Autodesk Maya 2023 with Offline Help & Additional Content | 5.6 Gb
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Product:Autodesk Maya
Version:2023 with Offline Help & Additional Content *
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.autodesk.com
Languages Supported:multilanguage
System Requirements:Windows **
Size:5.6 Gb
Autodesk has released Maya 2023, the latest version of its 3D modelling and animation software. The release introduces Blue Pencil, a revamped version of Maya's viewport annotation toolset, and overhauls the software's Boolean modelling and retopology systems.
The Bifrost multiphysics plugin gets Bifrost USD, a new system for creating and editing USD assets using the Bifrost graph, opening up a range of new scene layout workflows.
Blue Pencil: a revamped, more animation-friendly viewport annotation system
New features in Maya 2023 include Blue Pencil, a new toolset for creating 2D annotations in the viewport. The feature, which replaces the existing Grease Pencil tool, provides "more drawing tools for text and shapes", plus a layer system for annotations. As well as shot review, the toolset is aimed at "pre-production animation blocking", with users also able to retime or transform Blue Pencil annotations, as well as simply to move them on the timeline.
More intuitive and versatile Boolean modelling workflow
The release also overhauls Maya's Boolean modelling tools, adding a new Boolean node, intended to enable users to "create and edit Boolean operations in fewer clicks". The software also now supports a range of new Boolean operations, including Slice, Hole Punch, Cut Out and Split Edges, as well as the existing Difference and Union operations. In addition, a new Boolean stack provides a central location for editing Booleans, with input objects shown as layers to make complex assemblies easier to manage, and changes displayed in the viewport in real time. Users can pick from five display styles for input objects, and adjust the colour and opacity of their wireframes. Another useful-looking new feature is the option to use Smooth Mesh subdivided versions of objects as inputs for Boolean operations: something that can be toggled from the Boolean stack
Other changes to 3D modelling
Updates to existing 3D modelling tools include the option to use single or multiple creator nodes per curve in the Sweep Mesh tool, used to create 3D geometry by sweeping a profile curve along a guide curve. Modelling workflow improvements include new marking menus for extrusion and bevel operations; and the Multi-Cut tool now displays percentage values for the position selected along an edge.
Faster, more streamlined retopology workflow
Character artists get an update to Maya's Retopologize tool, used to convert a mesh to even quads, in order to generate lightweight, more animation-friendly geometry from high-resolution sculpts. A new preprocessing system "eliminates the need for triangle remeshing prior to retopologising to quads". Other changes include support for symmetry, density painting, and new options to control how different parts of a mesh are smoothed based on Component Tags. The Component Tag system has itself been updated, with new features including the option to multi-select, duplicate and merge tags.
Update to deformers and improved animation performance
The release notes for Maya 2023 also list a number of updates to deformers. Some seem to be those added during the 2022.x release cycle: scaling controls for the Solidify deformer were added in Maya 2022.2 and mirror and retarget modes for the Morph deformer in Maya 2022.3. There are also improvements to animation performance, although again, some - like support for Cached Playback in the Jiggle deformer - were added during the 2022.x updates.
Workflow and viewport improvements, plus a full switch to Python 3
Workflow improvements include the option to set the colour and opacity of wireframes for meshes displayed in the viewport, and support for an unlimited number of lights in Viewport 2.0. In addition, Maya 2023 now uses Python 3 exclusively, support for the new version of the programming language having first been introduced in Maya 2022. Python 2 mode has now been removed entirely. Other changes listed the online documentation date from previous releases, including Create VR for Maya, the VR concept design tool added in Maya 2022, and changes to user experience made in Maya 2022.1.
Bifrost for Maya 2.4: new USD workflows
Outside the core application, multiphysics plugin Bifrost for Maya gets a significant update, with Bifrost 2.4 introducing Bifrost USD, a new system for creating and editing USD assets using the Bifrost graph. It is integrated with USD for Maya, the software's dedicated USD plugin, making it possible to select and edit USD elements directly in the Maya viewport. The functionality opens up new scene layout workflows, with users able to "easily and quickly populate a USD stage with layers and prims". Other changes include updates to the Aero solver for gaseous fluid simulation, better cloth tearing in the MPM solver, and a new Color Picker tool.
