Tekla Structural Designer 2021 SP3 Update | 91.6 mb
Trimble launched Tekla Structural Designer 2021 SP3 (version This release includes a number of new features, enhancements and issue resolutions as detailed below.
Tekla Structural Designer 2021 SP3 release notes
- Model & results - New interactive 1D member forces table & filters
- Embodied Carbon - New Charts View
- New & Enhanced Loading Features - Minimum Lateral Load, Seismic Loading, Snow Loading and Imposed/ Live Load Reductions
. Automated Minimum Lateral Loads
. Use of the Seismic Wizard for other Head Codes
. Use of the Snow Wizard for other Head Codes
. Imposed Load Reductions - User-defined reduction % values - Eurocode Head Code
- Steel column base plate design - USA head code - design for shear lugs added
A number of additional fixes which are not detailed explicitly here are also made to improve general performance and stability. An example of this is given directly below:
[TSD-8139]- Crash when placing column at the intersection of bearing walls.
A crash (program exception) could occur in some circumstances when creating a column at the intersection of bearing walls. This is fixed in this release.
[TSD-10029]- Issue saving to network location fixed.
An issue which caused an error when attempting to save a model to a network location is now fixed. This issue relates only to version 2021 SP2 (v21.2.0.58 released June 2021) in which it was introduced.
[TSD-10073]- Manage Property Sets enhanced with Comment box
The Manage Property sets dialog is enhanced with a Comment box, similar to that of the Properties Window, that displays relevant/ additional information for the selected property.
- The Comment box (and tool tip) will display pertinent information for certain properties such as in what circumstances they apply - for example for Base Plate > Concrete Base properties which are not applied where a Foundation Pad base exists (since these values are set by the Pad base) as shown below.

Embodied Carbon Enhancements
[TSD-9863]- Embodied Carbon Mass in kg for US Head Code and Customary Units
In line with current practice in the USA, the units for Embodied Carbon Mass (per Mass and Length etc) can now be set to kg for the US Customary Unit System - as shown in the picture below - and this is now the default setting.

[TSD-8821]- Remember Last Used Property Set
To improve the workflow when modeling, the last used property set for the entity being created is now remembered and automatically set in the Properties window. This is the case even when you switch from modeling one type of entity to another, then back - e.g. from a pad base to a steel column (or any other entity) then back to a pad base - the last used pad base property set is remembered. This feature was first implemented in 2021 SP2 for line elements (beams, columns, braces) - in this release this functionality is extended to the following entities:
- [TSD-10162] - Walls (all types*)
- [TSD-10163] - Slabs (all types*)
- [TSD-10170] - Supports, Roof panels, Foundations, Punching Checks, Base Plates
* Note that there is a slight limitation for Walls (and Slabs also) in that this feature functions only for types for which there is a specific button (or drop list item) on the ribbon. For example: the Model tab > Concrete group > "Meshed Wall" button applies to cast-in-place concrete meshed walls only. Thus a precast concrete meshed wall saved Property Set will still not be remembered as last used when starting modeling from the Meshed Wall button.
[TSD-8598]- Columns - enhanced level information in Properties Window
As shown in the picture below, to aid modeling the Level type and elevation are now included in the Properties Window Level list for a selected column.

[TSD-10261]- Base Plates added to Find Command
As shown in the picture below, the Home > Find command can now be used to locate Base Plate entities in the model via their name.

[TSD-10164]- Save View Configuration forSection/ Material Grade
It is now possible to use Save View Configuration for the Review View > Show/ Alter State > Section/ Material Grade command, as shown in the picture below. This enables many useful model views to be saved and also used in Reports.

