Altair SimSolid 2022.0.0 | 724.0 mb
Product:Altair SimSolid
Version:2022.0.0.101 with Tutorials
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.altair.com
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:724.0 mb
The software developer Altair is pleased to announce the availability of SimSolid 2022.0.0 is a structural analysis software developed specifically for rapidly evolving design processes, enabling the analysis of fully-featured CAD assemblies in minutes without meshing.
Altair SimSolid 2022.0.0 Release Notes
Highlights of this release include:
- Seam weld fatigue analysis using Volvo method
- Frequency multi-loadcases
- Import forces/moments/displacements on spots
- Local language support
- Save dynamic results to PUNCH file
- CAD part instances
Seam weld fatigue analysis
Seam weld fatigue analysis is now supported for stress-life method. It is supported for both sequential and time-history based solutions. The analysis is based on the Volvo method, which uses linearized stresses through the thickness at the weld toes to calculate the fatigue damage. This method typically requires a bending SN curve and a membrane SN curve; input of both the SN curves for seam weld fatigue is supported. Three stress combination methods including critical plane, normal stress and absolute max. principle are available.
Frequency multi-loadcase
With frequency multi-loadcases, you can run multiple frequency response analyses with a common linked modal analysis. This feature enables automation for both pre and post-processing of frequency response load cases. It allows export of results for all frequency response dynamics into a single file for easier post-processing of the results. Pressure, force and remote load boundary conditions are currently supported.
Save dynamic results to PUNCH file
PUNCH file export is now supported for frequency response analysis. You can now export displacement, velocity and acceleration components and magnitude to a PUNCH file. This is supported for frequency dynamics and frequency multi-loadcases.
Local language support
Chinese and Japanese local languages are now supported. The user interface and help documentation can both be accessed in local languages. To switch to a preferred language, on the menu bar select Settings > Appearance.
Import loads on local spots
Import of forces, moments and displacements from a CSV file is now supported at user-defined spots. This is supported for structural load cases. The spot is defined by its center which can be input using the X, Y, Z columns and a diameter. Spots are automatically mapped to the closest face based on the spatial locations and diameter.
CAD part instances
SimSolid now recognizes part instances from the CAD file and retains their status in the project. All part instances have the same geometry representation, geometry adaptation and response mesh associated with them. This helps significantly reduce the solution time and the project file size. To review part instances, from the Assembly workbench select the Review parts function.
- Spot weld fatigue now supports modified Rupp method; this supports additional terms to include diameter and thickness exponents.
- The loadcase-channel map file now supports structural load cases in addition to multiloadcases.
- Export of loadcase-channel map data to a CSV file is now available.
- The loadcase-channel map file can now include channel scale and offsets.
- The channel scale in the loadcase-channel map file supports negative values.
- Adding a new row in the event/sequence setup automatically lists the next loadcase and channel from the list of available loadcases/channels.
- The SN fatigue material curve now supports both amplitude and range for stress definition.
- Pick load under Pick info is supported for all dynamic analysis including transient, frequency, frequency multi-loadcases and random dynamics. This option allows evaluation and export of results at the load application point and along the load direction.
- New result types are supported in frequency dynamics including absolute acceleration/velocity/displacements and phase output.
- Structural multi-loadcase now supports all constraints besides inertia relief including immovable, slider, hinge and spring supports.
- Multi-loadcase is also supported via batchmode, which includes creating the analysis, importing forces and remote loads via CSV, and running analysis with inertia relief all using jаvascript functions. The results at datum points can be exported to a CSV file.
- Additional post-processing is available on seam welds. You can now query and Description force/moment components and magnitude of a seam weld per unit length.
- Animated GIFS can be exported from the Bookmark Browser.
- Datum points now support a new column to include the number of closest parts to map a point based on the proximity.
- Pick info now supports saving all the information to CSV/PCH file or based on user selection.
- A new alternative parallelization scheme is implemented which improves solution speedup up to 5X for large assemblies with millions of degrees of freedom.
- Part self-intersection check of general parts is improved by up to 30X.