MtoA 5.1: improved triplanar textures and AOV denoising
Maya's integration plugin for Autodesk's Arnold renderer also gets a sizeable update, with MtoA 5.1 adding the option to use different textures on each axis when using triplanar projection. The system can be used for shading effects like snow, dust and moss, in which a material is applied only to those parts of a surface facing in a particular direction. Autodesk has also updated to OptiX 7, a newer version of Nvidia's AI-trained GPU denoiser, which denoises AOVs consistently, making it possible to use them in VFX workflows in which AOVs need to be recomposited. There are also a lot of smaller feature updates and performance improvements, including better interactivity in IPR previews when rendering either on the CPU or GPU.
What's New in the Maya 2023 devkit
The Maya 2023 devkit includes a new minimum CMake version, new Blue Pencil APIs and commands, and several other changes.
Several changes have been made to the Maya 2023 devkit. These include new methods and command options for supporting improvements to the preference system, new Blue Pencil APIs and commands, several changes to MFnMesh, and enhanced GPU deformer APIs.
Graph Editor: Splines representation is broken on Intel HD Graphics 4000 MAYA-121070
Graph Editor: Infinity curves look the same as regular curves MAYA-112684
Graph Editor: Frame All / Frame Selection do not work through the View menu MAYA-109754
Graph Editor: Crash opening scene if Graph Editor displays curves while saving MAYA-114690
Graph Editor: Curves are not displayed when opened through panel menu MAYA-110408
Graph Editor: Cannot frame with "F" hotkey if the script editor window is underneath MAYA-111034
Keyed Blend Shape not updating properly MAYA-120985
HIK : Auto key on layers causes HIK rig deformity MAYA-120760
Crash working in Time Editor with 20+ audio clips MAYA-114222
Key tick sizes remain tiny regardless of preference MAYA-114216
Skincluster is not applied until scene is reloaded or re-evaluated MAYA-114083
Setting influence type on Wrap deformer causes crash MAYA-113783
Component Tag: Using FBX import in namespace creates invalid tag name MAYA-113656
Crash when baking nodes with proxy attributes to a new layer MAYA-113118
CPU blendshape does not match GPU deformation MAYA-112976
Crash when copying skin weights MAYA-112966
Remove GPU support for animated topology MAYA-112796
getChain does not return deformers in correct order MAYA-112725
Tangents are not correctly applied via the setKeyframe command when running in mayapy/batch mode MAYA-112374
compressUndo has incorrect behavior MAYA-112361
Colored keyframes are all the same color on the Time Slider MAYA-112305
"Scale Curve" changes on CurveWarp break on save and reopen MAYA-112219
Morph forces upstream morphTarget/driver deformers on CPU MAYA-112132
Blendshape forces upstream driver/inputTarget deformers on CPU MAYA-112131
MGPUDeformerBuffer of the targetGeometry is INVALID in the basicMorphGPUDeformer::evaluate() function MAYA-112130
Evaluation Toolkit : Settings in the Advanced subsection of Modes section are not preserved MAYA-111578
Changing audio node name breaks audio menu MAYA-111337
Bullet physics pivots are not updated when constraints/rigid bodies are moved MAYA-110854
Crash using mayapy with FBX file containing bakePartialHistory and blendShape MAYA-110547
Crash in TvertexEdgeIterator::edgeVertex when saving due to threading issue MAYA-110462
Toon Shader: Changing Lighting Based Width on Outline has no effect in Serial/Parallel evaluation MAYA-110388
parentOffsetMatrix not taken into account with Alembic exporter MAYA-104847
BlendShape targets with no delta information do not evaluate on GPU MAYA-108863
Cached Playback: IFF image planes do not display using Arnold renderer MAYA-107791
Keying quaternion rotation with auto-key generates wrong values MAYA-107761
Camera Sequencer: Crash when shot name contains only numbers MAYA-113673