[TSD-10093]- Slabs - maximum cover limit revised
The maximum allowed cover value for slabs has been increased from 100mm (US Customary 4 in) to 1000mm (US Customary 40 in). This issue relates only to release 2021 (v21.0.0.116 released March 2021), in which the previous limit was introduced, and subsequent releases.
- This change applies to all the following concrete entities; slabs (both flat slab and slab on beams), pad bases, mat foundation, pile caps.
Cellbeam Integration
[TSD-9566]- New warning text and confirmation checkbox
When exporting Westok beams to Cellbeam, the export dialog now includes additional warning text bringing the user's attention to some settings that should be carefully considered, as shown in the picture below. A new check box underneath this titled "Please check the box to confirm" must be enabled to proceed with the export.
- Warning text - "The user must carefully review that the slab arrangements, loading, restraints etc of the beam modeled in Tekla Structural Designer match the imported conditions of the beam in Cellbeam. A review of the restraints and bending moment values in both software packages as a minimum is recommended."

[TSD-10295]- Supported column reactions now exported
Loading from columns supported by a beam e.g. in a 'transfer system' are now exported as additional load sets where previously they were not. This applies for vertical columns only.
- Note that for the situation of a column which is supporting a beam - i.e. the beam is continuous over the column - which will produce a negative reaction on the beam, these reactions are NOT exported. We would note that this is a much less common situation.
FBEAM Integration
[TSD-10080]- New warning text and confirmation checkbox
When exporting FABSEC beams to FBEAM, the export dialog now includes additional warning text bringing the user's attention to some settings that should be carefully considered, as shown in the picture below. A new check box underneath this titled "Please check the box to confirm" must be enabled to proceed with the export.
- Warning text - "You are advised to carefully review that the slab arrangements, loading, restraints etc of the beam modeled in Tekla Structural Designer match the imported conditions of the beam in FBEAM. In particular a review of the moments, shears and axial forces is strongly recommended. Note that end moments are not exported."

[TSD-10079]- Fixed end moments and end fixity no longer exported
Due to the mismatch between what can be modeled in Tekla Structural Designer and in FBEAM, fixed end moments (FEMs) are unlikely to be consistent when exported. For example, only one set of wind loads is available in FBEAM and so wind left to right and wind right to left cannot be exported simultaneously. Consequently, FEMs are no longer exported. To support this change, end fixity is no longer exported also. The new warning information text detailed above also includes this information.
[TSD-10011]- Dead Load now exported as "Super Dead"
FBEAM has a number of load types; "Dead", "Super Dead", "Live" etc. In composite design, the FBEAM "Dead" load is applied at the pre-composite stage and "Super Dead" and Live are applied post-composite. In Tekla Structural Designer however the "Dead" load type is applied post-composite, hence there is a discrepancy with FBEAM for this load type. To remedy this, Tekla Structural Designer's "Dead" load is now exported to FBEAM's "Super Dead" load type.
[TSD-10295]- Supported column reactions now exported
Loading from columns supported by a beam e.g. in a 'transfer system' are now exported as additional load sets where previously they were not. This applies for vertical columns only.
Note: that for the situation of a column which is supporting a beam - i.e. the beam is continuous over the column - which will produce a negative reaction on the beam, these reactions are NOT exported. We would note that this is a much less common situation.
[TSD-10380]- Manually applied Slab Wet loads now exported
When the "Calc Automatically" setting was disabled for the Slab Wet loadcase (used only for the Construction stage combination), manually applied loads included in this load case were not exported to FBEAM in previous releases. Such loads are now exported in this release.
[TSD-10360]- Camber set in FBEAM now imported
Camber values directly set in Tekla Structural Designer are exported to FBEAM* however camber set or adjusted in FBEAM was not imported back to Tekla Structural Designer in previous releases. This release adds automatic import of camber from FBEAM using the "Apply as a Value" setting in Tekla Structural Designer.
* Note camber applied in Tekla Structural Designer using the setting ''Apply as a proportion of deflection" is NOT exported to FBEAM since the camber value is produced by the design process which is not run for Fabsec beams within Tekla Structural Designer
[TSD-9808] - Export to Tekla Portal Frame Designer - issue exporting frame with patterned imposed loads
In previous releases, for an attempted export of a portal frame containing patterned imposed loads to Portal Frame Designer, the export would fail and a message would be displayed in the Progress log "An exception caught during portal frame export to TPFD".
- A rule has now been implemented which only prevents such portal frames from being exported if the following conditions apply; there is a patterned loadcase including point, line, patch or variable patch loads AND there are slab items in the model which are turned off for a pattern. In these circumstances the export will still fail with the following message displayed in the Progress Log; "There are patterned loadcases in the model which prevent an export to TPFD ''.
New & Enhanced Loading Features - Minimum Lateral Load, Seismic Loading, Snow Loading and Imposed/ Live Load Reductions
- Automated Minimum Lateral Loads
- Use of the Seismic Wizard for other Head Codes
- Use of the Snow Wizard for other Head Codes
- Imposed Load Reductions - User-defined reduction % values - Eurocode Head Code
Analysis & Results
- Model & results - New interactive 1D member forces table & filters
Other Analysis & Results Enhancements and Fixes
[TSD-10044] - New - Analyze All RSA
A new "Analyze All (RSA)" option is provided in the "Analyze" ribbon as shown below. This has been introduced to save time determining seismic drift, the results for which were previously only calculated during "Design RSA". This new option runs exactly the same analysis and results processing phase as "Design RSA", but simply stops before continuing with design - the seismic drift results are then available after running this option.

