ESI VA ONE 2021.5 | 2.4 Gb
Product:ESI VA ONE
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.esi-group.com
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:2.4 Gb
ESI Group, a leading innovator in virtual prototyping software and services for manufacturing industries, announces the new version of VA ONE 2021.5 is an interactive software program for the analysis and design of vibro-acoustic systems
VA ONE 2021.5 Release Notes
VA One 2021.5 introduces a Hierarchical H-matrix solve option to the standard BEM solver that reduces the memory requirements and provides faster solver times for large BEM models. The user may select preferred weighting of accuracy versus performance.
VA One 2021.5 limits the application of the H-matrix solve option to uncoupled applications (such as vehicle exterior noise predictions). Future versions may extend the H-matrix solve option to coupled applications.
Model File Compatibility
- XML neutral files (*.xml) are upwards compatible between different versions of the software (VA ONE 2021.5 can import XML files exported by any previous version of the software).
- Binary model files (*.va1) created with versions of VA ONE prior to 2016.5 cannot be opened directly in 2021.5 without using XML as an intermediate file format. This means all intermediate results will need to be recreated or reimported.
- For .va1 files created using versions of VA ONE from 2012.5 to 2016.1, the software will detect the version used to create the file, and will offer to convert the file automatically. For example, to convert a file created in VA ONE 2015, VA ONE 2021.5 requires that VA ONE 2015 be installed on the workstation. The software will use the 2015 installation to export the XML file and then import this file into the new VA ONE 2021.5 model. This only imports the XML file and does not import any intermediate results. Intermediate results will need to be reimported or recreated.
- Binary model files (*.va1) created with versions of VA ONE prior to 2012.5 are not upwards compatible with VA ONE 2021.5. The models must be archived as XML (Export > Neutral File...) before upgrading to a newer version of the software.
- Windows and Linux binary 2021.5 model files (*.va1) are compatible.
Functionality Notes
- Future versions of VA ONE will require FlexNet Server version or greater.
Result Changes
For a detailed description of the enhancements and modifications in VA ONE 2021.5, please refer to the following sections of this document.
- 112: The results were calculated incorrectly when the standard BEM solver, with the Number of integration points set to Adaptive, was used to solve an uncoupled BEM model that included mixed surfaces defined as pressure and velocity. The issue did not appear if the model was solved with the Number of
Added a H-Matrix Option to the Standard BEM Solver
Added a H-matrix option to the standard BEM solver that will provide faster solve times and reduce memory requirements for large uncoupled BEM problems.
H- matrix is short for hierarchical matrix. With H- matrix BEM, the large full complex frequency dependent matrices are replace with H-matrices. A H-matrix replaces a matrix that is derived from Green's functions (such as BEM matrices) with low- rank approximate sub-matrices. The H-matrix solution approximates the BEM matrix solution, but provides significant savings in the amount of memory used for the calculations, as well as decreasing the solution times. BEM problems that are appropriate for H- matrix solutions should have more than 50,000 nodes on the BEM boundary surfaces.
The H-matrix BEM solution can be activated by checking the H-Matrix option on the BEM Solver tab of the Options dialog. The slider bar associated with the H-matrix controls the level of approximation: more approximate, but faster (Speed) to more accurate, but slower solution times (Accuracy). The default setting provides the best solution for most models. Predictions on data recovery surfaces are more robust than on elastic or rigid surfaces. Moving the slider towards the Speed direction should not be done if data recovery is desired on elastic or rigid surfaces. It should also be noted that the Hmatrix solution always eliminates irregular frequencies. This should be considered if comparing a Hmatrix solution to a standard BEM analysis.
As an example of the H-matrix BEM results, an automotive problem was solved. The geometry is shown in Figure 1. The mesh is a shrink-wrap of the outer automotive surfaces with approximately 134,000 nodes on the BEM wetted surfaces. In this case, the surface of the vehicle is assumed to be a rigid scattering surface. The source is a monopole source under the front left tire. Data is recovered on the circular ring around the vehicle and on the surface of the vehicle. The model was solved with traditional BEM and with H-matrix BEM. The H-matrix BEM solved in 1/4 of the time and used 1/4 of the memory. The pressure on three sensors in the data recovery mesh are shown in Figure 2. There are small differences between the traditional BEM and H-matrix BEM. The pressure on the surface of the car at three sensor is shown in Figure 3. On the BEM boundary surface there are more differences between the two solutions, but the results are within an acceptable range for the faster solution, which uses less memory.

The following is a list of corrections to issues found in VA ONE 2021.1.
- 112: The results were calculated incorrectly when the standard BEM solver, with the Number of integration points set to Adaptive, was used to solve an uncoupled BEM model that included mixed surfaces defined as pressure and velocity. The issue did not appear if the model was solved with the Number of integration points set to 3 or higher

VA ONEis an interactive software program for the analysis and design of vibro-acoustic systems. It provides a general environment for modeling vibro-acoustic systems across the entire frequency range, in ONE easy to use tool. The software is written specifically for vibro-acoustic analysis and design and is based upon proven vibro-acoustic methods.
The SEA (Statistical Energy Analysis) module of VA ONE contains all the functionality of AutoSEA2,the industry standard software for mid and high frequency vibro-acoustic analysis and design. The Structural FE module of VA ONE contains a fully functional in-built NASTRAN solver and also interfaces with external solvers in order to make best use of your existing analysis processes. The Hybrid module within VA ONE implements state-of-the-art methods for rigorously coupling FE and SEA subsystems together in a single analysis. The methods can be used to provide full frequency response predictions that cannot be obtained using either FE or SEA in isolation. The BEM module of VA ONE contains all the functionality needed to model the low frequency response of bounded and unbounded fluids using the Rayon boundary element solver.
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) and object oriented database of VA ONE simplify model management and contain many powerful diagnostic tools for understanding the response of a vibro-acoustic system.
With VA ONE it is easy to perform everything from a quick back of the envelope vibro-acoustic design calculation to a fully detailed system level analysis from within ONE simple to use environment.
VA One customer testimonial: Massimo Martini, IVECO S.p.a
Massimo Martini, VA Engineer at IVECO S.p.a in Italy, explains the usefulness of VA One for vehicle performances especially for controlling noise and vibration inside the cabin.
Founded in 1973, ESI Group envisionsa world where Industry commits to bold outcomes, addressing high stakes concerns - environmental impact, safety & comfort for consumers and workers, adaptable and sustainable business models. ESI provides reliable and customized solutions anchored on predictive physics modeling and virtual prototyping expertise to allow industries to make the right decisions at the right time, while managing their complexity. Acting principally in automotive & land transportation, aerospace, defense & naval, energy and heavy industry, ESI is present in more than 20 countries, employs 1200 people around the world and reported 2020 sales of €132.6 million. ESI is headquartered in France and is listed on compartment B of Euronext Paris.