Camera Sequencer: Sound hitch when switching between audio clips MAYA-106951
Keys displayed in Time Slider need 'Show Upstream Curves' option MAYA-111690
Animation Performance
leastSquaresModifier node causes cycle check warnings with parallel evaluation MAYA-113951
Unable to attach deformer to individual nParticles MAYA-113259
Error in TpolyGeom::copyCleanParts causes crash with GPU deformer MAYA-112632
Crash on close when releasing OGS resources MAYA-112422
GPU override can cause crash when output geometry is missing matching input indices MAYA-111116
Crash when pulling on matrix as Xform and matrix MAYA-110597
Race condition when evaluating multi attributes with mix of static and animated attributes MAYA-110506
UpdateAE causing scene graph re-evaluation MAYA-110461
Paint Effects: Geometry regenerated every frame if only visibility animated MAYA-110411
Paint Effects: Computation happens twice during rendering MAYA-110389
Paint Effects: TdnDynBrush causes slow playback in parallel evaluation MAYA-110182
Paint Effects: Strokes slow down playback performance MAYA-107549
Crash manipulating eye target controller MAYA-110387
Cached playback slows down subsequent file open operations MAYA-110296
EM Manipulation broken for rig controllers using cyclical evaluation MAYA-110013
GPU Override: Animated material is causing scene graph to be constantly repartitioned MAYA-109991
Caching : Image planes : Error appears when importing QuickTime movie MAYA-107722
Maya slows down increasingly while doing the same operation in a loop MAYA-107189
Parallel Evaluation : Toggling visibility of object display layers is slow MAYA-107052
Deformer result can be affected by background caching. Deformers affected: Wrap, ProximityWrap, Cluster, DeltaMush, FFD (Lattice), FuncDeformer, Tension, Solidify, Wire, ProximityPin, UVPin MAYA-105169
Unexpected mini freezes when setting keys MAYA-103570
setKeyframe command doesn't update MAYA-102941
Image Planes : Aspect Ratio doesn't respect aspect ratio of image MAYA-102466
Parallel Evaluation: Motion trail does not update when edited in the Graph Editor MAYA-111055
Parallel Evaluation: Hard crash on file open with empty evaluation results MAYA-109427
Parallel Evaluation: Switching visibility of geometry on/off is noticeably slower in scenes containing larger numbers of transform, joint and locator nodes MAYA-104850
Parallel Evaluation: AnimLayers that have single keys are not evaluated MAYA-102063
Parallel Evaluation: Crash when scrubbing nucleus nodes MAYA-100705
Parallel Evaluation: Delay modifying static keys in the Graph Editor MAYA-96242
Keys added with MFnAnimCurve::addKeys to an existing flat curve do not update in Parallel Evaluation MAYA-109643
Cached Playback: EXRs in imagePlane get darker during playback MAYA-107538
Cached Playback: EXR images on image planes do not cache with display mode RGBA MAYA-108240
Cached Playback: Wireframe cage left behind during Bullet simulation (OGL core profile only) MAYA-96188
Cached Playback: Crash from attributes pulling animation from multiple animated condition nodes MAYA-108856
Ctrl + drag on Attribute Editor triggers CPU and GPU MAYA-108127
Left-mouse dragging on Channel Box triggers CPU losing fluidity MAYA-108055
Scaling keys in Graph Editor triggers CPU losing fluidity MAYA-107995
Opening FBX file creates display layers that are not deletable MAYA-106820
Extra attributes added to file node are lost when exported to FBX MAYA-106011
FBX export mesh with bones incorrectly assigns lambert materials MAYA-105806
Enum Property doesn't retain selection when importing FBX file into MotionBuilder MAYA-104440
Imported audio clips don't retain filename MAYA-121227
CER 47381501: Crash importing Alembic file (openmaya createUVSetDataMesh, abcimport setColorsAndUvs) MAYA-120762
Protect undo queue from being disabled because of script failures MAYA-114618
The cmds.file command returns empty string MAYA-114467