[TSD-10382]- Analyze All now finishes in Results View
At customer request, the operation of the Analyze All options has been changed such that, when the analysis is complete, the Results View is now activated, rather than the Review View as previously. This applies to all the Analyze All options including the new "Analyze All (RSA)" detailed above.[
Head Code Australia
[TSD-9368]- Concrete Design to AS 3600:2018
Design to the 2018 version of the Australian Concrete Design Code AS 3600 is added in this release. Design of all concrete entities has been thoroughly reviewed and updated accordingly to this new code version.
- This code Year can now be selected in the Resistance Codes options of Model Settings > Design Codes for the Australia Head Code, as shown in the picture below. The 2018 year is set as the default for new models (applies to new installations by default - for existing installations, it can be set as the default via Home > Settings > Design Codes).
- This new design capability applies to all the following concrete entities; Beams, Columns, Walls, Slabs, Foundations.

Head Code USA - Highlights
- Steel column base plate design - enhanced scope for USA head code
Other USA Design Enhancements and Fixes
[TSD-10112] - Steel Seismic Design for UBC Seismic Loading
While it has always been possible to specify Seismic Loading to the UBC Loading code for the USA Head Code, in previous releases no specific seismic checks to AISC 341 were made for steel members in a Seismic Force Resisting System (SFRS) - the design performed was just to the 'standard' provisions of AISC 360. In this release the specific Seismic checks of AISC 341 of SFRS members are now performed (in addition to the 'standard' design) for UBC Seismic Loading in a similar manner to that for ASCE7 Seismic Loading in previous releases.
- All factors relevant to both the seismic analysis and design of SFRS members - such as R, ?0 and ⍴ - are generated by the seismic wizard for UBC Seismic Loading and used by design where applicable. An exception is the check of seismic design categories which applies only to ASCE7 Seismic Loading
Reports and Drawings
- Embodied Carbon - New Charts View
Other Reports and Drawings Enhancements and Fixes
[TSD-10340]- Reports - improved dashed lines in drawings
Work on the scaling of dashed lines in drawings - such as those representing levels and gridlines - has improved their appearance in drawings included in reports, such as the drawings of Member Reports. Where previously such dashed lines could previously appear as solid or indistinct, they are now generally clearly dashed and more distinct.
Tekla Structural Designerdelivers powerful features for optimizing concrete and steel design, including the ability to quickly compare alternative design schemes, efficiently manage changes and collaborate seamlessly. Regardless of project size or complexity, Tekla Structural Designer's fully automated, productivity-enhancing capabilities enable engineering firms to improve operations, successfully bid more projects and enhance client service.
Tekla Structural Designer 2021 structural analysis and design software introduces the 'design-to-detail workflow' for more efficient modeling of reinforced cast-in-place concrete and transferring reinforcing bars, including slabs, foundations, beams, columns and walls, to Tekla Structures. A new carbon calculator provides the ability to understand a structure's embodied carbon impact during design and compare alternative schemes to identify the most effective, sustainable and affordable option.
Tekla Structural Designer in 5 Minutes
