SolidCAM 2021 SP4 HF2 | 5.5 Gb
Languages Supported: 中文, Čeština, Dansk, Nederlands, English, Français, Deutsch, עברית, Magyar,
Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Polski, Português, Русский, Español, Türkçe
Version:2021 SP4 HF2 build 128303
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.solidcam.com
Languages Supported:multilanguage
System Requirements:Windows *
Software Prerequisites:SolidWorks 2012-2022
Size:5.5 Gb
SolidCAM is pleased to announce the availability of new version CAM software - SolidCAM 2021 SP4 HF2. Base release added Powerful New Tool Table - ToolKit (important especially for Mill-Turn & Swiss-Type customers) and also provides additional advanced functionality in all modules - 2.5D Milling, HSR, HSM, Sim. 5x, Mill-Turn and Swiss-Type.
SolidCAM 2021 SP4 HF2 Release Notes - Date: March 30, 2022
SOL-16700 Turning/Cycle-simulation/Last pass been run twice
SOL-17429 Turning/Selection an internal tool should select internal strategy by default
SOL-17453 Turning/SolidVerify/Setup2/broken Tools
SOL-17587 turning grooving / bad result with Rough offset type ZX_ABS
SOL-17596 turning\update material is wrong in turn operation
SOL-17626 Convert groove tool-old and composite problems
SOL-17635 Drill Recognition / During cross hole selection, Hole is divided into two segments
SOL-17654 Tool path preview is not possible on UI
SOL-17700 menu- you get Documantation DPP instead of "Add turning operation"
SOL-17863 Simulation with STL Insert is not correct
SOL-18000 Turning tool is wrong in SolidVerify
SOL-18260 The step on Z axis is not like chosen.
SOL-18515 ntt\tool milling Bore looks incorrect in sc2021 in Tool viewer
SOL-18539 HostCAD simulation / Transformation ( Rotate) / Tool is not in correct orientation for Rotate command
SOL-18585 SWX integration / Pack and Go mode make create cam part not possible
SOL-18660 sv simulation\incorrect update material in sc2021 (message about crash)
SOL-18686 NTT\crash in calculste attached part after convert
SOL-19368 ToolKit/Corrupted Inch-Metric Conversion
SOL-20132 Why Did we change Diameter in SP4?
SOL-20399 Drilling jobs no longer recognize tool for automatic cycle selection
SOL-20403 Calculated operation show error "Operation is not saved"
SOL-20447 HSM/Wrong convert for spin for part from SC2019
SOL-20459 Turning || If the insert is not planar to XZ plane, we get wrong spindle orientation values
SOL-20526 CAM tree || Stock & Target is Lost after synchronization.
SOL-20529 Toolkit/Refresh issue for imported tool
SOL-20535 G-code/Plane angles incorrect with angular head tool
SOL-20537 NTT/ 2021 SP4 Crashes On Tool delete
SOL-20574 NTT - Convert Part from SC2020 to SC2021 - Adaptor Units problem
SOL-20589 iMachining || Mirror issue
SOL-20615 Drag&Drop multiple tools from one Magazine to another moves only one tool
SOL-20635 Turning | Wrong Changebit of feed in @line
SOL-20656 Will not update cam part from SC2020 to 2021sp4 without crashing immediately
SOL-20665 Drill detection doesn't works, impossible to select geometry
SOL-20670 CAMPart/missing conversion message
SOL-20681 iMachining_and_gen_procs_with_false_relative_coordinates_in_@arc
SOL-20683 cam setting\geometry-offset is in mm instead of inch after install
SOL-20695 Maximum Speed is not considered
SOL-20696 Collisions machine simulation
SOL-20703 used memory is doubled with every save & exit of an operation
SOL-20708 HSR/HSM | Operation remains not calculated after Save&Exit
SOL-20711 HSS || Gouge check for model || Mirror Issue 2
SOL-20716 Swarf || Check surface geometry issue
SOL-20721 HSR/HSM | Operation is not calculated with "Calculate minimum tool length"
SOL-20724 HostCAD/Tool is tilted wrongly
SOL-20750 NTT\internal-thread type-view->turret coord system is not in the center
SOL-20764 VMID/I can rearrange items on the list
SOL-20777 SolidCAM freezes while using Job-Templates and Toolkit
SOL-20788 G-code/Wrong rtpos for turn drill operation
SOL-20792 ToolKit table/get twice cutting point.
SOL-20795 millturn\operation drill-milling not calculated and there is crash in edit this job
SOL-20798 NTT/Tooltip is wrong for Cutter name in ToolKit if language of SC is not English
SOL-20802 Simulation/Tool orientation wrong in host cad
SOL-20812 Getting more than 1 cutting point in old part been converted to SC2021
SOL-20820 Mill-Turn/ G-code in Cartesian job is wrong
SOL-20827 NTT/Tool mounting problem in SC2021 SP4 HF1
SOL-20830 Milling/Optimize Operation Loops
SOL-20838 Face Milling | G-Code and MachPreview (G-Code Mode) are not Possible
SOL-20853 Turning | Wrong Changebit of feed in @line
SOL-20863 Incorrect Conversion When Defining Int. Thread Tool SC2021SP4HF1
SOL-20870 ntt\connection during the tool turning definition- insert and after that shank looks incorrect
SOL-20886 Machproc\define new Mach proc -turning\add tool -crash Fixed
SOL-20909 NTT/Tool Adaptors/Issue with adaptor values being converted from Inch to Metric
SOL-21040 Mill/ Getting unused @plane_data in G-code
SOL-21035 Gcode/PTM = no/face4x + change bits
SOL-20947 3D HSR/Tool path calculated with different tool diameter

SolidCAM is a CAM softwarethat integrates directly into SolidWorks and Inventor. Officially approved partners and all that. Their CNC programming toolsets look and feel like the CAD systems as much as possible, making the learning curve shorter. You define, calculate and verify all your machining operations without leaving the CAD environment. They can handle programming 2.5- to 5-axis machining, high-speed surface milling, wire EDM, etc. Their models are fully associative, so your toolpaths update when you make a part change. There are no import/export hassles, and you don't have to learn some CAM system's idea of a CAD application to make them work.
SolidCAM 2021 is BEST version ever. It has a Powerful New Tool Table - ToolKit (important especially for Mill-Turn & Swiss-Type customers). It also provides additional advanced functionality in all modules - 2.5D Milling, HSR, HSM, Sim. 5x, Mill-Turn and Swiss-Type.
What's New in SolidCAM 2021 - NEW SolidCAM Simulator
SolidCAM Incis a world leader in advanced tool path generation technology (CAM) running directly inside SolidWorks. SolidCAM features a full line of CNC machine programming software solutions ranging from 2 axis lathes and 3 axis mills to extremely complex multi-axis MillTurn machines and Wire Edm. All products run directly inside SolidWorks and provide the user with a true "SolidWorks look and feel" for ease of use and maximum efficiency. Along with the integrated interface and scalability for new machines, SolidCAM also has its patented "iMachining" that powers users to new levels of productivity and profits, through unmatched cycle time reduction and unrivaled tool life.