Custom transform's locked attribute continues to be evaluated and updated MAYA-114460
Apply Qt patch QTBUG-60257 for "QXcbClipboard: SelectionRequest too old" warnings on Linux. MAYA-114411
Export Selection Playblast/Thumbnail options are not available in file save and export all/selection option box with OS native dialog MAYA-113978
Python API 2.0: Precision is lost when setting MMatrix component value MAYA-113935
Python API 2.0: MPxNode.legalConnection unusable MAYA-89762
Python 2.0 API Bug: MPxContextCommand missing syntax() method for custom flags MAYA-106092
Importing FBX files containing materials of unknown type may cause Maya to crash MAYA-113919
Custom plugin transform does not manipulate correctly in object axis mode MAYA-113888
Crash using "Export /IncludeGrp/BindPose" FBX export setting in Maya MAYA-113868
disconnectAttr command : Error message lists wrong attribute MAYA-113764
Crash if textScrollList command has no font passed to it MAYA-113621
Maya crashes when deleting objects set to 'Look Through Selected' MAYA-112988
Nodes with compound and time attribute connections crash Maya MAYA-112896
Copying referenced node's name from attribute editor triggers Maya's node copying MAYA-112693
Crash when running code that manipulates MPlugs MAYA-112585
Fixed an issue in the container command where object names were matched without using the fully qualified unique name. MAYA-112437
Crash from invalid pointer passed to getFirstPathTo and getInstancePath MAYA-112379
Fix a startup crash with mouse wheel scrolling when Maya is initializing and loading a scene file MAYA-112328
Packed multi attributes are missing on save after setAttr MAYA-111867
Paint Skin Weights opacity and value sliders are too short MAYA-111748
Custom Transform does not work with rotate manipulator MAYA-111694
Mac : Paint weights or sculpt brush cursor overlay disappears after toggling panes MAYA-111446
buildconfig file in devkit still uses -std=c++11 MAYA-110879
A misleading warning message about OpenMP has been removed from the threadCount command MAYA-110768
shiboken2 module breaks Python error display in the script editor MAYA-110705
Entering more than 7 decimal places in the UI will be rounded to 7 digits MAYA-110665
Crash when importing Catia .cgr file MAYA-110399
Default values for vectorArray dynamic attributes are not saved MAYA-110158
MPointArray / MVectorArray class indexing returns a copy instead of a reference MAYA-109949
File export time increases with scene complexity between Maya 2019 and 2020 MAYA-109657
Can't change values in enum attribute in Channel Box if new value's index is equal to current value MAYA-108178
Fix missing pyside2-uic and pyside2-rcc.exe files in PySide 5.15.1 artifact MAYA-107442
getPointsAtUV gets unexpected internal failure on valid UV location MAYA-105927
Crash when clicking attribute of plugin node after renaming without pressing key MAYA-104929
VP2 : MPxContexts::doPtrMoved can crash Maya in a torn-off view MAYA-101113
Maya crashes when calling MPxManipulatorNode::thisMObject() MAYA-99346
Game Exporter does not save "Include Children" settings MAYA-95585
Unable to re-dock all floating windows on KDE MAYA-105792
Saved preset for Game Exporter does not include attribute includeChildren MAYA-95440
Mac : Maya disappears and starts beeping when activating the hotbox in OSX Fullscreen mode MAYA-110658
MacOS Tumble Performance is slow when Help line is visible MAYA-108906
Python 3: Random result or crash when accessing Python API 2.0 arrays with out of range or negative index MAYA-110711
Python 3: Error in Maya with Python 3 when exporting and importing XGen presets. MAYA-111212
App Home triggering a crash at launch MAYA-113794
PSD File Texture node not updating in VP2 when switching layers MAYA-108978
Unable to rebind Show Hotbox and Hide Hotbox hotkeys to the same hotkey (press/release) MAYA-107868
Legacy FX
FBX : Export Selection is linked to the Include Options of the mayaAscii export options MAYA-41791
