Publish/Export to PDF = instant crash
VB-170265 Dark Mode, References in Org Palette not white text
VB-170455 QRT - Project Sharing Referencing - Walls deleted in Source file still appear Target file after update.
VB-170513 QRT - Project Sharing Referencing - Symbols Deleted in Source File still appearing in Target File
VB-170777 QRT - Project Sharing Referencing - Referenced Viewports showing ghost geometry
VB-171049 SetObjPropTxtVS does not work for Python plugins
VB-171165 Message Center: Vectorworks crashes while passing the json data from the server
Vectorworks interiorcad is used by designers and manufacturers for cabinet making, shopfitting, kitchens, custom furniture, interiors and exhibition design. It contains a powerful feature set that allows for design, visualisation, documentation and manufacturing.
Vectorworks interiorcad comes standard with an extensive library of accessories that includes thousands of textures, classic home and office furniture, kitchen units, appliances, 3D house plants, books, bathroom fittings and more. It also includes document templates for quotations, schedules and parts lists, and is the only cabinet design software with an integrated costing and quotation package. It also comes preloaded with a comprehensive set of hardware from the major European manufacturers such as Hettich, Blum and Haefele.
Vectorworks interiorcad is clever software - the more you use it, the more productive you become. This is because any aspect of your work can be saved as a favourite configuration for later reuse. This could be anything from a particular hardware specification, to draw front layout or carcass assembly.
As the name suggests, Vectorworks interiorcad is based on the Vectorworks CAD engine, which provides drawing and parametric modelling functionality unique to software in this price range.
Interiorcad demo
Stephan Mönninghoff explains how to configure the material properties in your Interiorcad.
Vectorworks, Inc. is an award-winning design and BIM software provider serving the architecture, landscape architecture and entertainment industries in 85 countries. Creating intuitive software since 1985, we've become the preeminent software built to manage the entire design process. Globally more than 685,000 users are creating, connecting and influencing the next generation of design with Vectorworks on Mac and Windows. Headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, with offices in Atlanta, Georgia, Newbury and London, England and Vancouver, Canada, Vectorworks is a part of the Nemetschek Group.
Product: VectorWorks InteriorCAD
Version: 2020 SP4 F5 *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: PC **
Supported Operating Systems: **
Size: 5.4 Gb
* release info:
- VectorWorks SP4 with InteriorCAD F5
- InteriorCAD 2020 F5 Plugin for VectorWorks 2020 SP1-SP4
** System Requirements:
VectorWorks InteriorCAD 2020 System Requirements
The following are real-world system requirements for running Vectorworks 2020. In some demanding cases, we would suggest a more capable machine than is described in these hardware profiles. Likewise, there are some less demanding situations where Vectorworks will perform well on older hardware.
Operating Systems:
- Windows 10 64-bit
- Windows 8.1 64-bit
- Windows 8 64-bit
- Windows 7 SP1 64-bit
Minimum Hardware Profile:
Entry-level Profile: For small projects, simple models/drawings with a low level of detail, simple renderings (such as small residential projects, small theaters, small landscaping design)
Processor: 64-bit Intel Core i5 (or AMD equivalent) or better
RAM: 4GB or more
Graphics Card: OpenGL 2.1 compatible graphics card with 1GB of VRAM or more. Some integrated graphics cards such as Intel Iris graphics are acceptable for simple models/drawings, but a dedicated graphics card is preferable.
Vectorworks with Vision requires a dedicated graphics card supporting GL_ARB_draw_buffers extension with 2GB of VRAM or more, preferably released in the past three years (e.g., NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 series, AMD Radeon RX 500 series). Using multiple view panes with different visibilities in all panes requires a graphics card with at least 2GB of VRAM.
Display Resolution: 1440 x 900 or higher
Hard Disk: 10GB free disk space is required for the installation. 30GB or more is required for a full installation with all libraries.
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