PathWave EM Design (EmPro) 2022 | 1.7 Gb
The Keysight Technologies Inc. development team is pleased to announce the availability of PathWave EM Design (EmPro) 2022. In this release aligns the FEM engine with PathWave ADS 2022 and also includes a new Sparse Direct Solver (SDS) for FEM, reducing simulation time for large designs. In addition, scale bar colormaps are provided for improved visualization, several 3rd party tools were upgraded, and various bug fixes are included.
The PathWave EM Design (EMPro) 2022 release includes the following features and bug fixes. It is also the recommended release to be used in conjunction with ADS 2022.
- In the Scale Bar Editor, colormaps are provided for improved visualization. Besides the rainbow colormap (Default), the new colormaps increase in brightness in a way that is perceptually linear so they can be distinguished by people with color impairments. The 'Inferno' and 'Viridis' have a wide brightness range, while colors in 'Cool' have a narrower brightness range.
- 3rd party tool updates
. Python updated to version 3.8.
. ACIS update to version 2021 1.0.0
. HOOPS update to version 26.00. Note: in case OpenGL2 is used as Graphics Driver, version 3.2+ is required.
. CUDA update on Linux to version 11.2.1.
- Fixed the calculation of far field polarizations at specific angles that were previously numerically unstable.
- New Antenna Design Toolkit (EM Design 2021 Update 2.0)
. The Element Designer provides templates to easily create frequently used antenna geometries, such as aperture antennas, planar PCB antennas, or wire antennas. The toolkit creates an EM Design project, ready to be simulated, based on input parameters such as desired center frequency.
. The Array Designer can be used to create an antenna array from a single element. Array topologies provided are Linear, Planar Rectangular, Planar Triangular, and Cylindrical Rectangular.
- For more information, see Antenna Design Toolkit.
- The default program installation directory on Windows is now under %ProgramFiles%\Keysight. (EM Design 2021 Update 1.0)
- The EM simulation and geometry processing engines require a high-performance memory allocator for efficient multithreading. To this end, they use the Microsoft mimalloc or Google tcmalloc software. On Windows, several antivirus software packages tend to inject realtime protection DLLs into every process. An issue has been addressed with the injected antivirus code that inadvertently crashed the simulation.
- New SDS solver improves simulation performance for very large designs.
- Fixed an issue when dealing with anisotropic materials.
- Fixed an issue in the routine that computes the radiated power. It could lead to invalid directivity results. (EM Design 2021 Update 2.0)
- Support of the waveguide and the delta-gap ports. (EM Design2021 Update 1.0)
- Fixed an issue with planar sensors whose data was not available in the results. (EM Design 2021 Update 2.0)

Keysight's PathWave, an open, scalable, and predictive software platform,offers fast and efficient data processing, sharing and analysis at every stage in the product development workflow. Combining design software, instrument control and application-specific test software, it enables engineers to address increasing design, test, and measurement complexity and develop optimal electronic products.
Electromagnetic Professional (EMPro)is a 3D modeling and simulation environment for analyzing the 3D electromagnetic (EM) effects of high-speed and RF/microwave components. EMPro features a modern design, simulation and analysis environment, high capacity time- and frequency-domain simulation technologies and integration with ADS, the industry's leading RF/microwave and high-speed design environment
PathWave EM Design 2022 continues to be a leading 3D electromagnetic (3D EM) modeling and simulation environment, which is also integrated with the PathWave Advanced Design System (ADS) 2022 design flow.
PathWave EM Design 2022 aligns the FEM engine with PathWave ADS 2022. It includes a new Sparse Direct Solver (SDS) for FEM, reducing simulation time for large designs. In addition, scale bar colormaps are provided for improved visualization, several 3rd party tools were upgraded, and various bug fixes are included.
EMPro Video Library
Keysight Technologies Inc.is the world's leading electronic measurement company, transforming today's measurement experience through innovations in wireless, modular, and software solutions. With its HP and Agilent legacy, Keysight delivers solutions in wireless communications, aerospace and defense and semiconductor markets with world-class platforms, software and consistent measurement science.
Product:PathWave EM Design (EMPro)
Version:2022 (cyndaquil) - 410.110
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.keysight.com
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:1.7 Gb