Camera rig and Snap to Point causes crash MAYA-115218
Shape Editor Groups will sometimes cause crash when importing a Maya ASCII file MAYA-114910
NURBS Extrude fails with high rotation numbers MAYA-114828
cmds.polyDisc does not return the created mesh and transform MAYA-114771
Cannot change pencil curve tool degree MAYA-114756
Linux and Mac: Crash when point snapping pivot MAYA-114260
Adjusting Extrude Thickness produces unexpected results MAYA-114108
Crash using Soft Select in modelingToolkit MAYA-113337
Shape Editor Duplicate option won't respect painted blend shape weights MAYA-113265
Poly Primitives : Should all return the names of the nodes they create MAYA-112971
CER crash with transfer vertex order in polyengine, TpolyGeom, copyParts MAYA-112820
Maya freezes when creating expressions if gameVertexCount plugin is loaded MAYA-112174
Using sculpting tools such as Relax will make faces disappear MAYA-111869
Sculpt tool marking menu x/z axis inverted MAYA-111186
Scale Tool Reset does not restore axis mode back to Object MAYA-109932
Bake Pivot command runs slow on large meshes MAYA-109930
Poly Cylinder Cap UV is off-center MAYA-105019
polyMoveUV node saves inputComponents attributes incorrectly with .mb format MAYA-104916
Automatic UV projection with history makes moving UVs slow MAYA-99889
Maya crashes when using 3D Paint Tool or Paint Vertex Color Tool on NURBS MAYA-99775
Crash when trying to read object set data with MItMeshPolygon during redo MAYA-97739
Snap to point doesn't work at curve beginning or end points within same curve MAYA-97025
The Unfold3D algorithm used by several commands and tools does not take an object's scale into consideration MAYA-94784
Locked normals break when extracting polygon MAYA-94010
Quad Draw : Dots are slow to draw on a dense mesh MAYA-92839
Selecting a row of vertices along the border of a mesh selects all vertices MAYA-92470
Undo doesn't work for the new Primitives MAYA-85654
Not all texture files are displayed in Texture Centric UV linking window MAYA-61095
Instance command does not copy transform values when called with a shape node MAYA-110660
curveWarp Scale Curve and Twist Curve widgets are broken MAYA-109203
Warp Image function result is broken MAYA-103274
Unable to UV link if same name object exists in other hierarchy MAYA-16136
Extrusion crash in CollectLines or CollectFacets function MAYA-113446
Sculpting: Regression in performance from 2019 MAYA-110502
Snap To Points not working in Isolation Mode MAYA-98198
Motion Graphics
Error when importing "httplib2" module in MASH plugin MAYA-112887
Referencing file without MASH loaded that uses MASH will add MashFilter in namespace MAYA-88507
Overrides on iRay Render Settings nodes don't apply during Batch Rendering MAYA-107499
XGen Interactive Grooming collision objects > Collider menu is displayed within the Extra Attribute MAYA-112604
Unexpected query return when item has no driven keys MAYA-98714
Remove Unused Deformers removes deformer using ComponentTags MAYA-121557
Crash upon IK solver disconnect MAYA-114034
Cannot bind MFnWeightGeometryFilter to deltaMush node MAYA-113933
Crash when using Wire deformer with custom deformer weights MAYA-113857
Node Editor: Nodes are deleted on save MAYA-113316
Deleting proxy attribute and saving the scene causes crash MAYA-113122
Match transform does not work with HIK effectors/custom transforms MAYA-112997
parentConstraint AE template breaks with multiple constraints driving multiple targets MAYA-112366
Right-Click changes componentFallof painting target MAYA-111587
Variable define error in node_interface.py MAYA-111327
Bezier handles & CVs don't work with Component Tags MAYA-111189
Deleting originalShape will crash Maya on GPU MAYA-110185
OpenCL crash with tangent-space blend shape MAYA-110025
Texture Deformer ignores UVs of nurbsSurface MAYA-109440
Crash using InvertShape on nurbSurface MAYA-109429
