Adobe Photoshop 2022 23.0.0 Portable (x64) + Plugins | 6.12 GB
Adobe Photoshop is a complete solution for professional digital imaging, which contains the latest tools for working with images and new possibilities for the implementation of creative ideas that can significantly increase productivity. Edit images with exceptional precision, and use new intuitive tools and workflows to create 3D graphics, 2D projects, and movies.
About building
Adobe Photoshop 2022 v23.0.0.36 Portable
System requirements for the assembly .
- Windows 10 x64
- Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005-2019
Removed .
- Libraries
- Spaces
- AdobeIPCBroker
- Adobe Spaces Helper
- CCLibrary
- CCXProcess
- CoreSync
- CRWindowsClientService
- LogTransport2
Features and Settings
After launching any Turbo Studio portables, HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Sofware \ Spoon \ SandboxCache keys are created and
unique branches of the type 4B1A9646BDF4C4DE are generated under different names , corresponding to the launched portable. this is a feature of the developers)
bat-file with the code: reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Spoon" / f exit deletes the garbage entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Sofware \ Spoon in the registry.
If you need to reset all program settings, close Photoshop, delete the Photoshop portable folder and apply the bat file.
Changing the interface language .
By default, the assembly starts with the English interface, change the settings to change the language to Russian
Edit> Preferences> Interface> Presentation> UI Language> Russian
Editing> Settings> Interface> Presentation> Interface language> English
( after changing the interface language, restart Photoshop again if the Start screen does not load )
Connecting plugins from the Plugins folder .
You can add plugins collected only in Turbo Studio (TS)
to the portable Plugins folder for plugins to work, the Plugins folder must be located next to the Photoshop.exe executable file before starting the program
( after adding or replacing plugins in the Plugins folder, you need to restart Photoshop )
after removing the plug-in, you must exit the program and remove the sandbox, otherwise the program may not start
Installing your plug-ins and other components into the assembly .
path for
Photoshop extension panels \ roaming \ modified \ @ PROGRAMFILESCOMMON @ \ Adobe \ CEP \ extensions \ (extension folder)
path for
Photoshop plugins \ roaming \ modified \ @ PROGRAMFILES @ \ Adobe \ Adobe Photoshop 2021 \ Plug-ins \ ( plugin or plugins folder)
Photoshop \ roaming \ modified \ @ PROGRAMFILESCOMMON @ \ Adobe \ Plug-Ins \ CC \ (plugin or plugins folder)
Additional components (LUT files, Brushes) are installed in the Photoshop portable folder corresponding to the real system
(create these folders manually if they are missing)
Fonts (fonts) - must be installed on the real system.
(after installing plugins and other components, restart Photoshop)
Neural Filters
For Neural Filters to work, you need to:
Install the video driver.
Sign in to your Adobe ID.
after logging in to your Adobe ID, close the trial warning window .
About plugins.
- Exr-IO 2.05
- Neat Image 7.6.0
- Camera Raw 14.0
- Deep Font
- Dynamic Link
- Materials
- Neural Filters 1.9.21
- Sky Presets
Alien Skin
- Blow Up 3.1.4
- Exposure X6 6.0.8
- Eye Candy 7.2.3
- Snap Art 4.1.3
- Shadow 1.0.3
Chef's Plugins
- Delicious Retouch 4.1.3
Composite Nation
- Oniric 1.2.0
Digital Film Tools
- EZ Mask 3.0.6
- Power Stroke 1.1.5
DxO Labs
- DxO ViewPoint 3.1.5
Nik Collection by DxO 4.1.1
- Analog Efex Pro 2
- Color Efex Pro 4
- Dfine 2
- HDR Efex Pro 2
- Perspective Efex 5
- Sharpener Pro 3
- Silver Efex Pro 3
- Viveza 3
Google Developers
- WebPShop 0.3.3
- Noiseware 5.1.2
- Portraiture 3.5.4
- RealGrain 2.1.2
Intel Corporation
- Intel® Texture Works 1.0.4
- OpenCL 18.1
Lokas Software
- 3DShadow 2.0
- NBP UltraSharp 1.0.003
Oleg Sharonov
- Clean Backdrop 0.997
- Dodge Burn 0.998
- Eye Vessels 0.993
- Heal 0.997
- Portrait Volumes 0.998
- Tone 0.998
ON1 Photo10 10.5.2
- Effects
- Enhance
- Portrait
- Resize
PictureCode LLC
- Noise Ninja 2.4.2
Redfield Plugins
- AbstractionTX 1.01
- ATX 1.25
- FaceControl 2.00
- FineTouch 3.25
- Fractalius 1.85
- Fractalius2 18.11
- FractaliusG4 1.20
- iEmboss 1.50
- Perfectum2 2.01
- Sharpinion 1.70
- SharpinionHD 2.00
- SketchMaster 3.35
- Sketchmaster2018p 18.12
- Umatrix 1.85
- Unobtanium 1.90
Sergey Sverdlov
- C3CImageSize 3.1
- TinyPNG and TinyJPG 2.3.9
Toby Thain
- ICOFormat 2.1f1
Topaz Labs
- Adjust 5.2.0
- BW Effects 2.1.0
- Clarity 1.1.0
- Clean 3.2.0
- DeJpeg 4.1.0
- DeNoise 6.0.1
- Glow 1.0.2
- InFocus 1.1.0
- Lens Effects 1.3.0
- ReMask 5.0.1
- ReStyle 1.1.0
- Simplify 4.2.0
- Star Effects 1.2.0
- Fluid Mask 3.3.18
in Turbo Studio .