Tekla software solutionsfor advanced BIM and structural engineering are produced by Trimble. Trimble's construction offering ranges from total stations to advanced software, giving the industry tools to transform planning, design, construction and operation of buildings. Tekla software is at the heart of the design and construction workflow, building on the free flow of information, constructible models and collaboration.
Product:Tekla Structural Designer
Version:2021 SP3 Update Only *
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.tekla.com
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:PC **
Software Prerequisites:Tekla Structural Designer 2021 and above
Size:91.6 mb
* This service pack requires Tekla Structural Designer 2021 first release (version to be installed and will update your current version.
Tekla Structural Designer 2021 hardware recommendations.
System requirements for effective operation
CPU:Multi core Intel i5 Series or above, Xeon or AMD equivalent
- Highest affordable performance recommended.
Memory:16GB (32GB or more recommended)
- Memory requirements are highly dependent on model content.
OS:64-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 / 10
- Operating systems must be running the latest service packs / updates.
Graphics:1600 x 900 resolution (1920 x 1080 or higher recommended)
- 1GB or higher of dedicated RAM.
- Utilizes HOOPS Visualize, a third party graphics engine available from Tech Soft 3D. To check your adapter's compatibility visit the HOOPS developer website for HOOPS 20.x, DirectX and OpenGL requirements.
Disk space:1GB or more of free space for installation
- Operational disk space requirements are highly dependent on model content.
Internet connection: Required for access to Online Services and some documentation.
License Service:
- Tekla Structural License Service 3.00 including Sentinel RMS 9.5
License Server: The latest version of the Tekla Structural Licence Service, at time of release, is shipped and installed with the software. If you have chosen to have a separate licence server, it is always our recommendation that you also run the latest version of the Tekla Structural License Service on it to ensure compatibility. Please see System Requirements for specific version details.
Test environments
The application is tested and supported on the following business versions of Microsoft Windows with the latest updates applied:
- Windows 10 64-bit
- Windows 8.1 64-bit
Tekla Tedds 2021 hardware recommendations:
CPU:Multi core Intel i3 Series or above, Xeon or AMD equivalent
- Highest affordable performance recommended.
- Memory requirements are dependant on document content.
OS:32-bit or 64bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 / 10
- Operating systems must be running the latest service packs / updates.
- See Test Environments (below) for full details of supported operating systems.
Graphics:1920 x 1080 resolution
- 1GB or higher of dedicated RAM.
Disk space:1GB or more of free space for installation.
- Operational disk space requirements are highly dependant on model content.
Internet connection:Required for access to Online Services and some documentation.
Microsoft Word:32-bit or 64-bit of Microsoft Word 2013, 2016 or 2019.
- Microsoft Word needs to be fully service packed.
License Service:
- Tekla Structural License Service 3.00 including Sentinel RMS 9.5
License Server: The latest version of the Tekla Structural Licence Service, at time of release, is shipped and installed with the software. If you have chosen to have a separate licence server, it is always our recommendation that you also run the latest version of the Tekla Structural License Service on it to ensure compatibility. Please see System Requirements for specific version details.
The application is tested and supported on the following business versions of Microsoft Windows with the latest updates applied:
- Windows 10 32-bit & 64-bit
- Windows 8.1 32-bit & 64-bit
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