GPU Override : Attribute does not update correctly with mouse drag in Attribute Editor/Channel Box MAYA-106613
In-view messages are not showing up if the script editor is minimized MAYA-114057
Crash on File > New if multiple viewports are displayed and Hypershade is opened MAYA-113493
Mac : Big Sur : Maya switches Mission Control space when invoking Hotbox marking menu in fullscreen mode MAYA-113257
Node Editor: New nodes should not be added when saving MAYA-113232
Accidental loss of node network in node editor MAYA-112980
Node Editor: Long name node types are cut off MAYA-112979
Node editor & Hypershade do not display input connections for a dynamic attribute MAYA-112125
lsUI loses window objects after switching the workspace MAYA-111234
UI Scaling: Checkboxes display incorrectly with scaling set to 150% MAYA-110664
Graph Editor is blank after docking MAYA-110496
Channel Box font size has changed MAYA-109292
New "Regraph Connected Nodes" option in the Node Editor MAYA-108776
Fix several Selection/Deselection issues in node editor MAYA-105393
Focus jumps to "Set traversal depth" after creating a node in Node editor MAYA-105392
-columnWidth of scriptTable can't set to less than 42 MAYA-102801
Renaming errors in Outliner with hidden namespaces MAYA-91007
Filter of Node Editor in Hypershade is different in non-English language UI MAYA-90136
workspaceControl windows are visible but not listed by lsUI command MAYA-79572
Display colors do not match source lambert in vp2 render delegate MAYA-121511
[Github # 1991] Changing wireframe color triggers 5 unconsolidated frames MAYA-121316
[GitHub #1808] Outliner not updating with new prim defined in Python MAYA-115171
Silent crash when uploading a USD scene file MAYA-115091
[Github #1834]UsdPreviewSurface export has several correctness problems MAYA-114979
[GitHub #1687] "uniform" opacity primVar causes geometry disappear MAYA-114567
[GitHub #1761] Crash when trying to display a child node of an invisible proxyShape MAYA-114407
[GitHub #1762] Crash when parenting prims under an instanced prim MAYA-114374
[GitHub #1763] Crash when duplicating groups with loaded descendants MAYA-114369
[Github 1543] Unloaded prims should appear in the outliner MAYA-113820
USD : Shadows not casting properly in certain cases MAYA-113212
Export selection with animation does not export animation MAYA-113125
Failed verification: ' !propName.IsEmpty() after parenting/ungrouping MAYA-112917
[Github #1588] USD import errors with USDz errors even on different usd formats MAYA-112854
[GitHub #1587] Picking in the viewport hits USD objects behind the camera MAYA-112806
[Github 1542] Payload status is not respected when duplicating an object in USD MAYA-112773
Make sure objects are selected after ungrouping MAYA-112732
[GitHub #1532] Add missing geometry requirements for custom surface shaders MAYA-112624
[GitHub #1169] Selection Highlighting in viewport 2.0 via UFE api causes a crash MAYA-112601
Make sure objects are selected after parenting MAYA-112126
[GitHub 1418] Grouping a prim twice crashes Maya MAYA-111835
MayaUSD Point Snapping : When moving a pivot (such as rotate pivot) we WOULD like to snap to the selected object MAYA-111686
[GitHub #947] MayaUSD Basis Curves : Importing this curve doesn't work, no NURBS curve shape is created MAYA-111503
USD : Center Pivot tool is not working MAYA-111036
USD Instances disappear when Use Default Material is enabled MAYA-108563
[GitHub 796] USD Exporter doesn't write out non-default material values coming from a referenced file MAYA-107837
Creating lots of tabs in the AE is slow & the attached scene tries to create 32000 tabs MAYA-107218
OGS plug-in path should prefer MAYA_LOCATION over exe path MAYA-110145
Maya does not utilize texture file clamping with GLSL shaders MAYA-108181
GPU Cache with Offset Parent Matrix doesn't live update in Viewport MAYA-103832
[Nvidia 200777676] driver bug: Screen-space ambient occlusion artifacts when using USD instancing & VP2 MAYA-121026