Updated CAD import formats
The list of supported CAD formats has been updated as:

Other enhancements
- Batchmode supports opening an existing SSP file, initializing the solution and running all the analyses via jаvascript functions.
- Imported remote loads for both structural and multi-loadcase analysis now supports mapping the remote loads to user-specified faces.
- Mass moment of inertia of parts and assemblies is output.
- Material database now supports search functionality based on material names.
- Material database now supports new units including MPa and Tonnes/mm3.
- Fastener connections including connections associated with bolts, nuts and washers are now grouped under a new folder.
- Groups under solution settings are now carried over to new design studies for similar parts.
- Apply option is now supported for all virtual connectors.
- Option to hide individual welds is now available.
- STL files now support a new delimiter.
- A warning message is included when non-linear contact solution reaches the maximum number of iterations.
- STL files now support a new delimiter including " " and "\t".
- Issues related to bolt forces with axial load.
- Refresh issues related to highlighted edges with 'edge to surface' connection.
- Issues related to absolute acceleration calculations with base excitation in frequency response analysis.
- Issues related to creation of regular connections.
- Issues importing NX 1953 files.
- Issues related to strain energy results.
- Issues related to adding faces to virtual connectors dialog using box selection.
- Issues related to retaining pick info response when switched between different analyses.
- Issues related to reaction forces on adhesives.
- Issues related to displaying the correct names of virtual connectors in reaction force dialog.
- Issues related to deletion of virtual connectors.
- Issues with retrieving bookmarks and animations.
- Issues related to spot welds and rivets.
- Issues related to response mesh creation.
- Issues related to creating adhesives from solids.
- Issues with resetting min/max of contour.
- Issues creating welds from solids.
- Several crashes related to the product.
- Issues populating self-connections in reactions dialog.
- Issues related to copied spring supports with custom coordinate system.
- Issue with zoom-in option on virtual connectors.
- Issues related to retaining the legend units when switching between non-linear iterations.
- Issues with saving result Descriptions into .txt file with the correct units.
- Issues converting fatigue material properties that are estimated from UTS when the units are changed.
- Issues related to error messages when materials are added from a CSV file.
- Issues with adding materials to the database due to name conflict.
- Issues related to support of non-follower imported loads for non-linear analysis.
- Issues related to von Mises contour Descriptions in random analysis.
- Issues with stress contour for random dynamics.
- Issues related to contact response display for non-linear analysis.
- Issues populating imported remote loads under 'Pick load'.
- Issues with Eigenvector output to UNV file.
- Issues running models with extremely thin parts.
- Issues with numerical instability during the solution.
- Issues with legend for smooth colors.
- Issues with legend not matching the contour for strain components.
- Issues with faulty animation exports.
- Issues creating welds from protruded parts.
- Issues querying reactions for non-follower loads coming from imported forces.

SimSolidis a game-changing simulation technology for designers and design engineers. Its just the perfect tool to kick-start any design process.
This software completely eliminates the need for any geometry simplifications and meshing enabling you to get most out of your structural analysis in the least possible time. With SimSolid, model preparation is done within minutes. Even complex parts and large assemblies can be analysed with ease. SimSolid is tolerant of imprecise geometry and is just the right thing to accelerate your design process.
In addition, this structural analysis solution is fast, really very fast. Highly accurate simulation results are obtained within minutes! Multiple design scenarios can be quickly analyzed and compared. And, accuracy can be specified on an individual part level allowing a rapid drill down to any level of detail that is required.
Introduction to Altair SimSolid
This video discusses some of the key benefits of Altair SimSolid and contains a detailed demo and product workflow. After viewing this video, you should be able to run your first simulation within the tool
Altairtransforms design and decision making by applying simulation, machine learning and optimization throughout product lifecycles. Our broad portfolio of simulation technology and patented units-based software licensing model enable Simulation-Driven Innovation for our customers. With more than 2,000 employees, Altair is headquartered in Troy, Michigan, USA and operates 71 offices throughout 24 countries. Altair serves more than 5,000 customers across broad industry segments.