Crash enabling shadows for Xgen scene MAYA-112102
Viewport shadow color does not update dynamically when value changes MAYA-121139
Crash when mesh has userNormals and skinCluster ".deformUserNormals" attribute set to true MAYA-114445
PaintFX strokes disappear in all viewports when using "use default materials" shading option MAYA-114368
X axis manipulator is black instead of red in VP2 (translate, rotate and scale) when Film color profiles applied MAYA-113965
View 'Select Camera' selecting shapeNode instead of cameraNode MAYA-113925
Custom Image Plane nodes with animated transparency inputs do not update while scrubbing MAYA-113743
Mac: Performance cost of calling [NSOpenGLContext update] too often MAYA-113545
Mac: "const" is disabled in shaders, causing performance loss MAYA-113313
Smooth Mesh Preview support for ObjectSet color component override MAYA-113062
Inconsistent joint click detection MAYA-112750
Non-shadow-casting MRenderItems contribute to directional light shadow bounds MAYA-112648
GPU detection on Linux with non-standard displays creates Xorg.100.log file MAYA-112450
Controls and geometry temporarily disappear in Viewport MAYA-112418
MRenderer::render can't render namespaced cameras in batch mode MAYA-112134
GPU Cache geometry doesn't respect Selection Highlighting MAYA-111809
Stereo camera cannot be displayed in VP2.0 MAYA-111375
Python : Using cmds.makeIdentity() with NURBS curves has unexpected results MAYA-111089
Top CER 2022: Maya crashes on startup with Intel GPU MAYA-110700
Missing API doc about MRenderOverride lifetime and memory leak in relevant devkit examples MAYA-103638
Multiple texture samplers not working in GLSL MAYA-89421
Selection precision limitations with huge triangles MAYA-84666
Transparent back faces are incorrectly occluded by transparent front faces MAYA-82136
Component default color override doesn't show in VP2 MAYA-95095
Default locator VP2 support doesn't allow plug-in to provide subscene override MAYA-110108
VP2.0: IBL shader referencing a deleted render target causes a crash MAYA-111879
VP2.0: Image Planes combined with Quad Draw make objects disappear MAYA-111056
VP2.0: MSceneRender always rendering selection highlight even though it is not set in the MSceneFilterOption (kRenderPostSceneUIItems is disabled) MAYA-110627
VP2.0: Isolate select is not updating on hierarchy changes MAYA-107211
VP2.0: Transparency 'Depth Peeling' and 'Weighted Average' fail on DX11 shaders not set 'Double Sided' MAYA-90646
VP2.0: Ramp position differs from render MAYA-88051

Autodesk Mayais the creative 3D softwares used by animators across the world. It is animators favorite software as a 3D software can do multiple activities. Maya can be used to for realistic 3D animation , 3D modelling, realistic 3D environment , character formation and animation, visual effects and many other effects. Such effects and animation is used not only for animated movies but for news channels, television commercials, advertisements, manufacturing etc. Along with these industries video gaming industry is also leveraged by Autodesk Maya. Various modelling tools and its assembly helps to create realistic environment for games or even to create 3D models.
Hence Autodesk Maya is the most important 3D software where breathtaking 3D models, scenes, 3D environment, visual effects(VFX), animation etc. can be created. Tools and various features in Maya helps to work on complex projects easily by enhancing production quality and creativity.
What's new in Maya 2023
In this video we will be taking a look at what Maya 2023 has to offer. This includes updates to the retopology and booleon tools, overall modeling performance improvements, the blue pencil tool and some of the other workflow enhancements.
Autodeskhelps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone-from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists-uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.


